UK troops are on the Polish border – while US and UK forces are in the Black Sea


BRITISH TROOPS are now on the Belarus-Polish border answering a request by the Polish government to give it military support against thousands of Middle Eastern refugees who have travelled to the Belarusian-Polish border with a view to reaching Germany.

As well, for some time, British ships have been taking part in provocative manoeuvres alongside the US navy in the Black Sea under the guns of the Russian military.

Russia’s President Vladimir Putin has condemned these provocative actions. Putin said last week that: ‘The United States and its allies in NATO are carrying out unplanned exercises in the Black Sea. Not only is a rather powerful naval group involved in these exercises, but also aviation, including strategic aviation. This is a serious challenge for us,’ he concluded.

Russia’s ministry of defence said it detected six flights by NATO spy planes in airspace over the Black Sea. The warnings came after Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov visited Paris for talks with their French counterparts Florence Parly and Jean-Yves Le Drian in order to de-escalate the situation.

Lavrov said they had discussed an increased presence of NATO naval forces in the Black Sea and the military alliance’s aggressive stance towards his country recently. The statement came after inflammatory suggestions by the US and the Europeans that Moscow is considering an attack on the Ukraine. US top diplomat Antony Blinken on Wednesday warned Russia against making what he called another ‘serious mistake’ on Ukraine.

Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said after visiting Washington that his country had asked the US for urgent security support, including intelligence sharing, or air defence systems, ‘or anything’.

The US held a meeting with 30 ambassadors at the level of the NATO transatlantic alliance in Brussels on Wednesday to address concerns over Russia’s military deployments and perceived threats to Ukraine.

US diplomats have already said that Russia is seriously considering an assault on the Ukraine. ‘We have repeatedly said that the movement of our armed forces on our territory should not be of concern to anyone,’ Lavrov added. He said it was up to Moscow where it deployed within its borders. ‘Such headlines do nothing more than pointlessly and groundlessly fuel tensions.’

Republican Don Bacon, member of the House Armed Services Committee, said that the US should ‘help Ukraine have the weapons and training they need to deter Russia. Our stance should have zero ambiguity.’

The Russian Defence Ministry says the United States is setting up a multinational group of armed forces close to Russia’s eastern border in the Black Sea region.

The US ruling class is now warning that an assault by Russia on the Ukraine is possible. These are not the ravings of idiots. The US ruling class is still smarting from the humiliation of a defeat at the hands of the Taleban, and is no doubt considering how it and its British ally can make comebacks in the Black Sea and the Ukraine.

The reality is that the developing crisis of worldwide capitalism is driving the imperialist powers to war. The UK ruling class is at one with the US that Russia is the main enemy and that as a slump envelops the capitalist economy it will have to be dealt with.

The last thing the US-UK wants is a Europe dependent on Russian gas and oil. It would sooner risk a war with Russia than see Europe dependent on Russia’s gas and oil supply.

What the working class must do in this situation is crystal clear. Their enemy is not on the border with Poland, or organising the defence of the Black Sea. Their enemy is the UK ruling class and it is definitely at home, where it is plotting to return the UK working class to the Hungry 1930s.

The working class in the UK is enormously powerful. It must learn the lesson from 2001. Then the British government led by Tony Blair said that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and would use them to attack the UK. This was a pack of lies and Blair organised a war to smash Iraq and rescue the UK and USA from their desperate crisis of that time. Today the US is mulling over whether to attack Russia through the Ukraine with the UK as its main ally.

Workers must say that any attempt to foment war in the Ukraine will be met by a general strike to bring down the Tories and bring in a workers’ government and a planned socialist economy.

Build the WRP and the 4th International. This is the only way forward for workers in the UK, the USA and Europe. Smash capitalism and imperialism – forward to the Socialist United States of Europe and a Socialist USA!

ends BRITISH TROOPS are now on the Belarus-Polish border answering a request by the Polish government to give it military support against thousands of Middle Eastern refugees who have travelled to the Belarusian-Polish border with a view to reaching Germany.

As well, for some time, British ships have been taking part in provocative manoeuvres alongside the US navy in the Black Sea under the guns of the Russian military.

Russia’s President Vladimir Putin has condemned these provocative actions. Putin said last week that: ‘The United States and its allies in NATO are carrying out unplanned exercises in the Black Sea. Not only is a rather powerful naval group involved in these exercises, but also aviation, including strategic aviation. This is a serious challenge for us,’ he concluded.

Russia’s ministry of defence said it detected six flights by NATO spy planes in airspace over the Black Sea. The warnings came after Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov visited Paris for talks with their French counterparts Florence Parly and Jean-Yves Le Drian in order to de-escalate the situation.

Lavrov said they had discussed an increased presence of NATO naval forces in the Black Sea and the military alliance’s aggressive stance towards his country recently. The statement came after inflammatory suggestions by the US and the Europeans that Moscow is considering an attack on the Ukraine. US top diplomat Antony Blinken on Wednesday warned Russia against making what he called another ‘serious mistake’ on Ukraine.

Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said after visiting Washington that his country had asked the US for urgent security support, including intelligence sharing, or air defence systems, ‘or anything’.

The US held a meeting with 30 ambassadors at the level of the NATO transatlantic alliance in Brussels on Wednesday to address concerns over Russia’s military deployments and perceived threats to Ukraine.

US diplomats have already said that Russia is seriously considering an assault on the Ukraine. ‘We have repeatedly said that the movement of our armed forces on our territory should not be of concern to anyone,’ Lavrov added. He said it was up to Moscow where it deployed within its borders. ‘Such headlines do nothing more than pointlessly and groundlessly fuel tensions.’

Republican Don Bacon, member of the House Armed Services Committee, said that the US should ‘help Ukraine have the weapons and training they need to deter Russia. Our stance should have zero ambiguity.’

The Russian Defence Ministry says the United States is setting up a multinational group of armed forces close to Russia’s eastern border in the Black Sea region.

The US ruling class is now warning that an assault by Russia on the Ukraine is possible. These are not the ravings of idiots. The US ruling class is still smarting from the humiliation of a defeat at the hands of the Taleban, and is no doubt considering how it and its British ally can make comebacks in the Black Sea and the Ukraine.

The reality is that the developing crisis of worldwide capitalism is driving the imperialist powers to war. The UK ruling class is at one with the US that Russia is the main enemy and that as a slump envelops the capitalist economy it will have to be dealt with.

The last thing the US-UK wants is a Europe dependent on Russian gas and oil. It would sooner risk a war with Russia than see Europe dependent on Russia’s gas and oil supply.

What the working class must do in this situation is crystal clear. Their enemy is not on the border with Poland, or organising the defence of the Black Sea. Their enemy is the UK ruling class and it is definitely at home, where it is plotting to return the UK working class to the Hungry 1930s.

The working class in the UK is enormously powerful. It must learn the lesson from 2001. Then the British government led by Tony Blair said that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and would use them to attack the UK. This was a pack of lies and Blair organised a war to smash Iraq and rescue the UK and USA from their desperate crisis of that time. Today the US is mulling over whether to attack Russia through the Ukraine with the UK as its main ally.

Workers must say that any attempt to foment war in the Ukraine will be met by a general strike to bring down the Tories and bring in a workers’ government and a planned socialist economy.

Build the WRP and the 4th International. This is the only way forward for workers in the UK, the USA and Europe. Smash capitalism and imperialism – forward to the Socialist United States of Europe and a Socialist USA!