Cameron wants to create an army of the homeless


TORY LEADER Cameron yesterday unveiled the spectre of workers sleeping on the streets with his new diktat that council housing should no longer be for life.

The Tory millionaire who has never experienced insecurity, hardship, poverty or homelessness, spoke out for an establishment who live in mansions or stately homes with very many rooms, who are determined to put an end to the era of the Welfare State, and to get their boot back onto the necks of the working class and the poor.

No doubt the Buck House royalty, the biggest social security scroungers in the country, plus the bankers and the capitalists will be cheering Cameron, and egging him on, as he seeks to put fear into the hearts of workers who view their council housing and their secure tenancies as the foundation of their existence, along with the NHS, which is also to get the Cameron demolition treatment.

The Tory leader has declared that tenants should sign up for five year leases, and that after that they can be forcibly thrown to the wolves.

He explained that once children have left home the state must be able to evict tenants from their three bedroom homes so that a family who have been living on inflatable mattresses down the road can move in.

This is the anti-human Tory outlook at work.

Cameron wants the working class to be levelled downwards not upwards. There is to be no progress.

The building of council houses almost resolved the historic housing problem of British capitalism, until Thatcher legislated to sell them off.

We now have people sleeping on the streets, thanks to Thatcher. Workers will soon be sleeping on commons in tents if Cameron has his way.

We notice that he does not suggest that the Queen shifts into twenty or so rooms of Buckingham Palace allowing hundreds of rooms to be freed up for those who are sleeping on mattresses.

Another of Cameron’s examples was that a total of 234,000 households in the social tenant sector are overcrowded. However there are also 456,000 such properties that are under-occupied – defined as people having more than one spare room.

Shouldn’t those scarce resources go to alleviate those parents whose children are still growing up and are in serious overcrowding he asks.

Again it is the working class that is to be levelled downwards, while the ruling class and the upper middle class lecture it on the ‘immorality’ of having an ‘extra’ room, in between lounging about in counting houses and mansions where there are ten times more rooms than the occupants and servants.

Cameron stated yesterday that ‘security of tenure for council tenants could be entirely scrapped’, they should be given a five year lease-notice to quit.

These proposals are on top of the Tory plans to end housing benefit. Cameron is consciously working to reduce entire sections of the working class to the status of vagabonds.

We have our own programme to resolve the housing problem.

This is to expropriate the palaces and estates of royalty along with the mansions of the super-rich, and rehouse some of the homeless in them, while providing the original inhabitants with a council house for life.

Further we urge the nationalisation of the banks, the building industry, and the building land to build millions of council homes for the working and middle classes, with permanent tenure.

Such a programme will provide hundreds of thousands of jobs and skilled training for tens of thousands of youth at trade union rates of pay.

In order to do this, the bosses and the bankers must be expropriated and capitalism removed by a socialist revolution. In fact, there is no doubt that Cameron’s programme to demolish council housing and housing benefit will drive Britain forcibly down the road of a socialist revolution.