A First For The Labour Party – A Leader Who Was A Key Official For The Bosses As Director Of Public Prosecutions!


SIR KEIR Starmer, the ex-Director of Public Prosecutions, and currently the leader of the Labour Party, has just engaged in a second key mission for the major imperialist powers the UK and the USA.

With the Tory party under massive attack from workers whose standard of living has been shredded by NATO’s intervention into Ukraine, he has been packed off to Ukraine, to assure the Ukrainian fascists that if he becomes PM, nothing will change or halt the supply of arms and ammunition to Ukraine from the UK.

In fact, Starmer may well increase the arms supply to further step up the imperialist war drive to retain control of a portion of the planet, by keeping Russia busy in Ukraine.

Starmer has now flown to Ukraine to reaffirm Labour’s ‘unwavering support’ for the Ukrainian right wing’s war with Russia.

The Labour leader met President Volodymyr Zelensky in Kiev, ahead of next week’s 24 February anniversary of the Russian invasion, and of course, the 105th anniversary of Russia’s 1917 February Revolution that overthrew the Tsars.

Starmer is the kind of imperialist politician that the US-UK alliance treasures. He is the ex-Director of Public Prosecutions, and therefore a key member of the British capitalist state.

He also supports keeping whistleblower Julian Assange in prison thus preventing him from leaving the country.

It says something about the degeneration of the Labour Party that he has emerged as the Director of Public Prosecutions who effortlessly graduated to become the leader of the Labour Party!

He was appointed as Queen’s Counsel (QC) in 2002. In 2008, he became Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) and Head of the Crown Prosecution Service, holding these roles until 2013.

On conclusion of his five-year term as DPP, he was appointed Knight Commander of the Order of the Bath (KCB) in the 2014 New Year Honours.

As is natural for such a personage, he abhors picket lines, hates strikes and has never been happy in the company of strikers. He is no doubt supporting the latest anti-union laws that will send a lot of workers to prison if these laws are adopted.

He has had a brilliant bourgeois career to prove the point that he is a bona fide servant of the ruling class. No wonder he cannot abide picket lines or trade unionists and supports more anti-union laws.

No wonder that he is attracted to the defence of Ukraine where the right wing organised a coup to overthrow the Yanukovych government and then proceeded to launch a fascist terror to burn out the Hall of the Trade Unions in Odessa killing over 40 workers, and then continued to kill thousands in the Donetsk and Lugansk areas, while seeking to drive Russia out of the Crimea.

This attempt failed when the residents of the Crimea voted to join Russia. Now, the big push is on to undermine Russia by forcing Russian troops out of the east of the country and to push its anti-fascist population into Russia.

The problem for Starmer is that he is not supported by the mass of workers, who are currently engaged in a strike wave to smash the inflationary drive that the Ukrainian war has generated, and continues to explode as the Western powers send more and more weapons and explosives.

Starmer’s position is that the workers in the UK should gladly allow their standard of living to disintegrate to aid the Ukrainian fascists.

There is more chance of the trade unions not allowing him back into the country than workers agreeing to sacrifice their families and their living standards to assist the Ukrainian fascists.

There is also little doubt that Starmer is going to come into a massive conflict with the workers of the UK if and when he gives his support to the proposed new laws to outlaw trade union practices in the UK.

Starmer said in Ukraine: ‘Should there be an election next year and a change of government, the position on Ukraine will remain the same.’

Workers reject this policy of making the working class pay for the attempt to remove Putin, and committing Labour to it.

Workers will decide enough is enough and force through a general strike to bring down the Tories, or even a Tory-Starmer coalition, and to bring in a workers’ government and a nationalised and planned socialist economy

This is the way forward to the British socialist revolution and the completion of the world socialist revolution that will follow! We urge workers to join the WRP today!