Tag: wrp
Javid Warns Against Any Attempt To Return To Austerity!
FORMER TORY Chancellor Sajid Javid has warned against a return to austerity as the bankrupt UK economy plunges into a historic disaster with its...
Kick out TUC leaders who refuse to fight mass unemployment –...
INTERVIEWED on Sky’s Sophy Ridge programme on Sunday, TUC general secretary Frances O’Grady appealed for the Tories to unite with the TUC, saying: ‘Let’s...
A desperate Bank of England pumps another £100 billion of free...
THE BANK of England (BoE) yesterday unleashed another round of Quantitative Easing (QE), adding another £100 billion to the amount of ‘free’ money they...
No escape for capitalism as stock markets crash
ON THE very day that Boris Johnson hailed the start of the economic bounce-back for capitalism with a return to work, the international stock...
3 Years After Grenfell Fire!
'IT'S been an absolute outrage that three years later and the Grenfell families still have no justice, and homes are still unsafe,’ Joe Delaney,...
Tories rip up workers health and safety as their bankrupt economy...
TORY CHANCELLOR Rishi Sunak did the rounds of press interviews yesterday preparing the way for today’s reopening of non-essential shops and businesses and he...
UK economy collapses 20.4% in a month! Time to expropriate the...
A SHATTERING collapse of the British economy has taken place. It has fallen 20.4% in a single month, in April, and it is still...
Don’t Stop At Dumping Slavers, Dump The UK And US Ruling...
THE TORY leadership reacted in fury this week after the statue of the notorious slave trader Edward Colston was torn down and dumped in...
World Bank Predicts Widespread Economic Destruction Ahead!
THE WORLD Bank stated yesterday that 90% of the world’s economies have been plunged into a slump by the coronavirus pandemic, inflicting global carnage...
Johnson Getting Ready To Follow Trump, End The Lockdown And Bring...
THE MASSIVE ‘Black Lives Matter’ marches this weekend saw millions of workers internationally and tens of thousands of youth and workers in the UK...
Black Lives Matter: 60,000 Rally And March In London
SIXTY THOUSAND youth and older workers joined the Black Lives Matter march in London on Saturday, from Parliament Square to the Home Office, then...
Kick out trade union leaders collaborating to impose job and...
THE ENGINEERING giant Rolls-Royce which manufactures jet engines this week confirmed that it will slash 3,000 jobs across the UK. Already Rolls-Royce has begun the...
No to school reopening and a forced return to work –...
WHILE the Tories were hailing the relaxation of the lockdown rules that came into effect yesterday in England as a giant step forward, senior...
Now’s the time to kick out Cummings and Tory government –...
IN A COMPLETELY unprecedented act of defiance Boris Johnson’s special advisor Dominic Cummings gave a press conference yesterday defending his conduct in breaking the...
Working Class In UK Requires A New And Revolutionary Leadership!
TORY chancellor Rishi Sunak dropped any pretence that British capitalism would stage a miraculous ‘bounce back’ when he confessed that the country faces ‘a...
Trade union leaders abandon members – build a revolutionary leadership in...
A STUDY published yesterday revealed that as many as six million workers in Britain live in fear of losing their jobs in the next...
Only A Socialist Revolution Can Resolve The Crisis Of Capitalism!
THE DAY after official figures were released showing that the UK economy was crashing into the deepest depression for 300 years, the governor of...
Record Breaking Slump Will Lead To Socialist Revolution In The UK!
BRITISH capitalism is officially in recession as the Office for National Statistics (ONS) reported yesterday. In just three months, the UK economy shrank at a...
Union leaders offer to save capitalism
BORIS JOHNSON’S address to the nation on Sunday night about ‘relaxing’ the lockdown rules has been widely criticised by the leaders of the Labour...
Capitalism’s biggest crisis since 1706, warns BofE! Make it its last...
THE BANK of England’s latest report, released on Thursday, has revealed the full extent of the catastrophic crisis of capitalism, now writhing around in...
MAY DAY MANIFESTO – Corona crisis tips capitalism over the edge!...
Statement by the News LIne Editorial Board THE NEWS LINE Editorial Board sends its May Day greetings to the working class and the poor of...
BA sacks 12,000 workers while Unite and the GMB register their...
THE GIANT Unite and GMB trade unions have greeted the news that British Airways is to make 12,000 workers redundant with shock, dismay and...
Workers Must Tell Tuc And Starmer ‘Don’t Prop Up Johnson Bring...
IN HIS speech outside Downing Street on Monday PM Johnson made it crystal clear that the Tory Party, presiding over the greatest ever crisis...
Bosses Demand Lift The Lockdown While Pensioners Are Locked In At...
WITH British capitalism up to its neck in hundreds of billions of debt, and with the middle class small proprietors ruined, the cry is...
11.7 million unemployed as British capitalism collapses – socialist revolution the...
AS MANY as 11.7 million people will be thrown out of work – either through being furloughed or simply being sacked – in the...
McCluskey denounces Labour’s right wing who worked for a Tory victory!
THE general secretary of the Unite union, Len McCluskey, has reacted with fury over the revelations contained in the leaked internal report by the...
The Crisis Of Capitalism Is Making It Clear That The Working...
BRITAIN is in the grip of the deepest recession since records began putting the country on course for the biggest economic collapse since 1709...
Sunak warns capitalism is reaching a ‘tipping point’ – time to...
IN THE week after the hospital coronavirus death toll rose above 10,000, the lockdown measures are to be reviewed. Anticipating this review, Tory chancellor Rishi...
IMF predicts ‘worst economic fallout since the Great Depression’ – Only...
INTERNATIONAL Monetary Fund’s (IMF) managing director Kristalina Georgieva said yesterday: ‘We anticipate the worst economic fallout since the Great Depression.’ ‘Just three months ago, we...
Time To Put Demoralised Capitalism Out Of Its Misery With A...
‘THOSE of us in the economic realm must navigate blindly through the fog. We face a plausible spectrum ranging from V-shaped relief to L-shaped...
1 million forced onto Universal Credit while another 2 million get...
THE NUMBER of people forced to claim Universal Credit soared by nearly a million in the past two weeks. According to the Department for Work...
China shows the way to defeat the coronavirus plague – while...
THE creator of the Universal Credit onslaught against the working class and the poor, Iain Duncan Smith has launched an attack on China in...
Johnson goes down with coronavirus – plunging his anti-working class regime...
THE TRADE union leaders and the Labour Party are currently cementing their role as the most enthusiastic would-be partners of the Tory government and...
WTO warns that a bigger crash than 2008 is on the...
THE WORLD Trade Organisation chief Roberto Azevedo said on Wednesday that the economic collapse and job losses caused by the coronavirus pandemic would be...
Johnson Will Use His Dictatorial Powers Against The Working Class!
THE DEBATE on the adjournment of Parliament for a month until April 21 took place immediately after the Tory emergency legislation passed though the...
Tories Have Just Borrowed Billions While Doctors Say That They Are...
PM JOHNSON has put the blame for the coronavirus firmly on the people, when he warned on the TV that the NHS could be...
Union leaders must take action to bring down the Tories – and...
THE WORLD Health Organisation has issued its ‘Test, Test and Test’ call as its main policy to lay the basis for dealing with the...
Car Factories Could Be Closed In A Matter Of Weeks Says...
FOR THE first time since coronavirus erupted in China shutting down Chinese manufacturing, cutting off the supply of vital components and commodities to the...
‘Shut Down Inquiry! It’s A Disgrace!’
‘SHUT down the inquiry, it’s a disgrace!’ protesters shouted outside the Grenfell inquiry yesterday, on the first day it resumed after the Attorney General...
World Crisis Can Only Be Resolved By World Revolution!
THE DEEPENING of the world crisis of capitalism is driving forward massive job cuts for workers across the world, as manufacturing industry globally faces...
Postal workers preparing to ballot for national strike action
POSTAL workers are preparing for a second ballot for national strike action between 3rd and 17th March over management moves to steamroller through plans...
Working class will smash Johnson’s fantasies with socialist revolution
TORY prime minster Boris Johnson yesterday delivered a speech composed entirely of wishful thinking from which reality was completely excluded. In Johnson’s fairy-tale world British...
Workers forced Brexit through! Now bring down Johnson to bring in...
AT ELEVEN pm last night, Britain officially left the European Union. After a long, hard and determined struggle Brexit has actually happened and the...
US threatens the UK over 5G – while the Tory Party...
THE BANKRUPTCY of British capitalism is there for all to see. Yesterday the Johnson Tory government was faced with making a serious break with...
Shut Down Young Offenders Institutions – The Only Future For Youth...
THE DISGRACEFUL conditions imposed on ‘youth offenders’ have been revealed by another report from Peter Clarke the chief inspector of prisons in England and...