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‘The 3rd Intifada will defeat Israel’ – Haniya

DEPUTY head of Hamas’s political bureau Ismail Haniya has urged Arab and Muslim leaders in the region, in letters sent to them, to support...

Kill the Housing Bill!

‘DEFEND council housing! No social cleansing!’ shouted three hundred people demonstrating outside parliament yesterday as MPs debated the Housing and Planning Bill...

BMA new Year message surveys the battleground – on the eve...

‘WHAT is the NHS? To those who run it, a vast endeavour employing 1.4m people, consuming one pound in every six of public spending....

‘We are ready to take action – Don’t come back with...

‘WE are ready to strike, don’t come back with some half-baked deal,’ junior doctors urged their leaders at a 100-strong BMA London Regional Committee...

Tory Cuts Have Caused NHS Nursing Crisis!

THE Royal College of Nursing yesterday slammed government cuts over the NHS staffing crisis. Janet Davies, RCN Chief Executive and General Secretary said: ‘The RCN...

Kerry Says Washington And Moscow Have Found Common Ground Over Syria...

RUSSIA and the US have agreed on a number of ‘critical’ issues, particularly with regard to Syria, US Secretary of State John Kerry and...

Unelected Prince Charles sees cabinet papers before elected ministers!

ON 30 January 1649, King Charles I was beheaded outside the Banqueting House in Whitehall as a man of blood, and an enemy of...

UK Military support Saudi entry into Syria!

THE UK is ready to back up the newly founded Saudi coalition ground army, with air support in Syria, British military sources told the...

Student nurses join GPs and junior doctors in demanding action to...

THE determined drive by the Tory government to cut the pay and conditions of every NHS worker, as a prelude to the ultimate aim...

Plan to evict council tenants

THE government is planning to end the right of council tenants to stay in their homes for life. An amendment to the Housing Bill,...

Elderly Care Is Disintegrating – The Only Remedy Is To ...

A LETTER to Chancellor Osborne and Health Secretary Hunt signed by the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services, the Care Provider Alliance, which...

Secret Shrewsbury papers to be revealed this week

DOCUMENTS kept secret by the Cabinet Office that implicate former prime minister Edward Heath in a concerted attempt to influence the jury in the...

US moving to ground war in Iraq and Syria

THE United States is poised to step up the war in Iraq and Syria with the sending of more US ground forces. Speaking to...

Junior doctors strike suspended

AT THE eleventh hour, talks between the BMA on behalf of the junior doctors and the government at ACAS reached the following decision: ‘Following talks...

Corbyn announces ‘free vote’ on Syria

LABOUR leader Jeremy Corbyn announced yesterday that he will give Labour MPs a ‘free vote’ on the crucial issue of whether the UK joins...

Don’t vote to bomb Syria! Victory to Assad – forward...

IN August 2013, MPs rejected by 285-272 votes UK military intervention by the Cameron government to bomb President Bashar al-Assad’s government out of power,...

TUC’s weak response to Osborne’s attacks in his Autumn Statement!

TRADE union leaders responded weakly, without any call to action, to Chancellor Osborne’s Autumn Statement on Wednesday, in which he announced a massive extension...

Osborne privatisation drive – but forced to retreat over tax credits

CHANCELLOR Osborne announced a U-turn on the abolition of tax credits in his Autumn Statement yesterday, while massively extending Tory privatisation and cuts elsewhere. Nursing...

General Practice in danger of disintegrating!

‘GENERAL PRACTICE – and the NHS as we know it – is in danger of disintegrating unless the Chancellor urgently increases investment in the...

TUC leaders plead while workers starve

IN advance of the Tory chancellor, George Osborne, announcing to parliament on Wednesday his spending review, which will detail exactly how he intends to...

GP SURGERY FACING 46% FUNDING CUT – BMA warns of threat...

A GP surgery facing a 46 per cent cut to its funding over the next three years embodies the threat facing the profession, the...

Revolution the only way out of capitalism’s debt crisis

NEXT week, the Tory chancellor, George Osborne, will be announcing the results of his spending review to parliament, outlining £20 billion of austerity cuts...

‘Only Syrians can choose their president’ Assad

PRESIDENTIAL elections should be ‘about what the consensus is among the Syrians’ President Bashar al-Assad said in an extensive interview to Italian TV channel...

Shocking Impact Of Freezing School Funding And Cuts!

AS the Tory government freezes school funding, a National Union of Teachers (NUT) survey shows the shocking impact of cuts so far. A survey of...

Don’t let Cameron bomb Syria – Forward to the victory of...

THE capitalist media and its Tory masters are working around the clock to drum up a majority for Cameron, made up of Tories and...

Cameron wants parliament to decide air strikes on Syria

Cameron wants parliament to decide air strikes on Syria Cameron lost the parliamentary vote to bomb Syria in 2013 and has so far refused to...

West Midlands firefighters strike looms – over 300 jobs threatened

FIREFIGHTERS in the West Midlands have warned they could be forced to take industrial action over plans to cut 300 firefighting posts, leaving the...

Stop US-UK terrorism – No war on Syria – Bring down...

THE last few days has seen an acceleration in terrorist activity of all types. The first terrorist attack was last Thursday when the US...

Powers Bill to be rushed in! –as Labour shifts ground over...

THE British state yesterday stepped up security measures in the wake of Friday night’s terror attacks in Paris. Cameron held a Cobra emergency committee meeting...

Striking Sa Parliamentary Staff Demand Removal Of Parliament Secretary

STRIKING South African parliamentary staff on Friday said they would no longer negotiate with the unpopular secretary of the legislature Gengezi Mgidlana and demanded...

Civil Service Mayhem

PLANS reported yesterday morning to close all but a handful of HM Revenue and Customs’ (HMRC’s) 160 remaining UK offices would be ‘devastating’ and...

‘Generalised strike action!’ – urges bakers union leader

‘THIS anti-union legislation has to be answered by unified, generalised strike action from the entire trade union movement.’ Bakers Union leader Ronnie Draper was responding...

General Council must be made to resign for refusing to fight...

YESTERDAY morning, the TUC commented on the vote in the House of Commons on the third reading of the Trade Union Bill, which is...

The British army enters politics, and won’t tolerate a non-nuclear UK!

YESTERDAY saw General Sir Nicholas Houghton, the Chief of the Defence Staff openly entering politics and fighting for Tory Party policy, telling SKY TV...

Tories trying to stampede MPs into supporting war in Syria!

THE tragic loss of the Russian airliner flying out of the Egyptian resort of Sharm el-Sheikh killing 224 people, is being used by the...

Lecturers & Students Must Unite And Fight

‘EVERYONE, all of the country, must get organised to take rent strike action, we have shown that rent strikes work,’ Angus O’Brien, the student...

Youth In Poverty!

THE government’s new national minimum wage (NMW) rates risk leaving young people even further behind, the TUC warned yesterday. The new rates only apply to...

‘All-out strike to make education free’

‘STUDENTS and lecturers must go out on strike, in fact, I am for an all-out strike, to ensure education is free,’ said Dalia Giuaballa,...

‘I’m Calling For A General Strike To Smash This Bill!’

‘I’M CALLING for a general strike to smash this bill,’ Bakers Union leader Ian Hodson told News Line on Monday afternoon in Westminster, where...

Scrap Trade Union Bill – 5,000 trade unionists descend on Parliament

‘A GENERAL strike is the only way to defeat the Tory Trade Union Bill,’ Colin Knowles, Unison conveyor said yesterday. He spoke to News Line...

Smash anti-union bill!

YESTERDAY thousands of trade union members attended a rally and mass lobby of parliament called by the TUC in an attempt to – in...

Down with the EU – Forward to the Socialist United...

A VERY senior US official, Michael Froman, has warned Britain against leaving the 28-nation European Union saying such a move would cost London economically. Froman...

Three workers are killed in the Chittangong shipyard!

ANOTHER major accident happened in a Chittagong shipbreaking yard in Bangladesh last week, this time killing three workers. This latest accident took place on Tuesday,...

Tories get ready for war with Syria

PM Cameron is facing a direct legal challenge over a new version of the ministerial code which has been produced and which omits a...

Tories Consciously Undermining The Union!

THE Tories this week pushed through parliament their plans for ‘English votes for English laws’ under which only English MPs would have the right...