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A British ‘barbaric act of aggression’ in Basra

THE Labour Government’s Defence Secretary, John Reid, declared yesterday that sending six Warrior tanks to demolish the wall of a prison compound in Basra,...

‘WE’RE READY TO FIGHT FOR VICTORY’ say Gate Gourmet workers

GATE Gourmet shop stewards went to a meeting at the Trades Union Congress in central London yesterday with leaders of their union, the TGWU,...

MILLIONS CAN’T AFFORD TO BE SICK – US health insurance costs...

‘Fewer employers are offering health benefits to workers, even as premiums continue to rise, posting a 9.2 per cent increase in 2005 – three...

3,000 Junior Doctors Jobless!

AS many as 3,000 junior doctors are unable to find posts and are being driven to seek work either abroad or outside the NHS,...

Grampian Foods Pensions Strike

A pensions strike at Grampian Foods, which supplies meat to Britain’s supermarkets, could soon hit shelf supplies, warned the Transport and General Workers’ Union...

Sharon’s deception at the United Nations

ISRAEL’S Prime Minister Ariel Sharon tried to cut a figure as the liberator of the Palestinian people of the Gaza Strip at the United...

Blair and Brown threaten the trade unions

THE message from the Blair-Brown leadership to the trade unions and their leaders is ‘face up to globalisation or cease to exist’. Even the two’s...

‘JUSTICE FOR PAUL COKER’ – vigil held at Plumpstead police station

‘WHAT do we want? Justice! – When do we want it? Now!’ and ‘Police – murderers!’, shouted more than 70 people at a demonstration...

General strike now to stop destruction of the NHS!

NHS HOSPITALS are facing an immediate cut of £1.6 billion, with the government ordering NHS Trusts to ‘balance their books’ by making cutbacks and...

‘MAKE TUC ACT TO WIN OUR STRUGGLE’ say Gate Gourmet strikers

AN EMERGENCY resolution on the Gate Gourmet dispute is to be heard at the TUC conference in Brighton next week, TGWU full-time officer, Oliver...

Immigrant workers face ‘an epidemic of workplace injury and death’ says...

‘TODAY immigrant workers in this country face an epidemic of workplace injury and death,’ stated the Afl-Cio trade union federation yesterday. In fact, immigrant...


EVEN puppet politicians are complaining about the conduct of British troops in southern Iraq. The Basra newspaper Al-Manarah has interviewed National Assembly Deputy ...

‘LONG LIVE PALESTINE’ – says Saddam Hussein in a letter from...

Imprisoned Iraqi President Saddam Hussein has vowed in a letter to sacrifice himself for the cause of Palestine and Iraq. He urged Arabs to...

‘WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO PICKET’ – now TGWU must make...

GATE Gourmet strikers, at Heathrow, were jubilant yesterday after the High Court verdict that they had the right to picket the company which sacked...

The issue is the shoot to kill policy says de Menezes...

THE family of Jean Charles de Menezes, murdered by police on the Tube on July 22, have called for the Metropolitan Police Commissioner, Sir...

‘I want to meet bush face to face’ says Cindy Sheehan

‘I want to meet with Bush face-to-face’, says Cindy Sheehan, the mother of a US soldier killed in Iraq. She vows to camp outside the...

Gaza Withdrawal Begins

The Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) officially began a historic evacuation of the Jewish settlers from the Gaza Strip at midnight Sunday, reported the Palestine...

ROYAL FREE BED CUTS! – 100 beds and a number of...

London UNISON health convenor Geoff Martin yesterday slammed plans by the Royal Free Hospital NHS Trust to slash up to 100 beds and close...

ONSLAUGHT ON BASIC RIGHTS – Human Rights Act to be ammended

Prime Minister Blair yesterday outlined new draconian measures to deport or jail people judged to be ‘glorifying terrorism’. He said ‘intensive meetings across government’ had...

14 Marines Killed In Al-Anbar

Fourteen US Marines and their civilian translator were killed by a roadside bomb blast in north-western Iraq early yesterday. The Marines were killed...

Ira End Armed Struggle!

The IRA yesterday announced the end of its armed struggle against British imperialism. The IRA statement said: ‘The leadership of Oglaigh na hEireann has formally...

The PM’s wife can speak out on rights – but the...

THE scale of the crisis that has hit capitalist Britain is now so great that it has forced the Prime Minister’s wife, Cherie...

Police Use Taser Gun In Midlands Raid

A MAN, claimed by the police to be Yasin Omar, was stunned with a high voltage taser during an armed police raid carried...

SHOOT-TO-KILL POLICY STAYS And more innocents may die says Commissionair Blair

‘I feel unsafe,’ Alex Alves Pereira, the cousin of the unarmed Brazilian, Jean Charles de Menezes, killed by the Met police, told News Line...

PNA will be the sole Gaza administrator– after Israeli pull-out, says...

THE Palestine National Authority will be the sole administrator of the Gaza Strip after the Israeli withdrawal in August, the Palestine Liberation Organisation Executive...

State Defends Its Right To Execute Innocents!

YESTERDAY, Lord Stevens, the ex-Metropolitan Police commissioner, urged that there should be no change in the policy of the state, after a completely innocent...

To defeat terrorism– withdraw from Iraq and smash imperialism

THURSDAY’S ‘bomb attacks’ – which did not cause a single serious injury but caused widespread alarm and panic – not least amongst the security...

Don’t Let Colombia’s Paramilitaries Off The Hook!

The British government should not support Colombia’s new paramilitary demobilisation law, which Colombian President Alvaro Uribe will promote when he meets with Tony Blair...

Bush and Blair’s war against democratic rights

IN the United States it has just been revealed that the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) has been secretly collecting the internal documents of...

PNA police attack Hamas

‘The Palestinian Authority should seek to protect the Palestinian people, not the Israeli settlements,’ Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri said yesterday, as gunbattles continued...

Imperialist aggression is the roots of terrorism

PRIME Minister Blair yesterday said that there is to be more new repressive legislation, on top of the huge powers that the government and...

HSBC says Italy and Germany better off outside the euro

THE HSBC, one of the world’s major banks, has published a paper called ‘European Meltdown’ in the wake of the Dutch and French votes...

State Raising Terror Tensions

ON SATURDAY night, the city centre of Birmingham, the second largest city in the country, was emptied of more than 20,000 people by the...

JOIN US AT GLENEAGLES! –urges G 8 Alternatives

‘We are calling on thousands to pile on buses and trains and join us at Gleneagles today,’ G8 Alternatives movement spokesman Mike Arnott told...

Huge increase in ASBOs

Human rights group Liberty yesterday condemned the huge increase in the number of Anti-Social Behaviour Orders (Asbos) issued as the government steps up its...

‘We must learn the lessons of 1926’ – UNISON conference warned

Last week saw the annual conference of UNISON, the largest public sector union in the country. As befits a union that represents hundreds of...

Private treatment centres grab NHS funds

PRIVATE Treatment Centres have become a key element in the Labour Government’s plans to privatise the National Health Service (NHS). They are being used in...

VOTE NO TO ID CARDS – Trade unions and Liberty urge...

Yesterday claims were made that the government was in discussions with businesses on the sale of personal information that will be contained in the...

‘Single Status Used To Cut Wages’

PUBLIC sector union UNISON finds itself in conflict with employers using equal opportunity legislation supposed to protect the most vulnerable workers, to oppress them...

Rice supervises raising Middle East tensions

THE US through its secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, who has been in the Middle East for a week, is working hard to raise...


‘WE will take strike action, across all our sectors, to defend our pensions,’ UNISON General Secretary Dave Prentis pledged at the union’s National Delegate...

REBUILD WORKERS’ POWER – UFCW tells ‘Change to Win’ conference

THE following is a statement by Joe Hansen, International President of the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union, made at the ‘Change To...

House nuisance neighbours in containers says Field

LABOUR’S war against the working class and the poor continues, with Birkenhead MP Frank Field advocating that nuisance neighbours should be evicted and ‘housed’...

Blair demands end of EU farm subsidies

THE knives are out between the British ruling class and its Franco-German opposite numbers. The press conference at the end of Blair’s visit to Moscow,...

Labour Set To Drive Workers Off The Roads

ALISTAIR Darling, the Labour government transport minister, yesterday unveiled the government’s plan to drive millions of working class drivers off the roads with a...