The Death Agony Of The Blair Government


THE Blair government is now under attack from all sides, after its Prime Minister turned yellow and refused to attend the House of Commons debate on Iraq, to defend his policy that has resulted in 650,000 dead Iraqis, and a colossal expenditure of over $400 billion, with nothing to show for it except oceans of spilt blood.

The police have already arrested one of his aides, Ruth Turner, in a 6am raid over the cash for honours scandal, and questioned her under caution. Meanwhile police detectives are now alleging that there is a second secret computer set up at 10 Downing Street, a hidden system, which stores the details of secret donors, and destroys e-mails after they are received, in order to leave no evidence that could result in a prosecution of the master of 10 Downing Street, the Prime Minister.

The Prime Minister has denied this. But nobody believes a word he says after the way he lied his way to war with Iraq.

With 75 per cent of the cabinet urging Blair to go at once, an issue has emerged that has not only split the cabinet, but will allow the most reactionary religious forces in the country, the most right wing sections of the Catholic Church, the Islamic Mullahs and the Jewish rabbis, to mobilise against the government.

The issue is the right of all couples, including same sex couples, to adopt children, a right that the Vatican and its supporters wants exemption from, as far as its co-religionists and its children’s care homes are concerned.

The cabinet has already got at least one member of the Opus Dei, the Catholic secret society in its ranks, Ruth Kelly, and she is poised to put Church above party and resign from the government.

Blair is allegedly a secret Catholic, while his wife Cherie is a practicing Catholic.

If Blair gives his Church an exemption from the law, his cabinet and government will collapse from within.

If he does not appease the Catholic Church with an exemption, the mafia of cardinals intend to do their best to bring his government down.

He has said that he will make his decision next week.

There is no room for manoeuvre, and already the Cardinals are threatening to instruct the faithful to never vote Labour again.

This crisis could well force Blair to resign, and allow Brown to occupy the hot seat.

Meanwhile, the government stumbles deeper and deeper into the marsh.

Having created an enormous fear of crime, and locked up tens of thousands of petty criminals, it does not have enough prisons and cells to lock up those that the public does consider to be dangerous. The Home Secretary is hanging by his own petard.

Now the Home Office is desperately seeking to dig itself out of the hole that it has created by bringing in allegedly ‘more popular measures’ such as ID cards for non-EU foreigners.

This is just straightforward racism. It has allowed up to 500,000 eastern European workers into Britain to serve as cheap labourers, with many more on the way, but people from Africa and Asia are being treated as enemies of the people!

This goes as far as insisting that eastern European doctors have to take precedence over African and Asian doctors who in most cases speak perfect English and are more British than the British. However they are black and brown skinned and that seems to be what counts.

There is no doubt that the diseased state of the Blair government requires surgical action, with the sharpest possible knife by the working class.

Workers in the trade unions must take action to bring down the Blair-Brown government, in order to bring in a workers government that will carry out socialist policies, including withdrawing from Iraq and Afghanistan and stopping the privatisation and the destruction of the Welfare State and the public services.

This action is now vitally necessary and is the only way to prevent a return of the Tories, probably in a coalition with a faction of the Blairites.