Tag: iran
Afghanistan bound or out of the frying pan into the...
YESTERDAY the Italian Prime Minister, Prodi in his first speech to the Senate as Prime Minister said that the war in Iraq had been...
Chavez Visit Poses World Revolution
THE visit of the left bourgeois nationalist leaders Evo Morales of Bolivia and Hugo Chavez of Venezuela to Europe is much appreciated, and is...
Nurses Call For National Strike Action To Defend The NHS
NURSES and other National Health Service workers called for national strike action from all unions to defend the NHS last Thursday. RCN and UNISON health...
PROVOCATION – AUT denounces threat to cut lecturers wages
University of Strathclyde Association of University Teachers (AUT) representative David Blieman yesterday described as ‘provocative’ a threat to dock lecturers’ pay if they don’t...
‘We don’t know the wickedness being done by our government’ –...
‘MY demonstration continues,’ said Brian Haw on Monday, after three Court of Appeal judges ruled in favour of the government and the chief of...
I’m Staying Put Says Brian Haw
‘I’M NOT going to be shut up. I want the whole people of Britain to raise their voice against this,’ said peace campaigner...
UAW President calls for national health insurance
RON GETTELFINGER the president of the UAW, auto workers trade union has urged that the US must adopt a national insurance system to provide...
Clarke Sacked – Refuses Other Job
One of the most senior figures in government, an unwilling Charles Clarke was yesterday sacked as home secretary in the biggest cabinet reshuffle of...
Lessons of 1926 are vital for today!
THIS year there is great interest in the 80th anniversary of the general strike of 1926. It is not hard to work out why....
Woodley tells Blair to quit – Simpson urges policy change
MAY DAY saw thousands of workers, among them Peugeot motor car workers, hospital workers facing the threat of redundancy, locked out Gate Gourmet workers,...
MAY DAY 2006 is historic. It is taking place in a period of an enormous crisis of world capitalism and rapidly developing world revolution. This crisis...
ON August 10 2005 Gate Gourmet locked out and dismissed over 760 workers in a pre-planned operation designed to secure the introduction of their...
‘WE’RE SUFFERING BUT WE WILL WIN’ say Gate Gourmet workers
THE Gate Gourmet locked-out workers May Day campaign team got great support from fellow Transport and General Workers Union members in west London bus...
The revolution in Nepal – part of the world revolution
LEON Trotsky’s theory of the Permanent Revolution shows how ‘the democratic tasks of the backward bourgeois nations lead directly, in our epoch, to the...
Clarke staggers on as Tories hold back from resignation call
The ex-Home Secretary Blunkett was forced to resign after interfering to get his lover’s nanny special treatment from the passport office, and then seeking...
‘MARCH WITH US ON MAY DAY!’ – Gate Gourmet locked-out workers
‘WE want people to march with us on May Day,’ Gate Gourmet locked-out worker Parmjit Baines said yesterday. She was on a campaign team that...
Bin Laden condemns ‘crusader war’ on Islam
THE Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden has said in a new audio tape attributed to him that the siege imposed on the...
‘We were engaged in Civil Disobedience’, said New York Transit workers union President Toussaint at State Supreme Court on April 10, 2006, before he...
Sack The Leaders Who Are Selling Out Pensions
YESTERDAY the TUC leader Brendan Barber, who organised the betrayal of the 760 locked-out Gate Gourmet workers, and before that organised the betrayal of...
US READY TO BOMB IRAQ – but Straw rejects Hersh warning...
Yesterday two warnings were given as to the critical situation in Iraq and of US plans to use tactical nuclear weapons against Iran. Award-winning US...
Locked-Out Gate Gourmet Workers Picket The Tgwu
TWENTY Gate Gourmet locked-out workers picketed a meeting of TGWU sacked Gate Gourmet shop stewards at the Hillingdon regional office yesterday. Most of the shop...
EU moves to suspend all aid to Palestine
YESTERDAY the European Union followed the example of the US and suspended its aid to the Palestine National Authority. The EU has given $400...
Herts Firefighters Ready For Action
Firefighters in Hertfordshire are to vote on strike action against plans to axe job losses and close fire stations, Hertfordshire FBU has announced. The Fire...
TGWU again refuses GG hardship payments
LOCKED out Gate Gourmet workers were yesterday angry that the TGWU leaders have once again refused to allow them any hardship pay. This is despite...
Thirty Day Countdown To Attack 0N Iran
DOWNING STREET denials that there is a meeting today of top military, state and government officials to discuss the implications of a US attack...
‘Impossible to avoid long strike’ at Delphi
UAW President Ron Gettelfinger and Vice President Richard Shoemaker have issued this statement on Delphi’s announcement that it will file Section 1113 and Section...
US Falls Out With Iraqi Puppets
PRESIDENT Bush has fallen out with the major section of his puppet regime in Iraq, that is the Dawa Party and the United Iraq...
Revolution In France
IT is Tuesday, 3.00pm in Paris and people are still pouring into Place D’Italie for the start of the latest massive anti-government demonstration by...
Disaster At Royal Free
ROYAL Free Hospital bosses have been putting doctors under pressure to accept as much as ten per cent pay cuts as part of a...
The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) yesterday warned against any ‘quick fix’ plan to keep asthma and heart patients out of hospital ‘just to...
Ealing Trade Unions Back Gate Gourmet March
A DELEGATION of locked-out Gate Gourmet workers leafletted at Ealing Hospital in west London yesterday and won more support for their demonstration through Hounslow...
Action Ballot At Asda Wal-Mart
THERE will be ballots for industrial action at ASDA Wal-Mart, after talks with senior managers in the shops on Wednesday 8th, and depots on...
Hounslow march on March 25th
‘OUR march through Hounslow on Saturday 25th of March is very important, not just for us but for all trade union members.’ Locked-out Gate Gourmet...
Greenford Bus Workers To Join Mass Picket
GATE Gourmet locked-out workers are holding their monthly mass picket at the Beacon Roundabout, Beacon Road, near Heathrow Airport, Terminal Four from 11am to...
Treat the Council Tax as you did the Poll Tax!
THE Council Tax is set to rise by four per cent on average this year, more than double the government’s current rate of inflation...
LOCKED-out Gate Gourmet workers are inviting all their supporters to join them on their six-month anniversary picket on the hill at the Beacon Roundabout,...
Afghan nightmare for British troops
COLONEL Gordon Messenger, in charge of the future deployment of British troops in the Helmand region of Afghanistan, was putting a brave face on...
BLACKMAIL – Hamas condemns imperialist pressure to recognise Israel
THE Arab League; the Quartet of the United States, the United Nations, the European Union and Russia; Israel and the Palestinian Fatah movement are...
Gate Gourmet workers demand hardship pay
LOCKED out Gate Gourmet workers said yesterday that they were very happy with their conference with the News Line on Sunday. Mrs Rajamy Sharma told...
Barghouthi Calls For Partnership With Hamas
Campaigning in the Palestinian legislative elections ended at mid-night on Monday. 24 hours before about 80 per cent of eligible voters in the West...
BLAIR ON THE ‘HIGH WIRE’ – ‘A significant number of my...
Prime Minister Blair yesterday admitted at his monthly press conference that the opposition to his schools ‘reforms’ made getting them through parliament ‘a...
CHARGE POLICE – demand the Menezes family
‘It could not have been more wrong what has been done to Jean,’ said a cousin of the young Brazilian man Jean Charles de...
Pfi Crisis Hits Bart’s & London
‘Direct government investment is by far the cheapest and best way to build new hospitals,’ said a UNISON spokeswoman yesterday, in response to the...
GG– great support in Southall
LOCKED-out Gate Gourmet workers were out campaigning at the weekend for their mass picket next Sunday and their conference in London on Sunday January...
Benn Forecasts Coalition Government
LABOUR Party left winger Tony Benn yesterday raised that Tony Blair and David Cameron could serve in each other’s cabinets and the possibility of...