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A Thousand Workers Rally To Support Billboard Strikers

OVER a thousand workers in the Massachusetts labour movement rallied for 27 striking Clear Channel Billboard Workers on April 19th. Present at the rally...

General Strike On May 1 ‘Public Service Day’

THE PCS civil servants trade union has confirmed that up to 270,000 civil servants will be stopping work on May 1 against the Blair-Brown...

Walk-Out At Unison Health Conference

The UNISON Health Conference in Brighton yesterday gave environment secretary Hilary Benn a heated reception. He was booed and heckled when he tried to defend...

‘WE WON’T ALLOW REMPLOY CLOSURE PLAN’ – Remploy stewards tell News...

THE whole of the Remploy network of factories for disabled workers is under threat, because the government plans to limit the company’s funding to...

Post strike warning – as 3,000 more jobs face axe

Strike action ‘very close to the scale of the (1980s) miners strike, if not bigger’ is unavoidable – unless management withdraws attacks on the...

Baghdad bombings blow to Bush!

MORE than 200 people were killed in Baghdad on Wednesday in five bombings. This is the highest number of deaths in a single day...

Strike to support nurses and defend the NHS!

THE anger of nurses working in the National Health Service (NHS) at having a pay cut imposed upon them this year, by the government...

ST HELIER STRIKE WARNING – after Trust debt leaps to £41...

Epsom and St Helier Hospitals, two busy Surrey General Hospitals with bustling Accident and Emergency Departments, are to be replaced by a single hospital...

Trade unions must break with Blair and Brown to keep the...

THE right wing of the Labour Party was shaken to its core yesterday after Monday’s meeting of the General Council of the Scottish...

Civil Service Out On May 1

Civil servants union PCS General Secretary Mark Serwotka has written to Sir Gus O’Donnell Head of the Home Civil Service about the PCS national...


THE GMB has called on the government to delay the private equity take-over of Boots in the wake of the IMF warning of the...

HUNGER STRIKE – against Guantanamo Bay’s new isolation units

A MASS hunger strike is being waged by inmates in America’s Cuban Guantanamo Bay concentration camp, against being transferred into ‘maddening’ new isolation units. Thirteen...

Angry Teachers Vote For Strike Ballot Against Pay Cut

The National Union of Teachers (NUT) annual conference in Harrogate voted unanimously on Saturday for a one-day strike against a pay-cutting two per cent...

TGWU relies on the Sainsbury family to defend its members’ jobs...

YESTERDAY the TGWU leaders produced their statement of full support for the Sainsbury family in the battle to keep out the Texas Pacific-backed raiding...

Iran frees sailors – time to withdraw all British troops from...

THE decision of the Iranian leadership to unconditionally free the fifteen British sailors and marines, who trespassed into Iranian waters, and also to leave...

Forward to the political revolution in the Ukraine

UKRAINIAN President Viktor Yushchenko has mounted a coup attempt in the Ukraine, dissolving parliament and calling a snap general election on May 27th. The parliament...

25 years since the Malvinas war

THE 1982 Malvinas (Falklands War) was a decisive event not just for Britain’s Foreign Policy but for its home policy. The islands off the Argentinian...

Bush moves towards intervention with ‘free hostages’ call

PRESIDENT BUSH has laid the basis for military intervention against Iran with his condemnation of Iran’s ‘inexcusable behaviour’ in arresting the 15 British sailors...

PCS to strike on May 1st – calls on TUC and...

Public and Commercial Services union (PCS) leaders have named May 1st as a second national strike day by 200,000 civil servants. The PCS is also...

Nurses’ Pay Cut By Instalments Is ‘Not Acceptable’

OVER ten thousand nurses have bombarded MPs with letters protesting at this year’s pay cut for nurses and other health care workers. It comes...

20,000 Civil Servants On Strike Today!

Approximately 20,000 members of the Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS) working for the Ministry of Defence (MoD) and Identity and Passports Service (IPS)...

Government forced to revive the NHS Trusts it was bankrupting

IN the face of the rising anger of junior doctors, nurses, consultants, ancillary workers and patients over the Labour government’s policy of deliberately crashing...

BLAIR THREATENS IRAN – as US battlegroups move into position

PM BLAIR yesterday threatened that if the 15 Royal Navy personnel held by Iran for trespassing in Iranian waters are not released soon,...

Hands off Iran – NO British Troops in the ...

‘IT simply is not true that they went into Iranian territorial waters and I hope the Iranian government understands how fundamental an issue this...

Blair Fended Off Caution With Resignation Threat

LABOUR MP Jack Straw yesterday announced that he is to run Gordon Brown’s campaign for the Labour leadership. Straw’s declaration was answered in...

Inflation up as Blair-Brown move to cut wages!

INFLATION in the UK is accelerating out of control. According to the latest Labour government figures which grossly underestimate the process the Consumer...

LEGAL AID BEING DESTROYED – Lawyers rally to defend ‘vital pillar...

LAWYERS have vowed to fight government plans that they warn will destroy the legal aid system. Hundreds of lawyers staged a mass lobby outside...

Lift the siege on the Palestinians!

PRIME Minister Ismail Haniya’s Palestinian Authority (PA) national unity government, sworn in on Saturday, is being recognised and supported by more and more...

Blair & Brown’s NHS cuts boost the Tories

ONLY those with short memories, or strong stomachs, did not have to stop themselves vomiting when hearing Tory leader David Cameron talk about his...

Junior Doctors Are Plunged Into Crisis

AT the heart of the Modernising Medical Careers (MMC) and the Medical Training Application Service (MTAS) programmes for junior doctors is the...

Woodley And Barber Know No Shame!

Trade union leaders in Europe have warned that the present ‘spectacular growth’ of the private equity venture capitalist deals is ‘unsustainable’ and ‘stoking up...

DOCTORS ON THE MARCH – scrap the MMC and MTAS now!

AROUND 15,000 junior doctors are about to find themselves without training posts if Modernising Medical Careers (MMC) and the new Medical Training Application Service...

Blair and Cameron unite to split the Labour Party

NINETY Five Labour MPs voted against the government’s renewal of the Trident programme in the House of Commons on Wednesday evening as the Labour...

Firefighters Look For A Candidate Who Will Defend Their Collective Bargaining...

NEARLY 1,000 US Fire Fighters (IAFF) are set to take part in today’s 2008 presidential campaign’s first bipartisan candidate forum on Wednesday in Washington,...

STOP TRIDENT! – RMT condemns Blair-Brown government

THE TENS of billions of pounds the government intends to spend on new weapons of mass destruction should be spent on public services, said...

We need more doctors and nurses not less

AS a result of Tory and Labour health reforms designed to break up the NHS, we now have thousands of unemployed nurse graduates and...

Tories to prop up Blair over Trident, the shape of things...

LARGE numbers of Labour MPs are opposed to Blair’s programme to renew the Trident submarine based, nuclear weapons delivery system. The eventual cost...

ZIMBABWE UNION LEADERS ARRESTED – as COSATU supports April 3 general...

Zimbabwean riot police arrested opposition leader Morgan Tzvangirai when they prevented a mass anti-government protest yesterday. Police rounded up dozens of opposition activists and trade...

Riot Police Launch Savage Savage Attacks On Athens Demonstration

Over 30,000 Greek students and lecturers demonstrating against the government’s Education Bill were viciously attacked by the armed riot police outside the Vouli (Greek...

3i UNION BUSTERS – will be beaten says GMB

‘DESPITE five days of strike action by 55 members of the GMB, NCP, owned by private equity group 3i, is refusing to recognise the...

REPORT MINIMUM WAGE CHEATS – GMB warns Virgin Media contractor Cobra

THE GMB trade union yesterday called on workers being cheated of the national minimum wage to contact their local GMB office to enforce their...

Reid rants against foreigners ‘stealing our benefits’

YESTERDAY Home Secretary John Reid showed that patriotism is indeed the last refuge of a scoundrel when he attacked foreigners for ‘stealing our benefits’....

Consultants in revolt against Blair’s ‘health reforms’

Hospital consultants in the West Midlands are boycotting the new ‘reformed’ system for selecting junior doctors for specialist training. The consultants said they would...

British capitalism can afford wars but not benefits!

BOTH Prime Minister Blair and Chancellor Brown insisted yesterday, in support of Works and Pensions minister Hutton, that single parents must look for work...

WELFARE ‘SLAP IN THE FACE’ – says CPS civil servants union

Welfare ‘reform’ plans aimed at privatising ‘help’ for the long term unemployed drew an angry response from civil servants’ union PCS yesterday. Union leader Mark Serwotka...