Tag: parliament
Investigate undercover police role in blacklisting – GMB calls for home...
THE GMB union has called for a just-announced Home Office inquiry into undercover police to cover blacklisting. This came during a protest outside Parkside police...
£70bn more Tory cuts!
SHADOW Labour Chancellor Ed Balls said yesterday that the Tories are not even half way through their cuts, and that if elected they would...
Demoralised Tory leaders are demanding a national government
THE prospects for the 2015 May 7 general election – taking place after more than five years of savage austerity measures that have...
‘13 Local Authorities Remain 20% Below Their Targeted Fundings!’
‘IT IS concerning that the Department of Health is not getting local authorities to their target funding allocations for public health quickly enough,’ says...
Ukraine faces more savage austerity and cuts to qualify for IMF...
UKRAINE’S central bank has sharply raised interest rates from 19.5% to 30% in an effort to curb inflation and prop up its beleaguered currency...
Vodafone workers win their strike
THE President of the Greek Vodafone workers’ trade union Jaklin Gorou said that Tuesday’s national strike, demanding wage rises, the end of flexible working...
Australian workers defeat Abbott government over GP tax
AUSTRALIA’S biggest health union, the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF), is celebrating the defeat of the Tory Abbott government, which has had...
Isis Gangs Attacking Syrian Citizens In Hasaka Province!
SYRIA’S Foreign and Expatriates Ministry has addressed two identical letters to the UN Secretary-General and Head of the UN Security Council about the...
Nemtsov loved by the US and UK ruling classes –...
YESTERDAY over 20,000 people marched in Moscow and several thousand in Leningrad to mourn the death of Boris Nemtsov. The vast majority of the Russian...
Germany signs austerity ‘deal’ – as Greek workers riot
THE GERMAN parliament voted yesterday to extend the ‘bailout package’ to Greece by another four months, while in Greece workers erupted on the streets...
Stormy Syriza Meeting
GREEK Prime Minister and leader of SYRIZA (Coalition of the Radical Left) Alexis Tsipras convened a meeting on Wednesday of SYRIZA’s 149 parliamentary deputies...
24-Hour Firefighters Strike Solid!
‘THIS dispute is not over,’ declared Fire Brigades Union General Secretary Matt Wrack at a packed 2,000-strong rally of striking firefighters in Westminster, central...
Low Paid UK By Permission Of The Tuc!
THE coalition government has named 70 companies that won’t pay workers the minimum wage. Even the government says that the 100 cases in the care...
FIREFIGHTERS in England are striking for 24 hours from 7am this morning in their long running dispute with the government over its unworkable pension...
Syriza Submits To Troika
THE Greek government decided on Saturday to accept all terms laid down in a statement agreed at last Friday’s Eurogroup Finance Ministers’ meeting that...
Workers angry at Syriza retreat!
ON Wednesday morning, the Greek government announced that it will be making an application to the Eurogroup for an extension of the loan agreement,...
‘Freedom’ for Local Government means only the rich will prosper!
THE Independent Commission on Local Government Finance has said England’s local authorities need ‘urgent devolution of powers, funding and taxes’, and that Public Services...
‘The region is being recreated from scratch!’ – Hezbollah leader Nasrallah...
HEZBOLLAH Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah delivered on Monday a speech commemorating the Resistance Martyrs, in which he tackled various internal and regional titles. As...
‘NOT ONE STEP BACKWARDS!’ – Greek workers demand of Syriza
OVER 40,000 Greek workers, many with their families, shop-keepers, professional people and youth rallied at the central Athens Vouli (Greek parliament) square calling on...
Greek Crisis Set To Explode Under Eu!
GREECE’S Syriza government has drawn up its plan to renegotiate with the EU. Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras won a confidence vote on Tuesday evening,...
BRITISH TROOPS FOR JORDAN! – Stop the War demands issue be...
2,000 UK troops and a RAF spy plane are bound for Jordan to ‘combat ISIS’ it emerged yesterday. The UK will send the ‘specialist troops’...
First speech of Greek PM Tsipras
THE new Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras made his first speech to the Vouli (Greek parliament) last Sunday night saying he would carry out...
‘We will not be blackmailed’–Athens workers
SOME 10,000 workers and their families gathered outside the Vouli (Greek parliament) last Thursday evening in Athens in protest against the European Central Bank’s...
‘Greece Will Come To The Boil’ – Varoufakis
GREECE’S new finance minister Yanis Varoufakis has urged Germany not to humiliate the country over its debts. Varoufakis compared Greece’s plight with that of inter-war...
Confidential documents handed to Chilcot showed that Bush and Blair planned...
IN LAST Thursday’s House of Commons Iraq Inquiry debate, originally scheduled to follow the publication of the Chilcot inquiry, all the contentious issues surrounding...
‘Debt must be paid in full!’ – German bankers threaten Greece
GERMANY has issued warnings to the new Greek government that it must ‘live up to its commitments to its creditors’, and ‘take measures so...
Syriza Victory!
SYRIZA swept to power yesterday in the Greek elections winning 149 seats, just two short of an absolute majority. After the final results came in...
Greek working class delivers blow to EU capitalism
THE victory of Syriza in the Greek election represents a huge blow by the Greek working class against European capitalism. Syriza, the coalition of the...
Iran and Russia–strategic defence co-operation
‘IRAN and Russia are on the path of strategic defence cooperation’ said the Iranian Daily Javan website on 21 January. It stated: ‘Iranian...
RELATIONS between Israeli and Palestinian officials have reached a ‘point of no return,’ PLO chief negotiator Saeb Erekat said on Monday. The top PLO...
Greek Workers & Small Farmers Occupy!
WORKERS and small farmers are in occupation for over a week now of the large state owned EBZ sugar-beets factory in Thessaloniki, northern Greece,...
‘The United States wants to use Russia against Syria!’ – says...
PRESIDENT Bashar al-Assad gave an interview to the Czech paper Literarni Noviny. The following are extracts from the interview. Question: Regarding ISIS, it looks like,...
Unison Police Staff To Go On 24-Hour Strike
UNISON police staff members working in forces in England and Wales are to stage a 24-hour strike starting at 07.00 hours on Friday 23...
Scrap the US-EU free trade TTIP treaty!
EU-US talks aimed at clinching a comprehensive free trade deal, that will allow the US to economically and politically dominate Europe and defy EU...
Ambulance Cuts Are Costing Lives!
EAST of England Ambulance Service Trust (EEAST) management operated a policy of downgrading target response times for 999 emergency calls from December 18th...
1.1m households can’t afford to pay for heating!
1.1 MILLION households who cannot afford to heat their home to a comfortable level are in work, according to a new report by the...
Labour announces plans to cut public services year on year
‘WE HAVE got to make our case, explaining our vision house by house, street by street, town by town’, Labour leader Ed Miliband...
Miliband’s ‘fight door-to-door’ bombast has no answers for workers and...
ED MILIBAND kicked-off Labour’s election campaign yesterday with a speech full of bombast and empty promises, but which has at its core the main...
Greek workers on the march to socialist revolution
THE Greek working class, Greek youth and the majority of the middle class and the small farmers have battled the EU imposed austerity programmes...
NUMSA defends Vavi against Stalinist slanders
THE National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) has issued a response to the South African Communist Party (SACP) November 2014 Augmented Central...
Greek vote provokes revolutionary crisis
YESTERDAY''S Greek presidential vote heralds the start of a fresh eurozone crisis that threatens to bring down the Eurozone and with it the whole...
Mass Demonstrations Continue In Haiti
MASS demonstrations continued in Haiti on Xmas eve demanding the resignation of President Michel Martelly and that elections be held. The Haitian parliament’s mandate runs...
‘Set up an independent Judge-led inquiry!’ – ‘Keep your word’ Rights...
NINE human rights NGOs (non-governmental organisations), including Reprieve, are urging prime minister Cameron to honour his 2010 promise of an independent, judge-led inquiry into...
Plans to double ambulance times condemned!
DOCTORS’, nurses’, ambulance staff leaders and Labour yesterday slammed plans to more than double target times for ambulances to reach some seriously ill patients. A...
Defeat For Greek Government!
THE Greek coalition government’s presidential candidate right-winger Stavros Dimas received the votes of just 160 parliamentary deputies last Wednesday night in the first round...