Tag: strike
Israel will not end administrative detentions – as thousands join hunger...
An Israeli military court has refused an appeal by long-term hunger-strikers Thaer Halahla and Bilal Diyab to end their detention without charge, prisoners groups...
Murdoch targets unions & BBC
News Corporation boss Rupert Murdoch yesterday made it clear that he had taken a decision to smash the print unions when he provoked the...
Nottingham school strike!
NUT members at Bilborough College, Nottingham went on strike yesterday against compulsory redundancies, downgrading of teachers’ jobs and workload, with a picket from 7.45am...
Carter Warns Against War With Iran
EX-US President Carter has decried his nation’s involvement in unjust conflicts and wishes the US could be seen as a champion of peace. Former US...
Revolutionary crisis in France
The first round of voting in the French presidential election, held last Sunday, produced an unprecedented defeat for the incumbent Nicolas Sarkozy and his...
The present unelected Greek coalition government, of social-democrats and conservatives headed by banker Lucas Papademos has decided to fund with some 50bn euros the...
Coalition mounts low-pay offensive on NHS!
Public sector union Unison yesterday slammed Health Secretary Lansley’s backing for Chancellor Osborne’s plan for regional pay. This comes in evidence from the Department of...
Unions Must Fight And Defeat Local Pay Plans
THE Tory LibDem coalition, despite all its problems and weaknesses, waged a war to bring its Health and Social Care privatising bill into law. They...
‘Outrage’ At Remploy Closures
Hundreds of disabled workers demonstrated yesterday against the closure of Remploy factories outside the DWP (Department of Work and Pensions) offices in London and...
Unite Leaders, As In The BA Dispute, Postpone Action Yet...
LAST Wednesday afternoon, the Unite trade union reps for its tanker driver membership rejected the employers’ offer, and the union was due to present...
Record Petrol Prices
Average petrol prices in the UK set a new record this week at 142.48p a litre, and 147.88p a litre for diesel. The AA Fuel...
Bectu to strike
The BBC unions announced yesterday that they will be targeting the Jubilee celebrations, following BBC management’s decision to write directly to members of staff...
PCS leads May 10 pensions strike!
HUNDREDS of thousands of public sector workers are striking in defence of their pensions on Thursday May 10th. The strike comes the day after the...
No Victimisation!
Camden Unison held a demonstration outside Haverstock School, north London yesterday in support of the school’s Unison shop steward William Westwell who has been...
Notts NUT strike action
Nottingham teachers held a second successful one-day strike yesterday against the City Council’s plan to impose a five-term year. Speaking ahead of yesterday’s strike, John...
‘We’ll strike again if need be’ – warn Swindon hospital workers
GMB trade union officers, representing 150 GMB members employed by Carillion at Great Western Hospital in Swindon, expect the company to reach conclusions by...
Food And Clothes Prices Soar
SOARING food and clothing prices saw the Consumer Prices Index (CPI) inflation rate measure for March rising to 3.5% from 3.4% in February. The Office...
Hamas prisoner begins hunger strike
Palestinian detainee Abdullah al-Barghouthi announced on Thursday that he will begin a hunger-strike in protest against solitary confinement. Al-Barghouti, former head of Hamas’ al-Qassam Brigades...
After Bradford – No Change In Labour Policies
LABOUR Party leader Miliband said on Thursday that both national and local factors were to blame for the party’s massive defeat at the hands...
Letter to News Line: SHREWSBURY – a lesson for the working...
THE article in the News Line last Wednesday brought back not just memories of my personal involvement in the campaign led by the Young...
Bmw Ready For Strike Ballot!
Workers at BMW’s Mini plant in Oxford have overwhelmingly rejected a ‘strings attached’ pay offer, raising the prospect of the first strike since 1984. In...
‘Resist forced Academy status’
‘The NUT will support all those school communities – heads, teachers, parents and governors – who resist forced Academy status’, pledged NUT General Secretary...
Unemployment And Poverty Soaring!
THE Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) confirmed what people already know, when it predicted yesterday that unemployment is set to rise, this...
Nut Strike Ballot Against Local Pay
The National Union of Teachers (NUT) Annual Conference in Torquay yesterday voted unanimously to ballot for strike action against any government move to attack...
Teachers must not fight alone – TUC must call a general...
The annual conferences of the two largest teaching unions, the NUT and the NASUWT, meeting at the weekend heard that the unions and the...
Teacher Unions Vote To Strike
THE NUT and NASUWT teachers unions voted overwhelmingly for strike action at their annual conferences over the weekend. Speaking after the Priority Motion on Pensions...
Anti-government fury at Greek pensioner’s funeral
The funeral of a Greek pensioner on Saturday turned into a mass anti-government protest. About 1,000 workers and youth attended the civil funeral in Athens,...
Russian car workers win union recognition
Benteler car workers in Kaluga, Russia, to the south west of Moscow, have won their strike over recognition of their union. On April 2...
Christoulas makes his call for REVOLUTION!
A 77-YEAR-old Greek pensioner penned his political testament on Wednesday, before he blew his brains out in front of the Greek parliament, a parliament...
Tories In ‘Head-On Collision’ With Classroom Teachers
Teachers have been ‘angered, alienated and attacked’ by coalition ministers who are determined to engage in a ‘head-on collision’ with the profession, delegates to...
‘We face our jailers with firm will and steadfastness’ –...
Israeli forces raided the Jerusalem office of a university media institute on Monday, shutting down the launch of an online media network and detaining...
Shrewsbury Pickets conspiracy exposed
The Shrewsbury Pickets Campaign, led by former pickets Ricky Tomlinson and Terry Renshaw, with Andy Warren (son of deceased picket Des Warren) yesterday...
Thousands March To Defend Rio Tinto Alcan Jobs!
THOUSANDS of people marched through the streets of Alma in Lac Saint-Jean in Quebec province on Saturday to demand an end to the...
Apprenticeships Rip-Off Exposed
PRIVATE companies are being paid tens of millions of pounds of public money to train apprentices with no inspections or checks taking place and...
30th anniversary of Malvinas war – reject imperialist war hysteria
Yesterday marked the 30th anniversary of the Malvinas (Falklands) war, a war involving a tiny island with a population in 1982 of less than...
‘Thousands will back tanker drivers!’
PEOPLE'S fuel lobby leader Andrew Spence yesterday said: ‘Thousands will back a Unite tanker driver members strike’. He told News Line: ‘It’s not just truck...
Savage Spanish cuts will stoke a fire that no firewall can...
THE Spanish government is to cut 27bn euros (£22.5bn) from its budget this year. Among the measures are the freezing of public sector...
Workers want the Tories out but don’t want Miliband and Balls...
THIS IS the message that is coming out of the Bradford West by-election where Respect candidate George Galloway was ‘unexpectedly’, out of the blue,...
‘WE WON’T WORK UNTIL 68!’ – say striking teachers and lecturers
‘We won’t work till 68!’ chanted striking teachers and lecturers on an 8,000-strong march through central London on Wednesday. The National Union of Teachers (NUT)...
Cameron-Osborne Are No Joke!
THE row over the Tories so-called ‘pasty tax’ has become a dangerous diversion in the hands of the Labour leadership who are intent on...
MILLIONS STRIKE IN SPAIN! – against wage cuts & sacking legislation
Spain was gripped by a 24-hour general strike by millions of workers yesterday. It was called in protest against a new law making it...
Balfour Beatty’s Sack Warning To 12,000
Construction giant Balfour Beatty has warned its 12,000 staff in the UK they could lose their jobs as a result of the slump in...
‘WANTED FOR ROBBERY!’ –pensions strikers condemn coalition
OVER 8,000 striking teachers and college lecturers from the NUT and UCU unions in London yesterday marched from University College Union London to the...
‘We stand united to defend pensions’ -says NUT leader CHristine Blower
School teachers, further education college and post-92 university lecturers in London are taking part in a one-day strike and demonstration today as the next...
Nuclear Terrorists Attend Seoul Summit
A WORLD leaders summit in Seoul on nuclear security has called for closer co-operation to tackle the threat of nuclear terrorism. President Obama warned there...