Workers, the poor and pensioners are being starved to pay for the Tory crisis. The trade unions must strike to bring down the Tories!


A LANDMARK research study by the Trussel Trust has revealed the excruciating extent of food poverty across Britain as the working class, the middle class and the poor grapple with a Tory produced soaring inflation rate, and the highest cost-of-living in a generation.

More than eleven million people throughout the UK faced hunger in the last year due to the massive price inflation that is taking place and putting many basic foods beyond the reach of the average family.

According to the Trussel Trust charity, these latest findings are just the tip of the iceberg, and the shortage of money is not limited to just hunger pangs among impoverished Britons.

The Trust said that the impact of poverty is leading to a growing and worrying social isolation and loneliness, spiralling family debts, and a major decline in physical and mental health.

The Trussell Trust, through its food banks network, has distributed 3 million emergency food parcels in the past 12 months, as the levels of need surpassed and were much greater than that experienced during the peak of the coronavirus pandemic.

More and more people have found themselves incapable of covering the cost of the most essential requirements including heating and food.

Statistics show that one in five households in the United Kingdom was forced to skip meals, or not eat, for a whole day in January, says the Food Foundation.

According to an earlier UK research study, coping with hunger has become the new normal for millions of British workers, youth and pensioners – all faced with an unprecedented rise in food prices, due to the inflationary effect on wheat and bread prices caused by the war in the Ukraine, which the UK is financing and providing billions of pounds of armaments to keep the Ukrainian side fighting.

The UK government has admitted that households are currently experiencing the biggest two-year squeeze in living standards since the 1950s.

In the meantime, the crisis in the UK Tory Party is intensifying as it brings in new anti union laws to make most strike actions illegal and stresses that the Bank of England is going to continue raising interest rates in the months ahead that will further boost the cost of living.

A UK parliamentary committee has already heard from the CEOs of some of the country’s major supermarkets which have been accused of grotesque profiteering in the middle of a cost of living crisis.

The brunt of the Tory economic crisis is being born by the working class and the poor who are struggling to stay alive in the harsh economic conditions of the UK economic crisis, forcing many workers to turn to and rely on food banks.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s economic pledge to halve overall inflation in 2023 before a 2024 election has been completely undermined by high food prices, which have in turn busted household budgets already squeezed by higher taxes and mortgage rates.

According to the most recent official data, food and drink inflation was running at 18.3 per cent in May, and 14.6 per cent in June.

Soaring food prices have contributed to the biggest squeeze on living standards across Britain since records began in the 1950s.

It is in this situation of a deepening economic catastrophe, engineered by the Tories, who are now insisting that people will just have to get used to zero living standards, until inflation has been driven out of the system.

The poor are being told that they will simply have to go hungry to rescue bankrupt British capitalism and that there is no alternative – they do not have a choice.

The millions of workers in the trade unions must take action to halt the Tory ‘starve the poor’ policy.

The TUC must be made to call a general strike to bring down the Tories and to bring in a workers government that will nationalise the banks and the major industries and bring in socialism to end the Tory starvation offensive.

The bankrupt capitalist system must be expropriated and replaced by a planned and nationalised socialist economy that will provide jobs and a decent life for all. Forward to the British socialist revolution!