Tag: unemployment
THE President of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions and General President of SIPTU, Jack O’Connor, has attacked Budget 2010 as ‘callous, unjust and...
PENSION CAPS AND PAY CUTS – in Darling’s pre-Budget speech
Chancellor Darling yesterday confirmed that VAT will be restored to 17.5 per cent on January 1st, and that inflation will rise to 3.0 per...
GREEK POLICE – ‘MURDERERS AND TORTURERS!’ –shout thousands of youth
OVER 15,000 Greek school and university students and secondary school teachers marched through the Athens city centre on Monday afternoon in commemoration of the...
Tens Of Thousands Of Youth March In Greece
Tens of thousands of Greek school and university students, young workers and unemployed youth participated on Sunday in mass and militant rallies in all...
Irish TUC calls for new taxes on the wealthy
Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) General Secretary David Begg said on Wednesday that the Dublin government must now ‘choose between continued deference to...
Sack the RBS bankers! Workers management of the nationalised banks!
CITY Minister Lord Myners yesterday said shareholders should take action to stop million pound bonuses after Royal Bank of Scotland directors threatened to resign...
Morgan Stanley having sleepless nights over the UK
THE Morgan Stanley bank is worried that the world crisis is going to shatter the already bankrupt UK economy, causing a flight of capital...
Dubai dashes bourgeois hopes – world revolution is the answer!
DUBAI’S ‘debt repayment’ postponement for six months has brought renewed havoc to European, Asian and North American stock markets. They have all been reminded that...
King rocks MPs with £61.6bn secret emergency loan revelation
THE Bank of England governor, Mervyn King, has dropped a bombshell in a letter to the House of Commons Treasury Committee. He revealed...
‘we Won’t Let Chase Farm Close!’
‘WE’RE not going to let Chase Farm close,’ Bill Rogers, North East London Council of Action Secretary told News Line yesterday at a lively...
Public Sector Disaster F0R British Capitalism
THE UK’s public sector net deficit for October reached £11.4bn and is the highest monthly deficit since records began. The national debt at...
Over 20,000 students, youth and workers took part in a militant anti-imperialist demonstration in Athens on Tuesday to commemorate the 36th anniversary of the...
It’s bags of gold for the Taleban, but wage cuts for...
ALL the ‘we will win the war in Afghanistan’ propaganda has now been dumped as the political leaders of imperialism have begun to grasp...
Ussr: A New Stage Of Confrontation
THE DEEPENING world economic imperialist crisis is leading to a much worsening of working class conditions in all parts of the...
CBI demands pay cuts in the private and public sectors
The CBI and ‘recruitment experts’ Harvey Nash revealed yesterday that half of all employers are planning to freeze pay altogether, and that only 4%...
Brown’s worthless apology for imperialist child trafficking
FOR centuries British capitalism has sought to export its surplus populations and its trouble makers to the rest of the world. Rebellious trade unionists such...
PERMANENT JOBS FOR ALL – demand thousands of Greek workers
OVER 2,000 Greek public sector workers on short-contracts staged a militant demonstration through Athens city centre on Wednesday, calling on the social-democratic government of...
No Jobs For 943,000 Youth
Youth unemployment continued to rise from July to September, with the number of 16 to 24-year-olds out of work up by 15,000 to 943,000,...
100,000 MARCH IN DUBLIN – against government cuts
OVER 150,000 workers around the country, and in the north took to the streets in a series of marches last Friday to protest against...
‘not A Single Sacking – Permanent Jobs For All Workers!’
‘IT WILL NOT PASS!’ Over 5,000 young Greek workers on so-called ‘training’ schemes in the public sector, demonstrated on Thursday in Athens and in other...
‘GET THE TROOPS OUT OF AFGHANISTAN!’ – demand 10,000 marchers
OVER 10,000 people marched from Hyde Park to Trafalgar Square in central London on Saturday demanding the withdrawal of the British Army from Afghanistan. At the...
Greek Riot Police Attack Ship Repair Workers
GREEK armed riot police viciously attacked with clubs, smoke and lightning bombs and toxic tear gas grenades about 800 protesting ship repair workers last...
Greek Workers & Youth Will Fight New Bourgeois Regime Of Papandreou!
The Greek working class and youth have delivered a deadly blow against the conservative government of Kostas Karamanlis and his neo-liberal policies in Sunday’s...
CUTS AND FORCED LABOUR! – UNISON slams Tory and Labour reforms
PUBLIC sector union Unison yesterday slammed the latest Tory and Labour attacks on disabled people and the unemployed. Tory leader Cameron announced a ‘big bold’...
Crisis of US economy deepens and UK follows suit!
THE US economy has seen 7.6 million jobs destroyed since the US and worldwide slump began, and then deepened, after the crash of the...
Imf Dictates NHS And Pension Cuts!
The IMF has warned the British government it must make savage cuts in NHS spending and carry out pension ‘reforms’ to cut its debt...
LABOUR CRISIS! – as Business Secretary Mandelson offers his services to...
PRIME MINISTER Brown was fighting for his political life yesterday, as well as for a future for his right-wing ‘bankers’ government. Having saved the...
Bank Fears For Pound!
THE pound continued to fall yesterday as the Bank of England called a crisis meeting for next Tuesday to discuss its ‘Quantitative Easing’ (QE)...
Class Struggles Sharpen In France
Postal workers in the Paris region are on an open-ended strike starting Monday, September 21, against the closure of 185 Paris post offices and...
Crisis Deepening – Revolution Not Recovery Is On The Agenda
THE CBI bosses organisation yesterday foresaw a ‘recovery’ from the capitalist crisis, but was forced by circumstances beyond its control to admit that, at...
THREE global trade union federations – representing 55 million industrial workers – have issued a call to the G20 summit, taking place in Pittsburgh,...
Workers Rise Up Over Gm Magna Plans
• 20,000 march in Zaragossa • Thousands mass in Antwerp today • 1400-1800 jobs to go in UK TODAY tens of thousands of angry GM workers and...
Mobilise! For Gm Demo In Antwerp!
THE European trade union body, the Engineering Metalworkers Federation (EMF), has called for a mobilisation of GM workers in Europe on Wednesday, 23rd September...
Brown’s Working Together means everybody paying the bill for the bankers
GORDON BROWN’S speech yesterday, at the TUC, was a very poor effort from a politician and a party that have no intention of defending...
Tuc Leaders Fear That Massive Cuts Will Bring Strikes And Disorder!
PRIME Minister Gordon Brown laid down the gauntlet at the weekend to the TUC Congress, being held in Liverpool. Downing Street has released...
PRIME Minister Gordon Brown laid down the gauntlet at the weekend to this week’s TUC Congress, being held in Liverpool. Downing Street has released excerpts...
Bring down Brown-Mandelson regime – forward to a workers’ government
YESTERDAY afternoon the PM’s office was leaking the speech that Brown is due to give to the TUC Congress on Tuesday. It stressed that if...
TUC leaders meet PM Brown at Chequers
THE Prime Minister met 15 trade union leaders at Chequers yesterday. This was an event in itself, since all the earlier Blair-Brown governments had...
Darling Outlines Cuts For All – Except The Bankers And Bosses
THE price of gold has touched $1,000 an ounce for the first time in six months, more than three times greater than what it...
Jobs Protest At Uskmouth
Unemployed construction workers were joined by young apprentices unable to complete their training because of a lack of work, in a mass protest at...
Unions must pull the plug on the BNP!
THE BNP, a fascist movement, is to be promoted by the BBC with an invitation about to be sent to it to appear on...
Royal Mail Desperate To Break The Union!
ROYAL Mail staff across the whole of the London postal area walked out on strike again yesterday. It was the latest action in the capital...
$10 Trillion US Deficit Looms
The US government is heading for a massive $10 trillion budget deficit over the next decade, analysts warned yesterday after the White House projected...
‘Dismantle Zionist Settlements’
POLICE yesterday arrested several protestors who were laying siege to Downing Street, demonstrating against the visit of ‘war criminal’ Binyamin Netanyahu. They were also demanding...
Putin’s cuts decree will drive forward political revolution!
THE Putin regime has been hit hard by the world capitalist crisis, especially by the fall in oil prices, and the effect that the...