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Blair and Brown are responsible for Basra soldiers deaths

THE death of ten US and UK soldiers in 24 hours in Iraq speaks for itself. The occupation is now even more unpopular than...

UK ‘Practising Deliberate Policy Of Destitution’ Of Asylum Seekers

‘The government has indeed been practising a deliberate policy of destitution’ of vulnerable asylum seekers, say MPs and peers on the parliamentary Joint Committee...

Nurses’ Pay Cut By Instalments Is ‘Not Acceptable’

OVER ten thousand nurses have bombarded MPs with letters protesting at this year’s pay cut for nurses and other health care workers. It comes...

Rattled Labour Bails Out 28 NHS Trusts

HEALTH unions yesterday welcomed a forced government retreat on the notorious ‘double whammy’ NHS accounting system whereby trusts have their funding cut twice if...

Blair & Brown’s NHS cuts boost the Tories

ONLY those with short memories, or strong stomachs, did not have to stop themselves vomiting when hearing Tory leader David Cameron talk about his...

DOCTORS ON THE MARCH – scrap the MMC and MTAS now!

AROUND 15,000 junior doctors are about to find themselves without training posts if Modernising Medical Careers (MMC) and the new Medical Training Application Service...

We need more doctors and nurses not less

AS a result of Tory and Labour health reforms designed to break up the NHS, we now have thousands of unemployed nurse graduates and...

Tens Of Thousands March To Defend NHS

‘WE are going to fight to keep our hospitals, even if it means occupying them to keep them open,’ shouted demonstrators fighting plans to...

ACTION must be taken by the trade unions to defend the...

THE crisis of the NHS has reached the point of its transformation. Because of the fake NHS pricing mechanisms imposed by Labour, NHS hospitals are...

‘NO MORE NHS LOGISTICS!’ – Prentis tells News Line

‘There will be no more NHS Logistics,’ UNISON general secretary Dave Prentis assured News Line yesterday. He was referring to the way the unions allowed...

North Middlesex Mass Picket A Great Success

‘THE mass picket has gone very well,’ said Bill Rogers, secretary of the North East London Council of Action, outside the North Middlesex Hospital...

NURSES READY TO STRIKE – Against pay cut

Nearly two-thirds of nurses would be willing to take industrial action if they receive an unsatisfactory pay deal this year, said the Royal College...

Nurses Work For Free!

‘Nurses should not work for free,’ insisted Dr Peter Carter, General Secretary of the Royal College of Nursing yesterday. He was commenting on newly qualified...

2,000 MARCH TO SAVE WHIPPS CROSS – marchers support calls for...

Over 2,000 workers and youth last Saturday marched through Leyton and Walthamstow, north east London, against the closure of Whipps Cross Hospital. The march was...

MANCHESTER MENTAL HEALTH STRIKE AGAINST CUTS – nurses, therapists and admin...

UNISON has given official notice to the NHS employers Manchester Mental Health and Social Care Trust that 250 of their staff will take their...

Occupy Chase Farm!

HEALTH chiefs on the Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Clinical Strategy Board, yesterday denied that the decision has already been taken to shut the A&E...

COUNCIL OF ACTION LAUNCHED – to stop hospital closures!

TRADE unionists, youth and local NHS campaigners voted unanimously at a meeting on Thursday night ‘to establish the North East London Council of Action’. The...

NO CAP ON GPs PAY – Insist BMA doctors and RCN...

Doctors and nurses yesterday hit back at health secretary Patricia Hewitt’s complaint that the government should have capped GP’s pay. Dr Hamish Meldrum, chairman of...


The secrecy surrounding Labour’s favoured Independent (private) Sector Treatment Centres (ISTCs) has been slammed by the government’s own watchdog. Healthcare Commission chief executive Anna Walker...

FIGHT ‘RE-CONFIGURATION’ – Labour’s plans for hospital closures • PART TWO

Commenting on the government’s NHS ‘reforms’, Professor Ham, a former Director of Strategy at the Department of Health said: ‘The foundations have been laid...

FIGHT ‘RE-CONFIGURATION’ – Labour’s plans for hospital closures • PART ONE

THE ‘re-configuration’ of 60 District General Hospitals (DGHs) means a huge reduction in National Health Service (NHS) hospital capacity. This will result in the loss...

STOP NHS CLOSURES – say lobbying NHS hospital groups

HEALTH workers and campaigners descended on Parliament from many parts of the country yesterday, to defend their hospitals. ‘My hospital is under threat. It’s a...

37,000 NHS Jobs Axe

Trade unions and health professionals yesterday slammed as ‘very alarming’ and ‘staggering’, the government’s leaked draft NHS pay and workforce strategy for 2008...

Take action to defeat Labour’s plan to smash the NHS

THE leaking of Department of Health (DoH) documents, including ‘Pay and Workforce Strategy for 2008-11’, reveals the Labour government’s plan to slash NHS...

DEVON NHS PCT CRISIS! – all 5,000 employers offered offered voluntary...

All five thousand Devon Primary Care Trust (PCT) employees across the county have been sent a letter offering voluntary redundancy as a cost-cutting measure....

Bush Boosts Troop Levels

US President George Bush yesterday announced a permanent increase in the size of the US Army and US Marines. He made it clear that the...

PATIENT CARE AT RISK! – BMA slams ‘rushed-through reforms’

‘Rushed through reforms’ to doctors’ training will see ‘risks to patient care’, warns the British Medical Association. The BMA said that under the government’s ‘Modernising...

‘whipps X Will Not Close!’

OVER 70 hospital staff, patients, supporters and trade unionists held a rally outside the threatened Whipps Cross District General Hospital in Walthamstow, north London...

Plan Action To Keep Hospitals Open –Bma Urged

The British Medical Association (BMA) Central Consultants and Specialists Committee (CCSC) is meeting today at BMA House, Tavistock Place, London. One of the resolutions before...

DEFEND DISTRICT HOSPITALS! – NHS report says treat life-threatening conditions at...

The GMB trade union yesterday condemned as ‘dubious’ a leaked NHS report recommendation that patients with life-threatening complaints be kept out of hospital and...

DEFICITS NOT PATIENT CARE! – driving Blair’s NHS plans

Shocked health unions yesterday warned against prime minister Blair’s plans to close a large number of District General Hospitals’ Accident & Emergency...

KEEP ST HELIER HOSPITAL OPEN! – 1,500 demonstrate against A&E closure

Over 1,500 trade unionists, youth and local residents last Saturday defied the rain to march and rally outside St Helier Hospital, near Sutton in...


Nurses are the worst paid professional group working in the public sector, according to new evidence from the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) released...

‘Scrap NHS Hit Squads’

Health campaigners, the British Medical Association (BMA) and the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) yesterday accused the government of wasting millions of pounds of...

‘The whole trade union movement must take action to defend...

MANY thousands of NHS staff, from cleaners to doctors, from all over the country, were joined by members of the public fighting hospital closures...

KEEP ALL DISTRICT GENERAL HOSPITALS OPEN! – unions must take strike...

NO TO PRIVATISATION! SAVE OUR DISTRICT GENERAL HOSPITALS! BLAIR AND BROWN OUT! THE Blair government is gunning for District General Hospitals – David Nicholson, the Chief Executive...

903 NHS COMPULSORY SACKINGS! – Trade unions must act

‘We will be consulting our members on what action should be taken to defend these NHS jobs’, GMB trade union national officer Sharon...

NHS Together Will Challenge Will Challenge 1.5% Pay Offer

Leading officials of fourteen trade unions representing nurses, physiotherapists, radiographers, occupational therapists and other NHS staff held a press conference on Tuesday, declaring they...

‘A PAY CUT OF 7-10 PER CENT’ – NHS unions don’t...

Fourteen trade unions representing nurses, physiotherapists, radiographers, occupational therapists and other NHS staff have joined forces to challenge the government’s 1.5 per cent limit...


Patients staying in hospitals where there are fewer nurses on the wards are more likely to die or experience complications, according to a major...

Big Support For Gate Gourmet Workers Meeting!

Gate Gourmet locked-out workers were campaigning yesterday on Southall Broadway near Heathrow Airport for their public meeting on Sunday November 5th. The meeting is being...

AN ‘OUTRAGEOUS PAY CUT’! – UNISON & RCN reject pay board...

Trade unions representing nurses, midwives and health workers covered by the ‘independent’ Pay Review Body (PRB), yesterday reacted angrily to a government-proposed huge ‘pay...

Defend the NHS – Stop the job cuts – Bring down...

ON Tuesday, at the Prime Minister’s monthly press conference, the NHS chief executive, David Nicholson confessed that he did not know how many jobs...

Millions of US workers to be barred from trade unions

THE Republican-dominated National Labour Relations Board (NLRB) voting along party lines to slash long-time federal labour laws protecting workers’ freedom to form unions has opened...

GPs to operate in surgeries – Labour continues drive to undermine...

Government plans to downgrade district general hospitals in favour of care in the community are being pushed forward with the announcement of plans to...