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Pna Being Bullied To Prevent Hamas Standing

The Palestinian National Authority is being bullied into choosing between democracy or empty coffers, the Palestine Media Center (PMC) says. The PMC said on Tuesday:...

Blair Loses Torture Appeal

‘The Court of Appeal yesterday handed down a landmark judgment about the torture and abuse of Iraqi civilians in detention with UK Armed Forces...

Battle For Firefighters’ Jobs Builds Up

Lancashire firefighters are to be balloted over possible strike action in defence jobs. Chief Fire Officer Peter Holland plans to ‘save £1 million’ by cutting...


‘THE Compromise Agreement is dead. We have seen it off’ said Nirmal Purewal TGWU shop steward and locked out Gate Gourmet worker. ‘This dispute...

‘WE WILL NOT RENEW THE TRUCE’ say Hamas and Islamic Jihad

The ongoing Israeli violations and extra-judicial killings have put the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) and the anti-occupation groups on opposite sides of the argument...

Teachers Strike!

TEACHERS in four schools in Calderdale, Greenwich, Newham and Doncaster will take strike action this week to protect salary levels following a review forced...

‘WE ARE STRONG AND WE WILL WIN’ say Gate Gourmet workers

‘NOW that Eric Born (managing director Gate Gourmet UK and Ireland) has admitted that only 137 have signed the Compromise Agreement, it shows that...

GREEK GENERAL STRIKE – for workers’ rights against privatisation

A massive strike wave is taking place against the Greek right-wing government this week as workers are staging national strikes, including a general strike...

NHS SPENDING FREEZE! – decreed by Finance Director

An email sent last month from chief medical officer Sir Ian Donaldson’s chief of staff to DoH officials orders a freeze on NHS spending...

Only 137 have signed ‘Compromise’ deal

LOCKED-out Gate Gourmet workers on the picket line yesterday were determined that they will win their struggle to return to their jobs on their...

‘TORTURE IS ABHORRENT’ say the Law Lords

‘This is a momentous decision,’ said Amnesty International yesterday. ‘The Law Lords ruling has overturned the tacit belief that torture can be condoned under...

Labour Opens Door To Super Exploitation!

TWO young Polish women, Marta and Kaisia, yesterday told a TGWU-organised briefing in the House of Commons of their experiences as cheap labour agency...

Israel Violating Gaza Border Agreement

Using the individual bombing attack in Netanya on Monday as a pretext, Israel is violating the Gaza borders agreement with the Palestinian National Authority...

Brown wants to form a Blairite government

CHANCELLOR Gordon Brown has confirmed to the BBC that he will run a Blairite administration if he becomes prime minister. He said that...

Abbas Accepts Italy’s Offer To Host Peace Talks

President Mahmud Abbas on Friday accepted Italy’s offer to host Palestinian-Israeli peace talks, urged international commitment to the UN-adopted ‘roadmap’ peace plan, the Palestine...

3,000 NHS Jobs At Risk

THE Royal College of Nursing (RCN) yesterday warned that 3,000 NHS jobs, including 1,000 nurses’ jobs, are under threat. This was after the government announced...

‘WE WANT OUR JOBS BACK!’ – March with locked-out Gate Gourmet...

‘WE have got more and more support for our fight to get our jobs back’, locked out Gate Gourmet worker Palmjit Bains told News...

PEMBROKE RALLY – called by Welsh TUC

The Welsh TUC is supporting a rally at 1.30 pm tomorrow at Pembroke Dock in solidarity with the Irish Ferries workers fighting attempts...

Work till you drop for the working class

LORD Turner, the ex-CBI boss, is proposing that workers work a number of extra years before they take the state pension. Turner says that...

‘Big support from Greenford Royal Mail’

Locked out Gate Gourmet workers were out all day yesterday campaigning for Sunday’s march and rally in Southall to demand that all the locked...

STOP THE UNION BUSTERS! – Irish Congress of Trade Unions calls...

The General President of Irish trade union SIPTU yesterday welcomed the decision by the Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) Executive to back his...


‘This will be the start, they are going to pay for all their lies, all the shootings,’ Alex Pereira, the cousin of Jean Charles...

IRISH FERRIES BARRED – turned away by port workers in...

Rosslare and Dublin port workers have said they will not handle Irish Ferries ship the MV Normandy if it tries to dock at their...


‘Torture by the authorities, including with electric shocks and cigarette burns, continues in Georgia’, said Amnesty International today in a new report released on...

US Worldwide Torture Network

THE Council of Europe has announced it is investigating 31 reports of unmarked executive aircraft being used by the CIA to transport ‘suspected terrorists’...

Locked-out Gate Gourmet workers to march through Southall

LOCKED OUT Gate Gourmet workers are to march through Southall on Sunday December 4th to demand that the TGWU makes their dispute official and...

MAKE OUR DISPUTE OFFICIAL say Gate Gourmet locked-out workers

A DELEGATION of Gate Gourmet locked out workers is due to meet the TGWU head of civil aviation, Brendan Gold, at the union’s head...

US workers need revolutionary leadership

A CRISIS, with the most revolutionary implications for the working class, is erupting in the US, with GM, the world’s biggest motorcar producer announcing...

Gate Gourmet Admits 3-Stage Deal Defeated!

GATE GOURMET, the firm that locked out over 700 of its workers in a pre-planned onslaught on August 10, admitted yesterday that the locked...

Gourmet locked-out workers smash Woodley-Barber ‘compromise’ deal

THE Gate Gourmet catering company was forced to admit on Saturday that the ‘sweetheart’ deal, which the leaders of the TGWU and the ...

Gate Gourmet Workers Angry At Tgwu Officials

LOCKED out Gate Gourmet workers spoke out angrily yesterday over TGWU officers who are putting pressure on those the company has selected for compulsory...

STOP NHS CUTS! – Hewitt planning winter hospital closures

Health Secretary Patricia Hewitt is planning to shut down ‘failing’ NHS hospitals this winter in the face of a predicted £700m NHS deficit in...

INJUSTICE! – Clarke orders Babar Ahmad extradition

Babar Ahmad has called ‘for this injustice to be avenged’ after Home Secretary Charles Clarke ordered his extradition to America to face trumped up...

Three More US Marines Killed

Three more US marines were killed in western Iraq on Monday, the US military confirmed yesterday. All three, from the 2nd Marine Division, were taking...

Blair’s Guildhall speech proclaims ‘globalisation’ & war

LABOUR premier Tony Blair spoke about the fight against ‘global terrorism’ and called for free-trade ‘globalisation’ in his foreign policy speech at the City...

‘ANSWER “GLOBALISATION” WITH WORLD REVOLUTION’ – News Line editor tells Trotsky...

MORE than 300 youth and workers filled the News Line Anniversary rally at the Park Crescent Conference Centre in central London on Sunday, celebrating...

Another mass picket at Gate Gourmet

THE mass picket of over 100 Gate Gourmet workers at Heathrow Airport yesterday were angry at capitalist press revelations that at least two of...

TGWU leaders still pushing ‘compromise agreement’

LOCKED out Gate Gourmet workers were very angry on the picket line at Heathrow Airport yesterday when letters from the TGWU solicitor advising them...

Leon Trotsky’s CLASS AND ART Final part: ‘Tactics in Literature’

THIS speech was delivered on May 9, 1924 during discussions at the Press Department of the Central Committee of the RCP(B) on Party Policy...

Capitalist Crisis Is Driving Forward World Revolution

THIS Sunday’s 65th Anniversary rally of the assassination of Leon Trotsky by an agent of the Stalinist bureaucracy in 1940 is taking place at...

Leon Trotsky’s CLASS AND ART

THIS speech was delivered on May 9, 1924 during discussions at the Press Department of the Central Committee of the RCP(B) on Party Policy...

TGWU register 735 tribunal cases

THERE was a mass picket of over 200 locked out Gate Gourmet workers at Heathrow airport yesterday. Senior shop steward Mr Dhillon told News...

Government By Police Chiefs

AT his monthly press conference last Monday, the Prime Minister admitted that the source of his proposal, that the police should be allowed to...

Locked-out workers demand action as French unions strike against BA

GATE GOURMET workers were yesterday calling for action to win their jobs back while, at the same time, BA was opening up a second...

French youth revolution will set Europe ablaze!

NEITHER the Gendarmerie, nor troops or even the fatwas of the ‘holy men’ can stop the French youth rebellion, which is the product of...