Capitalist State Is Preparing For Seven-Day Blackouts In UK!


THE UK CAPITALIST STATE is currently engaged in a war on two fronts.

The first is to aid the right wing Ukrainian regime with hundreds of millions of pounds of military aid to fight and weaken the arch enemy of the UK ruling class, Russia.

The second front in the government’s war is to make the UK working class, its major enemy at home, pay the price for this intervention into the Ukraine by dumping on its back the costs of the war, including the massive food, gas and oil price explosion that has enriched the major oil companies beyond their wildest dreams, with the working class paying the bill as heating and food costs rocket, well beyond the reach of workers’ pay packets,

Workers and their families will be going hungry and are dreading the power cuts that are coming this winter, that will see large numbers of workers freezing, along with their children in their homes.

The ruling class is in fact pleased with this situation and its spokespeople say that workers should be proud to see their children shiver and go short of food, in order to keep the Ukrainian fascists fully armed and equipped to fight Russia.

Indeed ruling class spokesmen and women are saying that workers and children going hungry is a price worth paying since that assists the Ukrainian fascists to carry on their war in Eastern Ukraine, and to try to create the conditions for the revival of the declining powers of US and UK imperialism.

In fact, while the UK ruling class is aiding the Ukrainian right wing with weapons of all kinds, there are plans afoot to force the UK workers to accept going cold and hungry in the coming winter, so that the Ukrainian fascists can continue with their war, with its main aim to ‘liberate’ the ‘Crimea from Russia’ and even achieve a pro-capitalist regime change in Russia itself.

Yesterday, the Guardian newspaper revealed government plans to make the working class and its families pay for the food and heating crisis that the war has caused.

We are told by the Guardian that ‘The government has “war gamed” emergency plans to cope with energy blackouts lasting up to seven days in the event of a national power outage and growing fears over security of supply this winter.’

The Guardian quotes documents marked ‘official sensitive’ which warn that in a ‘reasonable worst case scenario’ all sectors, including transport, food and water supply, communications and energy, could be ‘severely disrupted’ for a week.

The role of troops and police and the operation of martial law during this type of emergency is not dealt with by the Guardian.

But obviously during week-long emergencies, or longer, the army and police will be needed to be on hand in case of ‘panic’ or even more revolutionary events.

The Guardian has it that ‘ministers will prioritise getting food, water and shelter to the young and the elderly, as well as those with caring responsibilities, if blackouts occur, with the Met office warning that Britain faces a higher risk of a cold winter.’

The Guardian continues: ‘The type of technical fault envisaged includes flood damage and or a lightning strike on a sub station, but could also cover an attack on sub-sea power stations’ – by Russia no doubt!

What the Guardian is talking about is a state of emergency that will require state intervention by the army, the police and special forces to maintain bourgeois law and order. The UK ruling class is preparing for a ‘civil war’ in the winter when the state will decide who is to eat and who is not.

The News Line considers that workers will not stand by and watch whole neighbourhoods going hungry in the dark and the winter cold.

In fact the time to act is now!

The TUC must act to end the war against Russia in the Ukraine which is being used to starve and freeze the British people. It must call a general strike to bring down the Tories and bring in a workers government and socialism.

A workers government will nationalise the banks and the major industries, including the oil companies. It will take all the necessary measures to see the working class of the UK through the coming winter without thousands of deaths from hunger and cold.

It will withdraw all British troops from the Black Sea region so that workers in both the Ukraine and Russia can do what is necessary and that is to restore the Soviet Union and to put an end to the rule of the Stalinist bureaucracy by restoring the power of the Soviets and rule through Workers Soviets.