Cameron Favours New Anti-Union Laws


LAST Saturday, the Tory leader, Cameron, told the Daily Telegraph that if he should win the General Election he is ready to toughen the anti-union laws, to illegalise strike actions in the public sector against the government’s policy to freeze wages for a year.

He added for good measure that, ‘The trade union measures that were passed in the 1980s have withstood the test of time,’ and that, ‘If ever they needed to be stengthened I would be very happy to strengthen them.’

Trade unions were built by workers to engage in the fight for more wages, so that workers and their families could enjoy a decent standard of living instead of the poverty and degradation that preceded the founding of trade unions.

The only response to illegalising trade unions in the public or any other sector from fighting for wage rises – especially after workers have supplied £1.2 trillion of gifts, loans and guarantees to save the bankers from the economic crisis that they have created – is a general strike.

That Cameron is willing to ignite such a struggle once again shows the depth of the crisis of capitalism and spells out that unless capitalism is confined to the dustbin of history, the working class and the middle class are going to pay a desperate price for its continued existence.

In fact, Cameron is advocating class war and a society made for the cutthroat ruthless entrepreneur.

On Sunday, speaking on the Andrew Marr show on the BBC, Cameron said it was wrong to believe public spending would pull the country out of recession. After all he is to make savage cuts!

What passes for economic development is going to take place led by ruthless employers, with the powers of the state at their disposal.

Cameron declared: ‘We are going to get out of this recession by making this one of the fastest places in the world to start up a new business.’

He advocated the backstreet capitalism of Charles Dickens. Cameron is to lift the insolvency threshold from £750 to £2,000 to protect small businesses, and prevent them from going bust, adding that ‘a huge number’ of businesses were started in people’s homes but many social landlords prevented tenants from running firms in their property.

Cameron pledged: ‘We are going to change that.’

His way out of the crisis is through new anti-union laws and wage-freezing, along with savage spending cuts, and the opening up of backroom businesses and factories, unregulated, unhygienic disaster zones and fire scenes.

Under Cameron it is to be back to the Combination Acts as far as the trade unions are concerned, combined with Dickensian backstreet capitalism, and savage cuts in the public services.

On the Marr programme, Cameron accepted that the spending cuts the Tories had already committed to were ‘not enough’ to balance the books.

He said economists agreed with the Tories that ‘Cutting the deficit and having a plan that starts now is not an alternative to a growing economy, it’s part of getting the economy to grow.’

Cameron added that his party would ‘go further’ than Labour in cutting the UK’s £178bn budget deficit, if they win power. He pledged more than £100bn of cuts in four years.

The completely split and divided Labour Party leadership has now admitted that there will have to be huge cuts in public expenditure by the next government.

For the working class, the issues are becoming much clearer as they come into point-blank range.

Prime Minister Brown has used £1.2 trillion to rescue the banks from their crisis.

Now, with Britain up to its neck in debt, the ruling class is determined that the working class will pay the full cost of the rescue attempt.

Cameron is planning to illegalise strikes for more wages, as well as slashing £100bn from the Welfare State.

Labour, the party that has betrayed the working class, is too fearful to spell out what it will do.

The working class must take action to defend itself. It must bring down the Brown government to go forward to a workers’ government that will put an end to capitalism and bring in socialism.