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Tag: unemployment

Victory To The Gate Gourmet Workers

THE News Line sends greetings to the striking German and the locked-out British Gate Gourmet workers, who are today marching through Hounslow. The German workers...

Unions Must Take Action To Defend The NHS

THE TUC and all trade unions must be made to take action to defend the NHS before it is butchered by Blair and completely...

NO TGWU HARDSHIP PAY! – for Gate Gourmet locked-out workers taking...

TWO Gate Gourmet locked-out workers went to the TGWU London South East and East Anglia Regional Office in north London on Tuesday, to ask...

All Out For Gate Gourmet Demonstration

‘WE want all trade unionists and everyone who supports the working class to come to our march next Saturday,’ Gate Gourmet locked-out worker Raksha...

Blair’s policies split Labour and aid the Tories

‘IT’S wrong that Downing Street thinks it can run the Labour Party: we are an elected party, a democratic party,’ said the Labour Party...

Milosevic is dead but the crisis in the Balkans remains

THE death of Slobodan Milosevic in his cell at The Hague, four years into his trial by the imperialist powers for genocide, has left...

98 deaths in US custody in Iraq and Afghanistan

ON the brink of the third anniversary of the Anglo-US invasion of Iraq, the US based Human Rights First organisation has released a report...

‘WE DEFEND OUR RIGHTS’ – Gate Gormet locked-out workers tell AGM

‘IF we sign the compromise deal we cut off our hands – the company sacked us in five minutes and the union signed the...

‘Try Them Or Free Them’

THE United States must bring all prisoners being held in Guantanamo Bay to an independent trial or release them, the United Nations has said...

A Record £65.5 Billion Trade Deficit For 2005

THE UK trade deficit with the rest of the world for 2005 was a catastrophic £65.5 billion. The deficit on goods and services...

Greek Phone-Tapping Storm

A political storm of the highest order has broken out in Greece over mass phone-tapping. This follows revelations, at a special press-conference last Thursday in...

Tgwu Leaders Stop Gate Gourmet Workers Hardship Fund

YESTERDAY the News Line was informed by the London Region Office of the TGWU that the Gate Gourmet hardship fund was closed and that...

BILLIONS WIPED OFF SHARES – after Japan stock market collapse

Billions of dollars, pounds and euros were wiped off worldwide share prices yesterday as investors took fright at the abrupt collapse and closure of...

Blair Targets Disabled For Massive Cuts

LABOUR was yesterday mounting a new onslaught on the disabled. The target is the 2.7 million people currently on Incapacity Benefit. The aim is...

BLAIR’S POLICE STATE POWERS – come in on Sunday January 1

‘These powers constitute a serious erosion of civil liberties in this country. They will change the relationship between the police and the individual fundamentally,’...

‘If America Should Go Communist’ by Leon Trotsky (Part two)

LEON TROTSKY wrote ‘If America Should Go Communist’ on August 17, 1934, over a year after President Roosevelt brought in his ‘New Deal’, ...

‘WE WANT OUR JOBS BACK!’ – March with locked-out Gate Gourmet...

‘WE have got more and more support for our fight to get our jobs back’, locked out Gate Gourmet worker Palmjit Bains told News...

MAKE OUR DISPUTE OFFICIAL say Gate Gourmet locked-out workers

A DELEGATION of Gate Gourmet locked out workers is due to meet the TGWU head of civil aviation, Brendan Gold, at the union’s head...

Mass Picket At Gate Gourmet

There was a big picket of over 200 locked out Gate Gourmet workers at Heathrow airport yesterday. Locked out worker Ramesh told News Line:...

TULKAREM ASSASSINATIONS – undercover Israeli troops kill Islamic Jihad leader

An undercover unit of the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) backed by 15 military vehicles stormed into and imposed curfew on the northern West Bank...

Army Leaks Anti-Iraq War Propaganda

THE leaking of a Ministry of Defence poll commissioned by senior British army officers has acted as an antidote to the fatuous pro-war propaganda...

Blair’s Iraq adventure bites the dust

PRIME Minister Blair yesterday had a meeting with the long standing CIA agent and Kurdish leader Jalal Talabani, who is now posing as the...

Met Chief’s Call For Troops

‘This militarisation of the police will increase the risk that we run already, not just to our civil liberties but to our very safety,’...

‘Reinstatement For All – And No Victimisations’

TALKS are taking place between Gate Gourmet management and the Transport and General Workers Union today. Locked out Gate Gourmet workers told News Line on...


THE Trades Union Congress yesterday voted unanimously to ‘call on the British government to set its own unilateral date for an early and speedy...

‘WE MUST WIN’ – say Gate Gourmet strikers

‘WE’RE coming back!’ Gate Gourmet strikers shouted defiantly at the scab lorries accompanied by video surveillance vans as they drove past the mass picket...

ROYAL FREE BED CUTS! – 100 beds and a number of...

London UNISON health convenor Geoff Martin yesterday slammed plans by the Royal Free Hospital NHS Trust to slash up to 100 beds and close...


ABD-AL HAQ-AL ANI, counsellor for the Iraqi President Saddam Hussein’s defence panel, has revealed that an assault took place on the Iraqi leader at...

POLICE RAID ON NOTTING HILL – stun grenades used by armed...

Yesterday, police said that two more of the alleged 21 July would-be London bombers were now in custody after a series of armed raids...

PNA appeals for ‘calm’ during Gaza pullout

Amid a flurry of diplomatic visits aimed at securing a smooth Israeli withdrawal from the Gaza Strip and military escalation by the Israeli Occupation...

Karzai calls for rethink, as Taleban attacks mount

THE Afghan ‘government’ has called for a rethink of the US-led fight against the Taleban, after heavy casualties to civilians caused by US air...

UNISON condemns Blair for breaking NHS promise

UNISON Head of Health, Karen Jennings, has condemned Labour government plans to allow private treatment centres to poach NHS staff, breaking a Labour government...

Labour plans to keep one million patients out of hospital

LABOUR’S policy of privatising the NHS by diverting huge chunks of the NHS budget to the private sector is preparing the bankruptcy of many...

‘Single Status Used To Cut Wages’

PUBLIC sector union UNISON finds itself in conflict with employers using equal opportunity legislation supposed to protect the most vulnerable workers, to oppress them...

BBC unions to ‘trawl for volunteers’ for the sack

‘The BBC unions agreed ‘a trawl for voluntary redundancies’ during last Wednesday’s four-hour meeting with BBC Director General Mark Thompson. Thompson would give no guarantee...

Labour Set To Drive Workers Off The Roads

ALISTAIR Darling, the Labour government transport minister, yesterday unveiled the government’s plan to drive millions of working class drivers off the roads with a...

French and Dutch workers poised to reject united capitalist Europe

NEXT Sunday, France will be voting in a referendum on the proposed EU constitution, and to the astonishment of the leaders of the Gaullist...

Blair fans anti-youth hysteria – while capitalist state gunmen return to...

YESTERDAY the Prime Minister, Tony Blair, joined in the hysterical attack that the state and bosses are launching on Britain’s youth. Millions of young people...