Tag: unison
TAKE ACTION TO DEFEND THE NHS – down with corporate healthcare...
THE government has launched a blitzkrieg of around £900m cuts to NHS hospitals resulting in the closure of thousands of hospital beds and compulsory...
‘Israel Is Building The World’s Biggest Prison’
‘ISRAEL is going to enter the Guinness Book of Records for having built the world’s biggest prison,’ said an angry Abed Yabrud, waiting his...
LEADERS of France’s main trade union federations have refused to talk to the government until it withdraws the CPE (first job contract) that removes...
‘We Are 100% Behind The Unions To Win This Fight
‘It’s going well, union members are not coming in. Obviously, we want to protect our pensions,’ Camden UNISON housing department shop steward Lesley Amber...
1.5 Million Take Strike Action
YESTERDAY’s massive one-day strike stopped whole regions of the UK, but is only the start of the campaign, local government workers warned. Striking local government...
Blair an imperialist from head to foot
YESTERDAY in Australia, Blair, for all he was worth, was pushing the George Bush imperialist line that ‘we’ have a duty to liberate the...
German and British Gate Gourmet workers march through Hounslow
Last weekend saw united action by German and British Gate Gourmet workers against the company’s savage attacks on their jobs, wages and conditions. The weekend...
UNITY IN ACTION – German & British Gate Gourmet workers picket...
TWENTY SIX Gate Gourmet strikers and supporters from Düsseldorf, Germany, arrived in London yesterday to join Gate Gourmet locked-out workers from Heathrow. They met at...
BEFORE News Line arrived in Paris, there had been reports of French riot police charging at thousands of youth occupying the railway station in...
The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) yesterday warned against any ‘quick fix’ plan to keep asthma and heart patients out of hospital ‘just to...
OVER half a million high school youth, unemployed youth, university students and workers demonstrated across France on Thursday, March 16. Millions of workers...
1.5 Million To Strike On March 28
One and a half million of the country’s most essential public sector workers will go on strike on 28 March to protest at unfair...
Gate Gourmet Workers – Good Support For March 25 Demo
A DELEGATION of locked-out Gate Gourmet workers visited Hillingdon Direct Works Council Depot yesterday to publicise their march through Hounslow on the 25th of...
‘To whom it may concern,’ writes Michelle Harris, president of London Metropolitan University Students’ Union. ‘There is a serious issue occuring at London Met university...
‘Unite, Rise Up And Resist The Invaders’
President Saddam Hussein called on Iraqis to ‘unite, rise up and resist the invaders’, at his show trial yesterday. This prompted chief judge Rauf Abdel...
Workers & youth take on the French government
THOUSANDS of students took to the streets in major cities throughout France yesterday in the struggle against Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin’s First Employment...
THE draft political programme of the Hamas-led national coalition government that was distributed to the representatives of the parliamentary blocs and forces during the...
Thirteen insurgents hung – Rumsfeld looks forward to a civil war
THE Iraqi puppet authorities have hung 13 people accused of taking part in the insurgency, the first execution of militant nationalists since the US-led...
‘OVERWORKED, UNDERVALUED AND UNDERPAID!’ – Angry lecturers strike over pay
UNIVERSITY teachers yesterday launched an assessment boycott – after staging a national 24-hour strike against being ‘overworked, undervalued and underpaid’. Tuesday’s strike at 140 institutions...
Blair puts ‘the country’ before the Labour Party
BLAIR came clean on at least one issue at his monthly press conference and that was where his loyalties lie. They definitely do not lie...
The continuing collapse of leadership in the FBU
THE leadership of the FBU ignominiously collapsed at yesterday’s FBU recall conference, held to decide on industrial action to defend the final salary pensions...
Gate Gourmet taking fight into the unions
GATE Gourmet locked-out workers are taking their fight for reinstatement into the trade union movement and visiting Transport and General Workers Union and other...
BLAIR AT BAY – Ignores Dunfermline defeat
Prime Minister Blair avoided all mention of Labour’s crushing Dunfermline by-election defeat in his keynote speech to the Labour Party Spring Conference in Blackpool,...
Delphi workers rally against cuts in jobs, pay and healthcare!
UAW members in Flint, Michigan, announced last Tuesday they will be marching through the town against Delphi autoparts maker’s attack on their pay, healthcare...
Russian & Chinese Stalinists support US threats against Iran
THE Chinese and Russian representatives at a meeting of the five permanent members of the United Nations (UN) Security Council and Germany on...
Blair plans to close NHS hospitals!
TODAY the Labour Government will publish its Health White Paper. Health Secretary Patricia Hewitt gave a preview of its aims over the weekend, that...
Huge $8.6bn loss at General Motors
GENERAL Motors (GM) bosses admitted on Thursday that their losses for 2005 were $8.6bn, their largest since 1992 when the board of directors was...
‘Our hardship payments must continue’ say Gate Gourmet pickets
LOCKED-OUT Gate Gourmet workers are furious that their union leaders in the TGWU have ended their hardship payments. Lakhinder Saran told News Line yesterday: ‘We...
Gate Gourmet Pickets Join Terminal 5 Strikers
WHILST out campaigning yesterday, Gate Gourmet workers, now locked out for almost six months, spoke out very angrily about the unsigned letter just received...
NHS ‘choice’ and ‘reforms’ are no choice – Part one
THE Department of Health’s (DoH) electronic ‘Choose and Book’ programme, is being introduced supposedly to facilitate a ‘patient choice’ of hospital. The procedures to be...
Keep Barts And London Open!
Workers and students at Bart’s and the Royal London hospitals are shocked and angry over the private finance initiative (PFI) crisis that threatens...
Strong Picket Line At Gate Gourmet
THERE were more than 20 locked out Gate Gourmet workers on the picket line yesterday fighting for reinstatement on their original terms and conditions. The...
Jerusalem To Vote!
Israel yesterday conceded that the Arab residents of east Jerusalem shall vote in this month’s Palestinian election but said ‘under no circumstances’ would it permit...
Blair’s ‘summary power’ for war on the working class
PRIME Minister Tony Blair launched the Labour government’s new ‘Respect Action Plan’ yesterday, declaring that he was setting out to overthrow basic democratic rights...
NHS Being Cut To Aid Private Sector!
The British Medical Association (BMA) yesterday expressed concern over the cancellation by an Oxford hospital of a routine heart procedure because of lack of...
Public sector unions must take strike action over pensions
THE Fire Brigades Union said yesterday that it will consider industrial action over government plans to ‘reform’ its members’ pensions by dramatically extending the...
Blair Defies Labour Over Education Privatisation
LABOUR Prime Minister Blair has ruled out changes to his education reform (privatisation) plans despite a challenge by more than 50 Labour MPs,...
Gate Gourmet hardship payments – ‘No way will people be allowed...
MORE than 20 locked out Gate Gourmet workers were picketing yesterday at Heathrow Airport determined to win their fight. Their lobby of the TGWU ...
Abbas Accepts Italy’s Offer To Host Peace Talks
President Mahmud Abbas on Friday accepted Italy’s offer to host Palestinian-Israeli peace talks, urged international commitment to the UN-adopted ‘roadmap’ peace plan, the Palestine...
3,000 NHS Jobs At Risk
THE Royal College of Nursing (RCN) yesterday warned that 3,000 NHS jobs, including 1,000 nurses’ jobs, are under threat. This was after the government announced...
END TORTURE FLIGHTS! – Liberty demands of Straw and police chiefs
Yesterday human rights group Liberty called on Foreign Secretary Jack Straw to seek assurances in the next 14 days from the USA that it...
Airport workers support Sunday’s march
LOCKED out Gate Gourmet workers yesterday got great support for their march this Sunday for reinstatement for all sacked workers on their original terms...
Delphi postpones ‘motion for rejection of collective bargaining agreements’
US autoworkers union (UAW) President Ron Gettelfinger and Vice President Richard Shoemaker, who directs the union’s General Motors and Delphi departments, yesterday issued...
PNA illusions in Sharon move
THE Palestinian National Authority (PNA) immediately reacted to the latest Israeli political upheaval on Monday, describing it sceptically but hopefully as a ‘volcano’ that...
Unison Condemns NHS ‘Health Rationing’
Britain’s biggest public sector union, UNISON yesterday condemned the decision of three Suffolk Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) to deny operations to overweight patients. ‘It’s against...