New Labour Is Proposing 24-Hour Courts And Fast-Track Sentencing Of Workers And Youth!


COURTS ARE now to sit for 24 hours in order to impose fast-track sentencing under New Labour Emergency Government plans to crack down on ‘right wing rioters’ who want to see the Labour government out, but do not have a massive Tory opposition to turn to, since it imploded itself in the last general election and is now in smithereens.

This New Labour right wing want to see the army and the police ruling. If they cannot have the Tories they would prefer to have the General Staff sitting in 10 Downing Street and issuing its orders from there.

Meanwhile, officials at the Labour-run Ministry of Justice are, according to The Sunday Telegraph, in discussions with the judiciary, as well as the Police Chiefs and the Crown Prosecution Service, about magistrates courts staying open all night, with a surge expected in the number of people in custody for riot-related offences, as the process of mass arrests is set to escalate.

This will involve triggering the state’s: ‘Additional Courts Protocol,’ subject to the agreement and direction of the judiciary, who will be in charge.

The police and the capitalist state are to be seen openly running the country and dictating the steps that will have to be taken to ‘restore order’.

Any requests for additional court slots or sessions, including extended hours, overnight or weekend courts, will now be made and granted with the agreement of the relevant Chief Officer of Police and the Chief Crown Prosecutor.

The protocol was put in place after the 2011 London riots, with courts sitting for 24 hours to process those in custody.

Chris Philp, a Tory MP and a former police minister, commented yesterday that: ‘What worked in the London riots in 2011 was overwhelming numbers of police officers in the right place and immediate justice with the Magistrates Courts sitting overnight. Justice was dispensed straight away – then it becomes clear that justice is being done.’

The UK trade unions must now fight this proposal to establish an out-and-out police state and call a Special Congress of the TUC trade unions to organise the fight to stop the imposition of a Tory-type police state onto the working class with a general strike.

A Special Congress of the TUC must not only discuss and defeat this turn by the Labour government to impose an out-and-out police state, it must call a general strike to bring them down and bring in a workers government and a nationalised and planned socialist economy.

The reality of the current crisis is that we are experiencing the death agony of the capitalist system when the only kind of rule that is possible under capitalism is a police state dictatorship.

It is the capitalist system, hopelessly out-of-date, that must go and be replaced by a nationalised and planned socialist economy, organised by the working class to produce to satisfy the needs of the people, not to make super profits for the rich.

Make no mistake about it. Capitalism is bankrupt and is in its death agony. Now is the time to build up the WRP and the Young Socialists to organise the British socialist revolution.

The WRP must be built up to be the mass revolutionary party in the period immediately ahead, when hundreds of thousands of youth will be turning their attention to carrying out the British socialist revolution and getting rid of capitalism in order to go forward to world socialism.

Capitalism has had its day and must be consigned to the dustbin of history by the victory of the British and world socialist revolutions. There is not a moment to lose!