Bosses threaten share crash if Tories are removed from office!


AS the hysterical Tory media begin to run out of scare stories about Labour Party leader Miliband, the essence of the situation is asserting itself.

This is that the Tory Party, which has not won a general election since 1992, has made itself unelectable with its pledges to launch another £50bn of cuts to double or treble the already acute misery being felt by the mass of the working class and middle class.

The message to vote Tory and see your life completely smashed for the benefit of the bankers has got a very limited appeal.

The Tory leadership and the boss class – despite Miliband’s pledges to carry on cutting but more fairly – dreads a Labour victory. This is why they are boosting the Scots Nats, to reduce the Labour representation from Scotland.

The Scots Nats have played this kind of role before.

It was the 11 Scots Nats MPs in 1979 that put Thatcher into office by making sure that a vote of no confidence in the Callaghan government was carried.

Bringing down the Callaghan government opened up the way for the attacks on the miners, the printers and the poll tax – so the Scottish Nationalists have form on the issue of assisting the Tories.

The Tories dread a Labour victory because however timid the Miliband programme is, the working class is not timid, and will seize the moment to make a big push forward to get back everything that has been stolen from it!

This after all was the experience in 1974, when, after getting a bloody nose from the miners Heath was forced out of 10 Downing Street and a minority Labour government took over, which became a majority government within a year – meanwhile the working class pushed forward to force the repeal of all of Heath’s anti-trade union laws including disbanding his industrial courts.

The bosses, the bankers and the Tories know that the stakes are much bigger this time round – with the whole world gripped by a massive capitalist crisis!

So they do not want a majority Labour government and neither do they want a minority Labour regime leading a coalition.

This is, we repeat, because of their huge fear of the working class and the massive amount of class hatred that their policies have built up!

Currently the bourgeois press, such as the Observer, has it that ‘City investors are bracing themselves for a tumultuous week in the financial markets as they ponder the risk of a ‘‘dead heat’’ election, followed by weeks of political horse-trading. . .

“The worst outcome would be a dead heat,’’ said Dhaval Joshi, of investment analysts BCA. “Are you going to have a minority government that has to take each bill as it comes? I’m not really sure foreign investors have understood the scale of the log jam that could occur.’

‘Peter Dixon, UK economist at Commerzbank, agreed that overseas investors might be tempted to withdraw their cash from UK stock markets if coalition negotiations become protracted.’

In other words, the bosses and the bankers are preparing to go on strike if the election results in a Labour government or a Labour-led government.

The object of the exercise will be to force the establishment of a Tory-Labour national government with a mission to ‘save the nation’ from the trade unions at ‘this moment of extreme crisis’.

The job of such a government in a situation where the bourgeoisie is wrecking the economy will be to push through the Tory cuts programme in full!

This is what Ramsay Mac did in 1931, and this is what they hope that Miliband and Balls can be made to do in 2015.

The working class must therefore be at the ready.

In the event of a Labour or Labour-led government being met with a shares crash, the trade unions must call an indefinite general strike to impose a workers government to resolve the crisis in the interests of the working class.

This will nationalise the banks and the major industries, and put them under workers management to lay the basis for a planned socialist economy that will produce to satisfy people’s needs. We urge all workers and youth to join the WRP to build the revolutionary leadership that the working class requires.