Down With The US-Israel Axis – Forward To A UK Workers Government That Will Recognise The State Of Palestine!


ISRAEL celebrated the moving of the US embassy to Jerusalem on Monday, recognising the city as the ‘the capital of Israel’ by massacring 60 Palestinians in Gaza and wounding up to 2,700, as well as carrying out a number of air attacks on the Strip.

There was an air of ecstasy at the opening ceremony with Netanyahu elated that Israel now had the complete support of ‘the strongest country in the world’ and therefore a license to kill as many Palestinians as necessary to complete the colonisation of Palestine by the Zionists.

Meanwhile outside the new embassy, Israeli police and soldiers battled Arabs, Jews and Christians demonstrating against the ceremony and the criminal seizure of the city. At the ceremony there was an air of religious fervour as US congressmen clapped every sentence of Jared Kushner’s (Trump’s son-in-law) speech, with Trump’s daughter Ivanka standing next to him.

In fact Israel, the mad dog of the Middle East, was anointed as the US’s divinely appointed partner in the region, with a writ to do anything it likes to liquidate the ‘Palestinian problem’ and tackle the ‘Iranian menace’. The anointing of Israel as the chosen ally of the US in the region was followed up by the Trump administration, yesterday morning, blocking a UN Security Council statement, circulated by Kuwait, calling for an investigation into the massacres on the Israel-Gaza border.

The statement was to include an expression of rage and sorrow on behalf of the Security Council over the deaths of more than 50 Palestinians, who were shot dead by the IDF during protests near the border fence. However, the US blocked it from being adopted and published. The Kuwaiti statement also included a call for the creation of an ‘independent and transparent investigation’ into Israel’s actions on the border.

Earlier on Monday, at the Israeli Embassy’s event marking Israel’s 70th anniversary, Israeli Ambassador to the US, Ron Dermer, said that President Donald Trump’s decision last week to quit the Iran nuclear deal puts an end to a policy of ‘appeasing’ the regime in Tehran. He also said that the Trump administration will make the US-Israel relationship ‘greater than ever’.

Israel and the US will now try to dictate their terms to the Palestinians for their surrender to Israel. This will be decisively rejected by the Palestinians. They will also seek entry for Saudi Arabia’s ‘Arab army,’ on which it has spent billions, into the Lebanon to deal with Hezbollah. War with Iran, before it can acquire defensive nuclear weaponry, is now on the top of the US-Israeli agenda.

Such a war will devastate the Middle East and push oil prices sky-high, making the three-day week misadventure for British imperialism – after the Yom Kippur war in 1974 – seem like a walk in the park with the destruction of millions of jobs. The Palestinian, Lebanese, Syrian and Iranian peoples will not surrender – they will fight. The British working class and the working class of the world will not be able to stand back and watch the US-Israel axis at this bloody work.

The British trade unions must take the lead and respond to the Zionist massacres in Palestine with a general strike to bring down the May government. It recently held a joint celebration with the Israeli government on the 100th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration through which Palestine was handed over to the Zionists in 1948 and millions of Palestinians were turned into refugees. The UK trade unions must bring down the Tories and bring in a workers government that will recognise the state of Palestine and ally itself with Iran, Syria and the Lebanon to smash imperialism in the Middle East.

A British workers government would end all arms supplies to Saudi Arabia and Bahrain, and withdraw all UK military forces from the Middle East. It would also give 100% support to a Palestinian state, that would be anti-racist and see Arabs, Jews, Muslims and Christians living side by side in peace and security. This is the only way to bring peace and security to the Middle East!