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‘I HAVE just chaired a meeting of the cabinet, where we agreed that the government should call a general election, to be held on...

270,000 Nurses consider taking strike action!

MORE than a quarter of a million nurses could be balloted in May for immediate strike action to smash the Tory pay freeze. The...

Drive the fascists off the streets – forward to workers power...

LAST Friday night, a racist gang attacked and seriously injured a teenage asylum seeker in Croydon. The Kurdish Iranian boy, age 17, was waiting with...

Telegraph appoints spin doctor Coulson

THE decision of the Telegraph Media Group (TMG) to appoint former Cameron spin doctor Andy Coulson to provide PR advice to the company has...

After Brexit, Forward To The European Socialist Revolution!

PRIME Minister May in her letter to EU President Tusk has described the invoking of Article 50 to begin the UK’s withdrawal from the...

‘UK intends to withdraw from EU!’ – PM May writes to...

PM May has written to EU President Tusk that ‘the referendum was a vote to restore, as we see it, our national self-determination.’ She added:...

Right wing Labour puts Corbyn and McDonnell on a very short...

SIR Keir Starmer, Labour’s Shadow Brexit Secretary speaking at a Chatham House conference, has said that Labour will not support any Brexit deal negotiated...

British banks’ role in the dirty money ‘global laundromat’ – Chancellor...

ON TUESDAY 21 March Labour shadow Chancellor John McDonnell asked an urgent question of the Chancellor, Hammond, who did not attend the session of...

Electric bills soar 32% gas by 26%

ELECTRIC and gas bills have soared by as much as 32% for electricity and 26% in gas in the last few months, a new...

PPPs are looting the planet – says Public Services International

A NEW report released by the UK-based Jubilee Debt Campaign provides a scathing critique of the failure of PPPs across a range of sectors...

Basic funding too low to allow schools to operate!

EVERY school in England will see budget cuts before 2020, even after new funding plans are put into place, Education Policy Institute (EPI) research...

SA police clear 87 officers of Marikana miners massacre

SOUTH African Police have investigated and cleared 87 of their own officers in relation to the August 2012 police killings of 34 Marikana miners. South...

Abbas meets Greenblatt to ‘relaunch peace process’

PRESIDENT Mahmoud Abbas’ meeting with US President Donald Trump’s special envoy Jason Greenblatt and their remarks hit the front page headlines in local Palestinian...

Bring down the crisis-ridden Tories – forward to a workers government...

GOVERNMENT plans to increase National Insurance levels for self-employed people – announced in the Budget last week – have been dropped by the Tory...

SNP 2nd Scottish Referendum

‘I WILL now take the steps necessary to make sure that Scotland will have the choice at the end of this process,’ Scottish Nationalist...

Reject the SNP attempt to split the working class! Forward to...

THE LEADER of the Scottish Nationalist Party, Nicola Sturgeon, dropped a bombshell yesterday with her announcement that she intends to push through a vote...

Parliament has no veto right over British people says Davis

TORY Brexit Secretary David Davis yesterday urged MPs to reject the two House of Lords amendments to the EU (Notification of Withdrawal) Bill....

MPs must vote to quit the EU – forward to the...

THE Brexit Secretary Davis yesterday urged MPs not to ‘tie the prime minister’s hands’ and to defeat the two House of Lords amendments to...

Tories abolish youth housing benefit! Resolve the housing crisis...

THE TORIES have stepped up their war on youth, pushing through legislation last Friday which strips all young unemployed people under the age of...

Tory Budget: war on NHS, education & pay

IN REFUSING to lift the 1% public sector pay cap, chancellor Philip Hammond is condemning ‘just managing’ civil servants to wage cuts of up...

100,000 march to Parliament to defend NHS

UP TO 100,000 health workers, trade unionists, students and youth marched through London to defend the NHS on Saturday. There were balloons from Unison, Unite,...

1,000 schools providing free school meals are facing the biggest cuts!

NEW research by NUT and the Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) using DfE data shows that, under current government school funding policy, the 1,000...

Palestinian Cabinet decides on West Bank only elections

THE PALESTINIAN cabinet decided on Tuesday to hold municipal elections on May 13 only in the West Bank with the exclusion of the Gaza...

Labour refuses to demand the resignation of Health Secretary Hunt!

ON MONDAY, in the House of Commons, Health Secretary Hunt was asked an urgent question as to why he had covered up for, and...

Anc Using ‘Freedom Charter Language’ To Bolster Domination Of Capitalism’ –...

THE latest ANC government budget entrenches the dominance of ‘white capital’ while intent on creating a ‘black capitalist’ class, says Irvin Jim, NUMSA...

Private company dumps half a million NHS patient letters

‘LET’S be under no illusions this is a catastrophic breach of data protection,’ Jonathan Ashworth, Labour’s shadow secretary of state for health told Parliament...

Smash the EU – forward to the United Socialist States of...

THIS week sees the return to Athens of the Troika’s ‘bail-out monitors’ to oversee yet another round of austerity cuts designed to crucify the...

Heseltine joins Blair’s campaign for an anti-Brexit uprising!

LORD Heseltine is notorious for his closure of the mining industry in 1993, as Secretary of State for Trade and Industry in the Major...

Tories send refugee children into the hands of smugglers

‘LET me be clear, the decision to cancel the Dubs scheme after admitting only 350 lone refugee children shames Britain. It must not...

South Africa National Day of Action

TENS of thousands took part in a National Day of Action organised by South Africa’s National Education Health & Allied Workers Union (NEHAWU) against...

Russia must recognise the Donetsk and Lugansk Peoples Republics!

RUSSIAN President Vladimir Putin has signed a decree ‘On recognition in the Russian Federation of the documents and licence plates of vehicles issued to...

Ireland ‘will soon recognise Palestinian state’

THE Israeli Ambassador to Ireland relayed a warning to the Israeli government on Tuesday that the Irish parliament would soon move to recognise the...

Don’t stop at the House of Lords! Abolish Parliament and go...

ON Wednesday night, a spokesman for the Tory government delivered a blunt message to the House of Lords that they either accepted Brexit or...

It’s Bercow v Trump as the British ruling class splits between...

SPEAKER Bercow, with his condemnation of any invitation to US President Trump to address both Houses of Parliament, has shown just how split and...

1 in 6 A&Es face closure

ONE in six A&Es across the length and breadth of the country are threatened with closure, according to research by the Health Service Journal...

May government is Thatcherite says the Resolution Foundation

THE just-published Resolution Foundation’s annual audit of living standards shows that the May government, far from seeking to lighten the load of the poor,...

5,500 Schools Face Years Of Financial Misery!

THE TORY government has admitted that 5,500 schools face years of financial misery and that they are on the ‘funding floor.’ The Education Select Committee...

Iraq & Iran Deplore Trump’s Travel Ban

POWERFUL Shiite Muslim cleric Moqtada al-Sadr and Spokesman of Hashd al-Sha’abi (the Iraqi popular forces) Ahmad al-Assadi, deplored US President Donald Trump’s decision to...

Right-wing Labour wants to force workers to remain in EU!

LABOUR leader Jeremy Corbyn finally bit the bullet yesterday afternoon when he announced he would issue a three-line whip to Labour MPs instructing them...

Labour Right Wing To Vote Against Brexit!

LABOUR Party leader Jeremy Corbyn has ordered Labour MPs to back the Bill that allows the government to trigger the Brexit process. The Bill asks...

Supreme Court votes for EU again, as Labour demands a ‘meaningful...

AS EXPECTED, the Supreme Court has ruled against the government’s appeal, challenging its previous verdict that Parliament must vote on whether the government can...

Attempt to bring in strike ban bill defeated

AN ATTEMPT yesterday by the Tories to introduce a bill which would ban the right to strike in critical services, was overwhelmingly defeated...

May Silent Over Trident Misfire!

TORY PM Theresa May yesterday refused four times to say if she knew about a Trident nuclear missile misfire just weeks ahead of...

Right wing threaten to split Labour Party to try to halt...

RIGHT-WING Labour MPs, with the enthusiastic support of the Tory press, are manoeuvring once again to split the Labour Party so that they can...

Defend the NHS with a general strike! Nationalise the pharmaceutical industry!

ONE in five new drugs will be rationed on the NHS under new plans to ‘save the health service money.’ This is the latest...