Tag: nursing
50,000 NHS POSTS FOR AXE! – ‘NHS not safe in Tory...
FALSE ECONOMY, the anti-cuts campaign website revealed today that more than 50,000 NHS staff posts are set for the axe, destroying government claims...
‘A TERRIBLE DAY FOR PATIENTS IN LONDON’ – as hospitals slash...
‘This is a terrible day for patients in London, who have found out they stand to lose nearly 1,000 health workers,’ said public sector...
Defend The NHS By Bringing Down The Coalition!
THE Tory-led coalition lie, that the NHS is safe in their hands, has been exploded by the announcement that over 1,630 frontline jobs are...
Decide on action to defeat Tory NHS Bill – urges BMA...
London doctors have made it clear they are opposed to the government’s plan to slash and privatise the NHS – and want action to...
Battle On To Stop Chase Farm Closure
‘WE’RE having a good picket today,’ said Bill Rogers, secretary of the North-East London Council of Action, outside Chase Farm Hospital yesterday. The Council of...
GPs opposing Tory Health Bill
A survey of East Sussex GPs has found that more than 70 per cent of them fear patient care will suffer when changes to...
Bma Will Discuss Strike Action!
The British Medical Association will put ‘absolutely everything’ on the table including strike action when members determine their response to the government’s...
‘NHS Not For Sale’
‘NHS not for sale,’ angry health workers chanted outside parliament yesterday, as the Health and Social Care Bill got its second reading. ‘This bill is...
‘It will be hard for GPs to keep one eye on...
Nurses and Midwives have strongly criticised the Health and Social Care Bill published last week, calling it a toxic prescription for patients and a...
25th ANNIVERSARY OF THE PRINTERS’ STRIKE –‘the lessons of Wapping are...
‘The historic printers’ strike set the scene for a struggle, not just against Murdoch but the whole capitalist state,’ All Trades Unions Alliance national...
Banning Procedures On NHS – A ‘gamble With Patient Health’
Banning NHS operations to save money will gamble with patients’ health, the president of the Royal College of Surgeons warned yesterday. John Black, one of...
Staff and patients at Chase Farm Hospital, Enfield, yesterday showed their support for an occupation to stop the closure of its accident and emergency,...
‘CUTS TO NHS ‘RISK TO LIVES’ – warns RCN leader
‘We don’t comment on leaked documents but our concerns remain about the competitive elements in the government’s NHS reforms,’ a British Medical Association (BMA)...
STOP THE CLOSURE! – get ready to occupy Chase Farm Hospital
MORE than 400 people joined Saturday’s march through Enfield by the North-East London Council of Action to keep Chase Farm Hospital open. The march was...
US nurses condemn Obama’s wage freeze
America’s largest union and professional association of registered nurses has condemned the Obama Administration’s decision to impose a two-year wage freeze on Veterans Affairs...
27,000 NHS Jobs To Go
The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) yesterday warned that nearly 27,000 NHS jobs have been earmarked to be cut in the UK, 18,000 of...
CHASE FARM OCCUPATION ‘IMMINENT’ – says North East London Council of...
Workers, patients and visitors at Chase Farm Hospital on Thursday made it clear they are determined to fight any attempt to close their hospital. There...
‘THE FINAL NAIL IN THE COFFIN!’ Coalition’s unlimited fees plan condemned
Student, lecturers and university staff unions yesterday angrily condemned former BP boss Lord Browne’s recommendation that universities in England should be able to charge...
The Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) has warned that the scale and pace of change contained in the government’s health White Paper risks...
Stop Sidcup NHS Closing
THERE was uproar in south-east London yesterday, after the announcement of plans to shut the Accident and Emergency and maternity departments at Queen Mary’s,...
Chase Farm Anger Over Coalition Cuts!
SUPPORT for the policy of occupying Chase Farm Hospital to stop its closure is growing. Staff, patients and visitors complained angrily about the...
US workforce falls by 652,000
THE US was shocked and shaken yesterday after learning that the workforce shrank by 652,000 jobs in the month of June alone. Former US Labour...
NHS trusts proceeding with £20bn cuts
NHS bosses have started to implement the £20 billion savage cuts programme, officially described as ‘efficiency savings’, that the new Tory government insists must...
Coalition Privateers To ‘Liberate NHS’ Final Part
THE White Paper produced by the Tory-Lib Dem coalition government says that all NHS Trusts must become Foundation Trusts (FTs) within three years. There are...
NHS FRONTLINE SERVICES CUT! says Royal College of Nursing
Almost 10,000 NHS posts in England, the equivalent of a large teaching hospital, have been earmarked for cuts, the Royal College of Nursing revealed...
Mass picket to defend Chase Farm Hospital
PATIENTS and staff yesterday expressed their determination to stop the closure of Chase Farm Hospital’s A&E, consultant-led Maternity and Paediatrics departments, and to reopen...
WE NEED ‘REFUGEE AND MIGRANT JUSTICE’ – 600 picket the Ministry...
OVER 600 people took part in a demonstration outside the Ministry of Justice last Friday afternoon over the government’s refusal to provide a relatively...
Keep Whittington Open!
Over 300 people rallied outside the Whittington Hospital, north London, yesterday lunchtime, against the closure of the hospital’s A&E and maternity departments. Organisers ‘Defend the...
Form public sector alliance to defend the NHS – Forward to...
THE just published survey of the NHS, carried out for the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) trade union, found that 90 per cent of...
Bankrupt airlines need to be nationalised!
YESTERDAY BALPA, the pilots’ union, sounded the alarm at the crisis of the major airlines. This has been immeasurably sharpened by the eruption and continuing...
Power Cuts Hit Greek Cities
GREEK workers of the State Electricity Corporation staged a solid-rock 48-hour national strike on Tuesday and Wednesday and occupied several power plants as well...
Keep Chase Farm NHS Open
THERE were 40 pickets outside Chase Farm Hospital yesterday morning, including local residents and staff. Some had travelled from as far afield as Luton and...
The Philippines Health Alliance for Democracy (HEAD) on Sunday called for the immediate release of two doctors, a nurse, a midwife and other health...
SAVAGE SPENDING CUTS – ‘will have serious consequences’ says UCU leader
‘YOU cannot make savage funding cuts without serious consequences, despite Lord Mandelson’s insulting efforts to sell the cuts as an opportunity,’ said UCU general...
‘OCCUPY TO KEEP CHASE FARM OPEN!’ – Bill Rogers tells Council...
OVER 100 workers and youth voted unanimously on Saturday for occupying hospitals against closure and to stop the smashing up and privatisation of the...
The British Medical Association (BMA) has today unveiled a set of New Year’s resolutions for politicians to help them protect the future of the...
British Chambers of Commerce looks to class war in New Year
FOR some days now, Minister Jowell has been campaigning in the cabinet to stop Gordon Brown being verbally beastly to the Tories, by bringing...
‘we Won’t Let Chase Farm Close!’
‘WE’RE not going to let Chase Farm close,’ Bill Rogers, North East London Council of Action Secretary told News Line yesterday at a lively...
Reject ‘John Lewis’ NHS!
‘The GMB is opposed to a John Lewis partnership running the NHS, and so would the 1.4 million staff employed by the service,’ GMB...
THE McKinsey and Co report proposes cutting £20bn off the NHS budget and reducing the staff by 10% or 137,000 jobs. The government commissioned...
‘SACK 137,000 FROM NHS’ – secret report tells Labour
Government ministers rushed out denials yesterday in the wake of a report calling for the axing of 137,000 NHS doctors, nurses and other clinical...
Sack the privateers and their patron Brown not NHS staff
THE first thing about the McKinsey and Company report was that it was commissioned by the Brown government, at a great cost, and was...
Defend NHS health care – stop the NHS becoming a business
‘ONE million NHS patients have been the victims of appalling care in hospitals across Britain, according to a major report,’ screamed the capitalist press...
‘saving Chase Farm Is Life And Death’
‘It is a beautiful day on the picket line and we have a really energetic group of Young Socialists members who have come to...
‘FIGHTING NHS PRIVATISATION’ – Chase Farm Hospital picket
SUPPORT for occupation was rock solid at the monthly North-East London Council of Action picket of Chase Farm Hospital, which was joined by over...