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Unite must stop Heathrow to win the BA struggle!

Striking British Airways cabin crew began another five days of strike action last night. On the eve of the action BA cabin crew told...

Shut Down The Israeli Embassy– Demand Downing Street Crowds

HUNDREDS of angry protesters gathered outside Downing Street at 2pm yesterday to condemn the Israeli massacre of 19 Freedom Flotilla volunteers. They demanded that ...

‘Thousands of seriously sick people are being put under pressure by...

On the eve of the new Tory Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith’s announcement of plans to drive the unemployed and sick off...

Laws’ resignation holes the coalition!

ON Monday May 25th, David Laws, the new Chief Secretary of the Treasury, standing next to his master Chancellor Osborne, announced that the £6.2...

Spain follows Greece with mass strikes against austerity

SPANISH Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero’s Socialist Party government scraped through Parliament its 15bn euro (£13bn) austerity package, by 169 votes to 168,...

Tories Savage Unemployed!

The Public and Commercial Services union (PCS) yesterday slammed plans by new Works and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith to force five million people...

Tories to slash benefits to unemployed & sick

TORY Prime Minister David Cameron’s coalition government unveiled its plans to target the unemployed and others on benefits, depriving them of their entitlements, or...

OECD says UK rates must rise to 3.5 per cent in...

THE OECD said yesterday that state indebtedness, and rapidly growing inflation is threatening to bring down the entire banking system. Its secretary general, Angel Gurria,...


THE INITIAL £6.25 billion spending cuts announced by the Tory-Lib Dem coalition government on Monday, that will lead to thousands of sackings and closures...

Crisis deepens as shares crash worldwide!

THE International Monetary Fund (IMF) has raised its concerns about Spain’s economy, saying ‘far-reaching’ reforms are needed to ensure its recovery. It said the country...

Tory-Lib Dem Butchers Outline The Task Ahead

TORY CHANCELLOR Osborne provided an outline of his £6.2bn of spending cuts for 2010-11 yesterday, with Lib Dem Chief Secretary to the Treasury Laws...

Tories Mount Jobs Assault

Chancellor Osborne yesterday announced the first £6.2bn of savage cuts planned by the Tory coalition. At a press conference, Osborne confined himself to generalities, then...

Queen’s Speech leaked as axe set to fall on public sector...

THE leaking of the Queen’s budget speech is unprecedented, and is an expression of the depth of the split and the cynicism in the...

PCS gearing up for massive jobs fight

Civil servants union, the PCS, is gearing up for action to fight over 300,000 public sector job cuts, planned by the Tories. PCS NEC...

Capitalist state steps back from the brink!

BRITISH Airways cabin crew cheered and danced and celebrated yesterday morning. They sang ‘We are the Champions’ after their strength forced a panel...

Cbi Tells Tories – Impose Two Year Wage Freeze And Privatise!

THE CBI BOSSES organisation yesterday called for an immediate freeze in the public sector pay bill for two years and a ‘re-engineering’ (destruction) ‘of...

Tuc General Council Must Meet To Defend Right To Strike!

COMMENTING on yesterday’s decision in the High Court banning the BA cabin crew strikes, TUC General Secretary Brendan Barber said: ‘This is a desperately...

Huge Leap In The Inflation Rate!

RPI INFLATION soared by 5.3 per cent last month, indicating that a huge cut in workers’ wages and a major hike in the cost...

Defend the right to strike with a general strike to bring...

YESTERDAY the RMT rail workers trade union warned that an all-out assault on workers’ rights was taking place as BA used the Network Rail...

Strike Declared Illegal!

The four five-day strikes by British Airways cabin crew were yesterday declared illegal by the High Court. The first set of strikes was due to...

Field Joins The Tories!

Birkenhead MP Frank Field yesterday became the first Labour right winger to defect to the Tory-led coalition with the Liberal Democrats. Field, who is an...

Renegade Field joins Cameron – while Milibands search for a...

FRANK Field, the notorious Labour party right winger has joined the Tory coalition and is to be its ‘Poverty Tsar’, no doubt bringing back...

New Politics Equals Dictatorship!

THE new Tory coalition government is facing an angry response to its plans to install itself for five years, and stay in power even...

Tories plan to govern without the support of the people or...

IN RECENT days, especially after the Tories recognised that they would not have an overall parliamentary majority, we have heard many words about the...

Tories Declare Class War – By Permission Of The Liberal Democrats

The draft coalition agreement reached by the Tories and the Liberal Democrats published on Wednesday makes clear their number one priority is to make...

Tories-Lib Dems want more than £20bn of NHS cuts by 2014

THE new Tory Secretary of State for Health Lansley was appointed on Wednesday and has immediately put on record that he will...

Five Million Mortgage Holders Under Threat!

OVER five million mortgage holders – half the mortgage holders in Britain – could face eviction if interest rates go up and current government...

‘IT’S GOING TO BE PAINFUL!’ Cuts must start this year –...

Bank of England governor Mervyn King yesterday warned that the next few years are ‘going to be painful’ and that ‘markets would expect a...

Tories-Lib Dems declare war on the working class

The unemployment rate for the three months to March 2010 was 8.0 per cent, up 0.2 per cent on the quarter, the Office for...

LABOUR-LIB DEM TALKS BREAK DOWN – Tories and Liberals get ready...

A TORY-LIB DEM savage cuts coalition government was being assembled last night, after coalition talks between the Labour Party and the Lib Dems broke...

Teachers mount SATs challenge

THOUSANDS of head teachers boycotted SATs tests yesterday on the grounds that the tests damage children’s education. Head teachers in the National Association of...

Euro zone high stakes gamble with 1 trillion euros on the...

Euro-zone leaders have taken the desperate measure of risking all on one throw of the dice, after advancing an almost $1 trillion package...

Brown Coalition Bid – Ready To Go

GORDON BROWN offered the Liberals a coalition yesterday evening, and his resignation as PM by the time of the Labour Party conference. Brown, speaking outside...

Lib Dems Head For Tories

BRITAIN remained without a government yesterday, as the Liberal Democrats prepared to dump their proportional representation policy in order to strike a dirty coalition...

Revolutionary crisis shaking regimes all over Europe

GERMAN Chancellor Merkel and French President Sarkozy on Saturday decreed that the preservation of the euro required a 70bn euro currency reserve fund and...

UK capitalism running out of time as Cameron demands strong government

AS THE failure of the Tory attempt to become the government emerged on Thursday night and in the early hours of Friday, it combined...

CAMERON DEMANDS STRONG GOVERNMENT! – as pound sterling falls

URGENT talks began yesterday as Tory leader David Cameron demanded a ‘strong and stable government’ is formed ‘quickly’ to avoid ‘economic catastrophe’. This was after...

30,000 Workers Gather Outside Greek Parliament

SOME thirty thousand Greek workers, youth and students held a rally on Thursday evening outside the Vouli (Greek parliament) in Athens. Inside, the Greek...

Socialist Revolution Is Now On The Agenda Of Greek Workers

ON Wednesday workers in Greece staged the biggest ever 24-hour general strike against the IMF–European Commission’s imposed austerity measures with millions participating. Planes remained...

Vote Wrp – Keep The Tories Out

Thousands of lecturers, supported by tens of thousands of students, were yesterday taking strike action against Labour government cuts and sackings at 11 colleges...

Vote Wrp – Keep The Tories Out– Forward To The Socialist...

100,000 trade unionists and youth marched in Athens yesterday against the EU-IMF savage cuts programme being carried out by the Papandreou ‘socialist’ government. Today millions...

WRP campaign steps up a gear

THE campaign for Jonty Leff, the WRP candidate for Manchester Central, has stepped up a gear on the eve of Thursday’s general election. While canvassing...


SATs tests are being used as a ‘big stick’ to beat state schools with, says the president of the National Association of Head Teachers...

WRP candidates defending health and education

A LIVELY North East London Council of Action monthly picket of Chase Farm Hospital won big support yesterday for its determination to keep the...


‘We always said that Blair had been killed by a policeman. I feel that we’ve really been vindicated,’ Celia Stubbs, the partner of Blair...