Ex-soldiers disgusted by Syria war

Ex-soldiers returning their war medals outside Downing Street yesterday
Ex-soldiers returning their war medals outside Downing Street yesterday

OUTSIDE Downing Street yesterday, special forces veteran Ben Griffin read out a message on behalf of disabled veteran Dave Smith.

Griffin said: ‘Dave Smith can not be here today he has asked me to read this message for him: “As a past member of the British Armed Forces, like the others who are stood here today, I would like to express my utter disgust at the government’s decision to bomb yet another Middle Eastern country, namely Syria.

‘I have come to realise that the only beneficiaries of war and armed conflict are weapons manufacturers, large corporations and the powerful banking elite. I therefore return my medals as a mark of protest along with those of my father who was like minded. My prayers are for all those who will suffer as a result of this action.

‘War solves nothing, and I reject the notion completely. My dad who served in Palestine, Malaya and Cyprus, felt guilt every time he saw anything on the news about the conflict in Palestine and would turn off the TV. He never got over his experience of war and I am returning his medals today.” ’

Griffin told News Line afterwards: ‘Some of our members wish to show their continual disgust against the attacks on the Middle East. It is ridiculous that they voted for this war on Syria. We fought in Iraq and Libya and it is getting worse. We are pretty disgusted with the MPs.’