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DE MENEZES FURY! – over police attempt to link Jean Charles...

Jean Charles de Menezes’ cousins yesterday said the family is furious at a Metropolitan Police attempt to connect their late relative with a rape...

MARCH FOR JUSTICE – called by TUC for May 1

‘Speakers from around the world will join the May Day March for Workplace Justice,’ said the TUC yesterday. Top trade unionists from South Africa...

Thirteen insurgents hung – Rumsfeld looks forward to a civil war

THE Iraqi puppet authorities have hung 13 people accused of taking part in the insurgency, the first execution of militant nationalists since the US-led...

Police threat to arrest Gate Gourmet pickets

GATE GOURMET locked-out workers were made to dismantle their picket tent and move from the Gate Gourmet factory gates by Heathrow Airport police yesterday. ‘I...

‘RESIST DELPHI ATTACKS’ – says ‘The Future of the Union’ UAW...

‘We are moving nearer to Delphi motioning the bankruptcy court to pitch out our labor agreement,’ said ‘The Future of the Union’ rank and...

SALE OF JOBS AND CONDITIONS – CWU signs deal with Royal...

Communication Workers’ Union (CWU) leaders have signed a pay for jobs and ‘efficiency’ deal with Royal Mail. They are attempting to sell it to members...

Union solicitors urging members to sign deal

‘WE are asking all trade unions and all trade unionists to join our march and rally in Hounslow on Saturday 25th of March,’ Sharanjit...

Asda Strike Ballot

THE GMB trade union Central Executive Council (CEC) yesterday gave the go-ahead for an official national strike ballot of members employed by Wal-Mart owned...

Jowell Under Attack!

The Tories are demanding the Cabinet Office state whether or not Culture Minister Tessa Jowell has breached the ministerial code of conduct over her...

Al Sadr And Muslim Scholars Call For Imediate US Withdrawal

ABD-AL HADI al-Darraji, a leader of the militant Al-Sadr trend in Iraq has revealed that Representatives of Al-Sadr trend and the Association...

In London and Dusseldorf – ‘WE FIGHT ON UNTIL VICTORY’

LOCKED out Gate Gourmet workers from Heathrow received a warm welcome at Dusseldorf Airport yesterday morning when they were met by Gate Gourmet strikers...

Gate Gourmet Locked-Out Workers Lobby Tuc

In London Gate Gourmet locked out workers lobbied the TUC. Here they are discussing with MARY BOUSTED the leader of the ATL teaching union...

‘SIMPLY NOT ENOUGH!’ – Nurses reject Brown’s 2% pay offer

Angry nurses are ready to refuse to do unpaid overtime if they don’t get a pay rise of at least three per cent, the...

Abbas Urges ‘Popular And Peaceful Resistance’

Amid mounting Israeli restrictions on Palestinian freedom of movement, President Mahmud Abbas on Saturday sponsored the swearing in of the new Hamas-dominated Palestinian Legislative...

Gate Gourmet mass picket Sunday

‘WE are all very strong and standing firm in the wind and all weathers on our picket line on the hill and won’t give...


Gate Gourmet locked-out workers are campaigning for their monthly mass picket next Sunday from 11am to 1pm at the Beacon roundabout, Beacon Road, near...

PNA ‘A TERRORIST ENTITY’ says Israeli Premier

THE Israeli cabinet announced yesterday that it has decided to impose a range of punitive sanctions against the Palestinian National Authority (PNA). The sanctions...

‘WE DEFEND OUR RIGHTS’ – Gate Gormet locked-out workers tell AGM

‘IF we sign the compromise deal we cut off our hands – the company sacked us in five minutes and the union signed the...

‘Try Them Or Free Them’

THE United States must bring all prisoners being held in Guantanamo Bay to an independent trial or release them, the United Nations has said...

The continuing collapse of leadership in the FBU

THE leadership of the FBU ignominiously collapsed at yesterday’s FBU recall conference, held to decide on industrial action to defend the final salary pensions...

Gate Gourmet taking fight into the unions

GATE Gourmet locked-out workers are taking their fight for reinstatement into the trade union movement and visiting Transport and General Workers Union and other...


Senior Hamas official Ismail Haniyah, who topped the Islamic movement’s national list of ‘Change and Reform’ in the parliamentary elections, said last Friday that...

SADDAM DEFIANT – as witness refuses to testify

The ‘trial’ of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein collapsed into into chaos minutes after it was resumed again yesterday. After boycotting the ‘trial’, Saddam arrived saying...

Delphi workers rally against cuts in jobs, pay and healthcare!

UAW members in Flint, Michigan, announced last Tuesday they will be marching through the town against Delphi autoparts maker’s attack on their pay, healthcare...


LOCKED-out Gate Gourmet workers are inviting all their supporters to join them on their six-month anniversary picket on the hill at the Beacon Roundabout,...

6 Months Of Gate Gourmet Lock-Out!

‘Next Friday will be six months since we were locked out on August 10th 2005’, locked out Gate Gourmet worker Lakhinder Saran told News...

BLACKMAIL – Hamas condemns imperialist pressure to recognise Israel

THE Arab League; the Quartet of the United States, the United Nations, the European Union and Russia; Israel and the Palestinian Fatah movement are...

Serious action needed to remove PM Blair

MORE than 400 people took part in a mass vigil at Parliament Square on Wednesday night, on hearing the news that the 100th British...

STOP TEARING NHS APART! – UNISON tells Blair and Hewitt

UNISON has called on Health Secretary Hewitt to ‘stop tearing the NHS apart’. Speaking ahead of yesterday’s publication of the government’s health White Paper, the...

Gate Gourmet workers demand hardship pay

LOCKED out Gate Gourmet workers said yesterday that they were very happy with their conference with the News Line on Sunday. Mrs Rajamy Sharma told...

Basra Tensions Flare!

Basra governor Mohammed al-Waili yesterday warned the British occupiers he will break off all relations and called on Iraqis to demonstrate outside the...

Huge $8.6bn loss at General Motors

GENERAL Motors (GM) bosses admitted on Thursday that their losses for 2005 were $8.6bn, their largest since 1992 when the board of directors was...

Hamas Landslide!

Jubilant Palestinian masses were yesterday celebrating the historic election victory of Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas. The final results declared at 5pm yesterday saw Hamas take...

Support floods in for Gate Gourmet conference

THE locked-out Gate Gourmet workers at Heathrow have stepped up their campaigning ahead of the News Line-Gate Gourmet conference in London this Sunday. On Wednesday...

Britain Accused Of Terrorism!

The Iranian government yesterday accused Britain of organising and equipping bombers who killed eight people in attacks in the south-western city of...

‘Our hardship payments must continue’ say Gate Gourmet pickets

LOCKED-OUT Gate Gourmet workers are furious that their union leaders in the TGWU have ended their hardship payments. Lakhinder Saran told News Line yesterday: ‘We...

Barghouthi Calls For Partnership With Hamas

Campaigning in the Palestinian legislative elections ended at mid-night on Monday. 24 hours before about 80 per cent of eligible voters in the West...

Gate Gourmet pickets angry at TGWU leaders

GATE Gourmet locked out workers were angry yesterday when they were told by the local union office that that they had received the last...

Gate Gourmet Pickets Join Terminal 5 Strikers

WHILST out campaigning yesterday, Gate Gourmet workers, now locked out for almost six months, spoke out very angrily about the unsigned letter just received...

Gate Gourmet Workers Determined To Win

Locked out Gate Gourmet workers, trade unionists and youth, held a successful over 150-strong mass picket on the mound near the Beacon roundabout at...

The crisis is forcing the working class forward – Now...

Last week’s collapses on Wall Street and on the Japanese stock market emphasised to the whole world that the capitalist crisis is deepening. The...

NHS ‘choice’ and ‘reforms’ are no choice – Part one

THE Department of Health’s (DoH) electronic ‘Choose and Book’ programme, is being introduced supposedly to facilitate a ‘patient choice’ of hospital. The procedures to be...

EU imposes financial crisis on the Palestinians

FACING an imposed ‘suffocating financial crisis,’ Palestinian officials have made no immediate comment yet on an EU decision on Tuesday to suspend 35 million...

Pfi Crisis Hits Bart’s & London

‘Direct government investment is by far the cheapest and best way to build new hospitals,’ said a UNISON spokeswoman yesterday, in response to the...

GG– great support in Southall

LOCKED-out Gate Gourmet workers were out campaigning at the weekend for their mass picket next Sunday and their conference in London on Sunday January...