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Tag: strike

Fight for jobs, and against evictions and benefit cuts!

THOUSANDS more working-class families are going to their local Citizen Advice Bureau because of the effects of unemployment, debts, threatened loss of homes and...

Resume BA strike action–urge cabin crew

‘WE WANT the strike action reinstated immediately and extended, so that we can defeat Walsh’s union-busting operation once and for all,’ British Airways Stewards...

Build revolutionary leadership in South African strike struggle!

THE South African 300,000-strong National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) has called a one-day solidarity strike with the 1.3m public sector trade unionists who have...


French trade unions met yesterday to finalise arrangements for ‘a day of strikes and demonstrations’ across France on September 7th. There is enormous anger over...

Tory-Lib Dem Budget hitting the poor hardest – IFS report

WORKING class families and pensioners are being hit hardest by Chancellor George Osborne’s Emergency Budget. This is the key finding from a study by the...


‘The entire economy of South Africa will be shut down’, warns the Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu), if the government fails to...

STOP TUC TALKS WITH TORIES – Barber must be sacked!

‘The TUC-Tory talks must stop’, Dave Wiltshire the All Trades Union Alliance Secretary told News Line yesterday. Wiltshire said: ‘Brendan Barner is discussing with Cameron...

End TUC collaboration with Tories

The news this week that Unison, the largest public sector union, has launched a legal challenge to the coalition government’s white paper on the...

London firefighters gear up for jobs fight

Over 500 London Region Fire Brigades Union (FBU) members and officials rallied at the TUC on Tuesday evening as they gear up to fight...

‘We must keep Chase Farm open!’

THERE was a lively picket of at least 40 workers and youth, including sacked Visteon workers, organised by the North-East London Council of Action...

UCU demand a pensions ballot

SEVENTY-ONE investment staff at the Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS) shared bonus payments of £2.89m in the year to the end of March 2010. The...

The US Falters, Shares Crash And Revolution Stalks Europe!

THE US, EU and Asian stockmarkets have taken yet another hit as the decline and fall of the US capitalist economy continues. On Thursday, the...


BY JOHN COULTER, Irish political journalist Irish republicans need to build a mass movement capable of attracting a wide range of people, one of Sinn...

Coalition poised to hand out a death sentence for pensioners!

The Coalition is to hit out at millions of pensioners. Currently anyone over 60 is eligible for the winter fuel allowance, with households getting...

Demand TUC call a General Strike!

The leaders of the Trades Union Congress (TUC) have refused to condemn Labour right-winger Alan Milburn for accepting a position with the Tory-led coalition...

Blairites Joining Coalition!

Former Labour deputy prime minister John Prescott yesterday furiously lashed out at the queue of Blairite former ministers who are joining the Tory coalition. He...

Blairites for Cameron – Milburn joins Hutton and Field – with...

THE leading Blairite and Labour party member, Alan Milburn, who was forced to resign as Labour’s Health Secretary for his over-enthusiasm for complete NHS...

Threat To Sack All London Firefighters!

Ian Leahair, FBU Executive Council Member for London, on Thursday issued the following statement on London fire commissioner Ron Dobson’s threat to sack the...

£65bn PFI Nightmare for the NHS!

THE PFI Private Finance Initiative was brought in by the Major Tory government, and while it was opposed by Labour in opposition, it was...

Class war sharpening – unions need new leaders

YESTERDAY the Prime Minister, Cameron, was warning the BAA Unite workers that they must not strike. This was at least six hours before the result...

BAA MASSIVE STRIKE VOTE – as Cameron puts the boot in

Unite union members working for British Airports Authority (BAA) have voted overwhelmingly for strike action, the union announced at a press conference yesterday afternoon. The...

Cameron-Clegg set the bounty hunters on the poor!

First it was people on various disability benefits who were the enemy. The Cameron line is that these people are dodgers who should...

Simpson refuses to fight the Coalition

DEREK Simpson, the Unite co-leader, was brought onto the Andrew Marr Show last Sunday to deliberately attempt to undermine the struggle in the trade...

RMT demands inspection of all fire detection equipment

TUBE union RMT is to leaflet rush-hour passengers at Euston station tomorrow morning, Wednesday, August 11 over cuts to safety and safety-critical jobs. This follows...

Chelsea Tories just could not wait to start evicting

JUST hours after Tory leader Cameron announced that council houses were no longer going to be ‘homes for life’ – but were to be...

Call a general strike – build Councils of Action – forward...

THE Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) said yesterday that the government should ban strikes by workers in essential services, adding that this...

US Economy Declines – As States Go Bust!

THE former chairman of the US Federal Reserve, Alan Greenspan, has warned that the US economy is heading towards a deepening of the slump...

Tanker drivers being ‘driven into conflict’ – says Unite trade union...

TANKER drivers are being driven to strike action, the Unite trade union warned yesterday. The UK’s major oil companies, retailers and independents providing fuel for...

Maliki Shuts Down Iraq’s Electrical Trade Unions

THE International Federation of Chemical, Energy, Mine and General Workers’ Unions has expressed outrage at the banning last week of the Iraqi electrical trade...

California’s budget ‘meltdown’

CALIFORNIA’S Republican Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger declared a fiscal state of emergency yesterday in a move to put pressure on members of California State Legislature...

Greek Hauliers Defy Emergency Order

Hundreds of striking lorry drivers and hauliers clashed with Greek police in Athens, all day yesterday. Truckers and their surporters have been lining the highways...

Cameron takes a begging bowl to India

PRIME Minister David Cameron and the Tory-Lib Dem coalition government have decamped from London to New Delhi this week to drum up business, such...

Cameron increases police powers for war on Welfare State

THE Tory-Lib Dem coalition government launched its White Paper Policing in the 21st century: reconnecting police and the people, on Monday. Home Secretary Theresa...

Bangladeshi workers taking to the streets

Unable to live on their wages, Bangladeshi workers are threatening to continue protests that have seen factories ransacked and led to violent clashes...

Welsh FBU Fury Over Doubled Working Hours

The South Wales Branch of the Fire Brigades Union is organising a ballot for industrial action to fight plans by senior Brigade management to...

Uproar After Uni Pensions Referendum Rejected

THERE was uproar throughout the Universities and College Union (UCU) yesterday, after the employers threw out the union’s proposal that huge pensions changes should...

Coalition Privateers To ‘Liberate NHS’ Final Part

THE White Paper produced by the Tory-Lib Dem coalition government says that all NHS Trusts must become Foundation Trusts (FTs) within three years. There are...

Stop BA & Stop Baa Airports, To Win Cabin Crew Struggle!

BA cabin crew yesterday rejected the latest offer from BA with a massive 67 per cent voting to throw out by 3,419 votes to...

‘Big Society’ a cover for destroying jobs and life-saving services!

TORY leader Cameron yesterday delivered his speech on the ‘Big Society’ but had a problem defining what he meant. He said: ‘You can call it...

Maude and Cameron seek the support of parliament for law-breaking

THE Tory-led coalition is rushing through parliamentary legislation to impose on the Civil Service trade unions savage changes to their redundancy agreement (Civil Service...

Settlement with Vale–but no final accord!

WITH a 75% ratification vote announced late on 7 July, Canadian nickel mining and processing workers represented by United Steelworkers (USW) Locals 6500 and...

Threat to sack firefighters!

The Fire Brigades Union (FBU) has condemned the commissioner of the London Fire Brigade after he threatened the entire workforce with the sack if...

Unite urges BA shareholders to make peace

LEADERS of the Unite trade union were campaigning for ‘peace’ with British Airways management yesterday, as a lobby of the BA Annual General Meeting...

‘We are going to create the largest social enterprise sector in...

PRIMARY CARE Trusts are to be abolished and replaced by Federations of GPs who will purchase healthcare for their patients from both the public...

Oppose BBC Pensions robbery!

‘Over the past few days the joint unions have held a number of packed meetings as part of our campaign to oppose the BBC’s...