Tag: iran
Bush threatens war with Iran and demands the support of his...
US PRESIDENT George W Bush yesterday warned of the ‘Iranian threat’ during his speech in Abu Dhabi. While speaking about the role of the United...
Mass Murder In Arab Jabur
WHILE President Bush was allegedly talking peace in the Palestinian town of Ramallah on Thursday, US B1 bombers and F16 fighters were raining 40,000...
Bush arrives in Middle East for war talks
US President George W Bush said he saw a new opportunity for peace in the Holy Land as he arrived in Israel on Wednesday...
2008 – The Year For Revolution!
BY THE NEWS LINE EDITORIAL BOARD THE NEWS LINE Editorial Board sends its revolutionary New Year’s greetings for the year 2008 to the workers and...
Brown Hauls Down The Flag
LIKE a thief in the night Prime Minister Brown sneaked into Basra airport on Saturday night to tell British troops that their period of...
US Spy Agencies Pull Rug From Beneath Bush And Cheney
THE Iranian government has welcomed the US National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) report, to which all the US spying agencies contributed, which states that Iran...
A Decisive Week For Lebanon
Lebanon has entered a decisive week during which its parliament is due to elect a new president. With tanks and troops deployed on the streets,...
US Seeking Long-Term Bases In Iraq
THE United States and its puppet Iraqi government are seeking to renew the UN mandate for Iraq for just one year, meaning that the...
Northern Rock crisis coming to a head
THE collapse of the US sub-prime market has produced a major banking crisis in the UK, which has seen the Northern Rock bank being...
THE Democratic-led House of Representatives defied a White House veto threat on Wednesday and inserted timelines for an immediate troop withdrawal, in a 50...
Bankrupt Brown speaks to the City of London
GORDON Brown began his Mansion House speech to the City of London on Monday night with a ringing but empty declaration. He said: ‘I want...
Support Chagos Islanders’ right to return!
TODAY’S picket of 10 Downing Street by the Chagos Islanders and their supporters is a vital one. They are demanding that the Prime Minister, Gordon...
Brown outlines new attack on teachers and state education!
‘IN the past those who had the raw material – the coal, the oil and the basic commodities, or the infrastructure – the ports...
Britain Wants To Legalise ‘indefinite Internment’
GOVERNMENTS around the world will be watching the House of Lords proceedings on 29-31 October which will determine whether they can...
US attacks Iran, Russia and China
IRAN has responded with a heroic defiance to the new economic sanctions imposed by the US ruling class that target its military defence, the...
‘LEBANON WILL NOT ALLOW OCCUPATION!’ – Hezbollah rejects US bases plan
Hezbollah MP Mustafa Ali al-Husayn last weekend warned that a planned US military base would not be safe as the Lebanon ‘would not allow...
Turkey Poised To Invade Northern Iraq
THE Turkish army is poised to invade northern Iraq in order to respond to PKK (Kurdish Workers Party) attacks on its troops, which...
Gates and Rice go calling on Putin
RUSSIAN President Vladimir Putin threatened on Friday in talks with top US administration officials, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Defence Secretary Robert Gates,...
10,000 Marchers Force Police To Lift Ban
TEN thousand people forced the police to retreat from their stated position that a march on parliament would be illegal, and that they would...
Put Iran First Says Iranian Newspaper
A FOREIGN Ministry spokesman said in Tehran last Sunday that the allegations being made by US General David Petraeus were baseless. Petraeus said...
Brown Condemns Postal Workers
GORDON Brown yesterday, at his monthly press conference, condemned the striking postal workers and their union the CWU. He called their strike action in defence...
Brown To Support US Air Strikes On Iran
YESTERDAY the bourgeois media reported that Britain’s Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, who came to office pledging that the UK would cease to be Bush’s...
Arab World Condemns Iraq Partition Plan
The Egyptian People’s Assembly Arab Affairs Committee has denounced the US Congress resolution to divide Iraq into three states on religious and ethnic bases. The...
Pentagon launches Africa command centre
AS PAY negotiations between the American car giants General Motors (GM) and Ford, and the United Auto Workers (UAW) have reached a critical point,...
STAY AWAY FROM BUSH CONFERENCE – Hamas urges Arab states
The democratically elected Hamas government has called on Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries on Wednesday to stay away from a US-sponsored Middle East...
Brown’s foreign policy shaped by defeats in Iraq & Afghanistan
FOREIGN Secretary David Miliband, the ‘rising star’ in the government, was given the task of presenting Prime Minister Gordon Brown’s foreign policy strategy at...
BASRA ASSASSINATIONS WARNING – police out of control, says chief
‘Basra Police Chief Abd-al-Jalil Khalaf revealed that there is a conspiracy to assassinate religious figures in Basra Governorate during the holy month of Ramadan,’...
Rescuing Banks Is Brown’s Policy
At the Labour Party conference in Bournemouth yesterday, Chancellor Alistair Darling stressed his support for the banks. In his keynote speech, moving the resolution ‘Prosperity...
Israel Declares The Gaza Strip A ‘Hostile Entity’
HAMAS has condemned the latest Zionist decision on Wednesday to declare the Gaza Strip a ‘hostile entity’ and to cut off vital fuel and...
French join anti-Iran war party
FRENCH Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said on Sunday that in relation to Iran: ‘We have to prepare for the worst, and the worst is...
US Drives For War With Iran
THE Iranian government yesterday denied US charges that it was smuggling arms into Afghanistan to help the Taleban destroy NATO tanks and bring down...
Bush bull cannot cover over US defeat
BRITISH troops have just scuttled out of Basra, leaving the various militias of the city in full control. They have settled down at Basra airport,...
THE Socialist Arab Ba’ath Party in Iraq has affirmed that the report presented by the two assistants to the American president in Iraq, Ambassador...
WASHINGTON ROWS OVER SURGE POLICY – while Bil Laden proclaims ‘US...
GENERAL David Petraeus, the top US military commander in Iraq, has clashed with his immediate military superior over President George W Bush’s troop ‘surge’...
Birri Proposes Solution To Lebanese Political Crisis
ON Friday August 31, the Speaker of the Lebanese Parliament, Nabih Birri, delivered a speech outlining his proposals for the current political crisis...
Bush is confronted by the legacy of Hurricane Katrina
UNITED States President George Bush was in New Orleans yesterday on the second anniversary of Hurricane Katrina’s devastation of the city. The hurricane killed...
Brown refuses to meet Chagossians
The News Line is pleased to publish two important letters. These concern the decision of the Court of Appeal to uphold the decision of...
Scientific progress should serve a nation’s welfare – says Iran’s President...
President Mahmud Ahmadinezhad in Tehran on Wednesday voiced Iran’s readiness to share its nuclear achievements with other nations within the framework and under the...
Bush Gives Go-Ahead F0R Iraqi Regime Change
US President George W Bush on Tuesday gave the go-ahead to the US occupation army in Iraq and all those who support the...
Special relationship goes up in the smoke of burning Basra
WITH more US troops dying and the numbers of Iraqi civilians being killed and injured rising throughout Iraq, the US military surge has failed...
France Considers Further Sanctions Against Iran
France is considering further sanctions against ‘the members and support structures’ of the Iranian government over Iran’s nuclear programme, the French foreign ministry said...
US to declare Iran’s Revolutionary Guards a terrorist movement
THE US yesterday raised tensions considerably between itself and Iran by declaring that the main body of armed men maintained by the Iranian...
Iranian President Visits Kabul And Sco Meeting
THE strengthening of regional treaties is a key factor to prevent the promotion of a unipolar system of domination by the US, and would...
Nasrallah promises Israel an even bigger shock
HEZBOLLAH’S victory over Israel in the July war of 2006 changed the relationship of forces in the Middle East, and the significance of that...
ENGAGE WITH HAMAS – MPs urge Brown government
The House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee of MPs has said the UK government’s ‘decision not to speak to Hamas in 2007 following the Mecca...