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French Riot Police Tear Gas Climate Demonstrators

French police have fired tear gas to disperse climate demonstrators gathered in Paris to raise their voices against an annual general meeting of oil...

Nurses and doctors strike to defend NHS while Starmer joins with...

YESTERDAY, the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) opened the ballot for strike action by nurses in response to the Tory pay offer of a...

Junior doctors strike 14-17th June! – and for 3 days each...

JUNIOR doctors in England will hold a three-day strike from 7am on Wednesday 14 June to 7am on Saturday 17 June, after rejecting a...

June 6–fourteenth national pension strike in France – as German food...

TUESDAY June 6 is scheduled, at the call of the national inter-union, which will be the fourteenth day of national strike in France against...

2.3m workers and youth marched all over France on May Day

FRENCH union federation Force Ouvriere congratulated workers for their May Day action. It said: ‘2.3 million young people, employees and retirees marched all over France,...

The US raises its $31.4 trillion debt ceiling as capitalism races...

THE US House of Representatives on Wednesday narrowly passed a bill to raise the government’s $31.4 trillion debt ceiling, while also attaching sweeping, massive...

Major strikes in German and UK airports!

SECURITY workers at three major German airports have waged the first of yet another round of strikes called by the country’s ver.di trade union,...

NEU conference calls to end occupation of West Bank & Gaza...

‘URGENT Motion 2 Palestine’ was carried at the Annual Conference of the National Education Union (NEU) in Harrogate on Tuesday. It read: ‘Conference continues to stand...

Iran, Russia and China hold joint naval exercise in Gulf of...

NAVAL forces from the Islamic Republic of Iran, Russia and China have practised shooting at aerial targets during a night-time operation over an area...

Argentina – year-on-year inflation reaches 102.5% in February

ARGENTINA’S National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (Indec) said on Tuesday that inflation in February was 6.6 per cent, while the cumulative year-on-year figure...

Massive London marches call to kick out the Tories – Three...

NEARLY three-quarters of a million public sector workers from eight unions went on strike against the Tory government on Budget Day, Wednesday 15th March,...

Junior Doctors 72-hr walk-out on March 13th

THE BMA yesterday announced the dates for a 72 hour walk out by Junior Doctors in England, saying that Health Secretary, Steve Barclay has...

‘Virtual wards will jeopardise patient safety even further’ – says BMA

THE NHS won’t survive without immediate steps to bolster our workforce, doctors union the British Medical Association (BMA) warned on Monday. Responding to the Tory...

US activity in Ukraine ‘dangerously close to direct NATO-Russian confrontation’

A WASHINGTON-based think tank has warned that the NATO military alliance and the United States are ‘creeping closer to the catastrophic scenario’ in Ukraine,...

Tuc Refusing To Smash Tories Anti-Union Law!

TIM SHARP, the TUC senior policy officer for employment rights, has published an article entitled ‘Fighting the Anti-Strike Law’. He states: ‘The government is attempting...

Tory sleaze again – boot them out with a general strike!

NADHIM Zahawi, the Tory Party Chairman and ex Chancellor of the Exchequer, has for months been avoiding questions about his tax affairs, but on...

TUC urges Tories to ‘withdraw from the brink’. Stop pleading and...

THE TORY government is refusing to hold any serious negotiations with the rail trade unions for the simple reason that it is introducing anti-strike...

Iran condemns USA’s dark approach to Human Rights issues

IRAN has lashed out at US officials for making ‘meddlesome’ remarks about domestic developments in the country, saying the world public opinion is well...

PCS strikes across the UK against ‘pathetic’ pay increases

PCS (Public and Commercial Services) union members on Tuesday began a series of strikes across England, Scotland and Wales which the Tory government intends...

No Oil For Those Supporting Price Cap

MOSCOW has condemned the so-called ‘price cap’ on Russian oil, insisting that it will continue to sell its oil in markets outside Europe. ‘Starting from...

Israeli troops shoot dead two Palestinian Civil Defence workers in Nablus

THE Gaza-based Hamas and Islamic Jihad resistance movements have slammed the fatal Israeli shooting of two Palestinian men at a military checkpoint south of...

Hezbollah condemns USA for seeking to trigger Lebanese ‘social explosion’

A TOP official from the Lebanese Hezbollah resistance movement has slammed the United States for its seditious schemes in Lebanon, warning that Washington is...

Increase of maternal deaths a tragic indictment of the lack of...

THE ‘STATISTICALLY significant’ increase in maternal deaths reported on Thursday by MBRRACE-UK is a tragic indication of a lack of government investment in maternity...

UK capitalism is in its death agony – It is time...

THE Bank of England yesterday raised interest rates by the most in 33 years from 2.25% to 3%, and accompanied its action with a...

Bank Raised Rates To 3% Predicts 2-Year Slump & Double Unemployment

THE Bank of England has warned the UK is facing its longest recession since records began, as it raised interest rates by the most...

NHS ‘more than 10,000 doctors needed!’

THE latest NHS workforce data is ‘not something the government should be proud of’, says the BMA. Responding to the latest NHS workforce data BMA...

FISCAL CRISIS STATEMENT DELAYED! – as UK government consults with bankers

CHANCELLOR Hunt has announced that the ‘fiscal statement’, which had been due to be delivered next Monday, 31st October, will now be delayed by...

‘In short the worst is yet to come!’ – IMF Director...

CONSISTENCY between fiscal and monetary policy is paramount for economic and financial stability as high debts and deficits push more countries into budget crises...

Case Against Palestine Action Collapses Again!

The Crown Prosecution Service has dropped its charges against Palestine Action activists after levelling charges of ‘blackmail’ earlier in the year. In a recent report...

Make October 1 Start Of A General Strike!

‘MAKE October 1st the start of a general strike,’ said All Trades Unions Alliance (ATUA) National Secretary Dave Wiltshire yesterday, after the ASLEF and...

Black people in US ‘subjected to brutality and death in the...

AN African American journalist and political analyst has said that ever since the inception of the police in the United States African people have...

‘Living standards being hammered’– says CWU leader Dave Ward

THE biggest strike of the summer so far continues today, as 115,000 postal workers fight for a  ‘dignified, proper pay rise’. Royal Mail Group members...

Workers pressure mounting but the TUC still won’t call a general...

WORKERS pressure is mounting on the TUC to call a general strike to bring down the Tories at its Annual Congress in Brighton next...

‘Our members deserve fair pay – and will be taking action...

‘OUR members deserve fair pay and will be taking action for as long as it takes to get it,’ said Communications Workers Union (CWU)...

115,000 postal workers out today!

115,000 postal workers are out today in a 24 hour strike for a  ‘dignified, proper pay rise’, the Communication Workers Union (CWU) said yesterday. Members...

August 21 – Felixstowe Port is to come to a standstill...

THE most significant of a growing wave of strikes in Britain will go ahead with an eight-day walkout. This is after after pay talks broke...

Unionisation drives are sweeping Starbucks & Amazon across the USA

UNIONISATION drives are sweeping Starbucks and Amazon workplaces across the United States from East to West, with strikes gaining powerful huge support from the...

Daily Telegraph warns capitalism has entered its ‘final act’ with UK...

Such is the depth of the crisis in British capitalism that even the ultra-loyal Tory press can no longer pretend that the working class...

Unions must break with Starmer NOW and call a general strike...

LABOUR is becoming ‘irrelevant to workers’ and it is now hard to justify handing the party millions in funding, the leader of the Unite...

‘There’ll be an uprising in the working class’ – says CWU’s...

‘THERE’LL BE AN UPRISING IN THE WORKING CLASS’, CWU telecom executive member Peter Francis told News Line yesterday, speaking at the picket line outside...

French aviation union calls four-day strike over low pay and bad...

FRENCH aviation union Syndicat National du Personnel Navigant Commercial (SNPNC-FO) cabin crew members (hostesses and stewards) are on strike from Wednesday July 13 to...

Summer strikes at Isle of Wight ferries and Heathrow – RMT’s...

ALL of the Isle of Wight’s Southampton-to-Cowes ferries will shut down during summer holidays as 120 workers take strike action against Red Funnel and...

Downing Street didn’t tell truth about Pincher says former senior civil...

DOWNING Street did not tell the truth when it said Boris Johnson was unaware of official complaints about Chris Pincher’s misbehaviour, a former senior...

‘Give It Back’ Huge Support For Strike To Restore 10% Pay...

IN the first test of public opinion since British Airways check-in staff announced that they will take strike action to have their pay restored...


ON WEDNESDAY, the Governor of the Bank of England, Andrew Bailey, speaking at the European Central Bank’s annual policy forum, warned that soaring inflation...