Tag: england
Health Workers Facing Severe Hardship
Health workers across the NHS are facing severe hardship due to the current economic crisis and the effect of a below inflation pay deal,...
NHS Hit List!
The British Medical Association (BMA) yesterday slammed the government for ‘treating health care like a business opportunity’. It was responding to news that the government...
OVER 150 Chagos Islanders and their supporters – including a delegation of Chagossians who had flown from Mauritius – were at the House of...
Brown, Keynes and revolution
AFTER actively assisting in the creation of trillions of debt, and showing its contempt for the concept of value by selling almost half of...
Labour Becomes The Anti-Immigrants Party
THE number of immigrants allowed into the UK under the current ‘points system’ will have to be reduced because of the economic crisis, and...
DEBT CRISIS! – UNISON writes to all local councils
UNISON has written to all local councils demanding to know what steps they are taking to recover cash invested in Iceland banks and how...
Brown and Darling yesterday announced a £500bn package of measures aimed at rescuing the banking system. The equivalent of $880bn, it means they are handing...
brown proposes to rob the workers to rescue the bankers
YESTERDAY saw the big international push get under way to try to rescue the bankers of the world from the crisis of their capitalist...
BANK SHARES COLLAPSE! – Brown and bankers meet at 10 Downing...
Billions more pounds were wiped off UK bank shares, yesterday, in the wake of Monday’s falls which saw £93bn wiped off the London Stock...
Eu Shares And Banks Crash
UK share prices crashed yesterday, wiping over £85bn off the London Stock Exchange, with the FTSE 100 index crashing 391 points or 7.85% to...
ISRAEL IS PREPARING MILITARY STRIKE – insists French Foreign Minister Kouchner
FRENCH Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner dismisses the idea that even one nuclear bomb makes the Iranians immune to attack, he told Ha’aretz in an...
CAPITALISM IS SICK – admits Mandelson
NEW Business Secretary Peter Mandelson admitted yesterday that he had checked in with his old boss Tony Blair before he agreed to take up...
Councils will have to make further savings as the economic slowdown bites, local government bosses warned on Friday. The economic slowdown has left town halls...
DEFEND HINCHINBROOKE HOSPITAL – 1,300 doctors, nurses, and health workers’ jobs...
Doctors, nurses and health workers will take to the streets with local people today, Saturday 4 October, to defend the future of Hinchingbrooke Hospital,...
Brown, Cameron & Clegg unite to rescue bankrupt capitalism
THE manufacturing sector of the British economy shrank last month at the fastest rate for 17 years, that is since 1992, according to figures...
President Bush yesterday warned Americans that the economic damage to the US will be ‘painful and lasting’ if Congress fails to pass his $700...
WALL STREET DIVES! – as Congress argues over Bush plan
THE Treasury yesterday confirmed that Bradford & Bingley’s (B&B) £50bn mortgages and loans will be nationalised. The mortgage bank’s £20bn savings unit and branches...
B&B TO BE NATIONALISED – to head off run on the...
Mortgage bank Bradford & Bingley is to be nationalised to prevent a run on the bank and its complete collapse, possibly spreading...
BUSH WON’T MEET BROWN! – as banks scramble for B of...
Prime minister Brown met Wall Street fund managers yesterday, officially for talks on how best to protect savings and pensions during the current global...
pass Bill or face financial panic, bank closures and ruin –...
THE US president George Bush has been so frightened at the prospect of a 1929 collapse and a 1930s depression gripping the US that...
‘WE CAN’T DEFEND JOBS PIECEMEAL’ – say postal workers facing mass...
More than 800 postal workers from across the country marched on the Labour Party conference in Manchester on Monday. They were joined by disabled Remploy...
de Menezes Inquest Opens Today
ON 22nd July 2005, Jean Charles de Menezes, an innocent member of the public, was killed by Metropolitan Police officers in a grotesque and...
‘DON’T BANK WORKERS’ JOBS MATTER!’ – Accord condemns Brown and Darling
‘IT seems to me that bank workers are treated as second-class citizens as though their jobs don’t matter.’ This is what Ged Nichols, general secretary...
MASSIVE JOBLESS RISE – greatest since 1992
Responding to yesterday’s unemployment figures, TUC General Secretary Brendan Barber said: ‘Today’s figures show that unemployment is starting to accelerate and it now...
Inquest Into The Death Of Jean Charles de Menezes Starts Monday
The inquest into the death of Jean Charles de Menezes will begin next Monday 22nd September at 10am at the Oval Cricket Ground, The...
HBOS share price falls 50% in two days – as world...
QUEUES formed around the Singapore offices of an AIG subsidiary yesterday, as the world’s biggest insurance company collapsed, losing 70% of its share price. At...
Bank shares fall while AIG and HBOS live on borrowed time!
SHARE price collapses continued yesterday after the bankrupting of the fourth largest US investment bank, Lehman Brothers, and the ‘rescue’ of Merrill Lynch by...
Academies Are Designed To Smash Free State Education
Academies are private companies and will be in charge of education in local areas, the Labour government makes clear in its document Building Schools...
ON 31st July 2008 the Independent Reconfiguration Panel (IRP) produced their report on the future of health services in Barnet, Enfield and Haringey. In it...
Nationalise the energy companies to end fuel poverty
PM Brown has rejected out of hand the trade union demand for a Windfall Tax on the oil, gas and energy companies, that are...
UNIONS ON THE MARCH! – but General Council to oppose POA...
CIVIL service union PCS General Secretary Mark Serwotka yesterday announced that the union will be balloting 270,000 members across the civil and public services...
Plans To Privatise ‘La Poste’ Are A ‘Declaration Of War’
The French post office union federations, CGT, SUD-PTT, CFDT, FO, CFTC and CGC, have called on postal workers nationally to strike and demonstrate on...
Defend jobs, pay & services: Lobby the TUC! Build councils of...
THE Bank of England (BoE) Monetary Policy Committee decided yesterday to make no change in its base interest rate and to leave it at...
The Brown government has so far this year handed over more than £200bn to cash-strapped banks, it was claimed by a leading Swiss banker...
Pound drops and inflation rises as recession grows
THE pound fell to an exchange rate of $1.77 yesterday, its lowest level for two-and-a-half years. In June sterling was trading at $2, but...
BUILD COUNCIL HOUSING – workers reject Brown package
In a bid to prop up the banks and construction industry, prime minister Brown and chancellor Darling yesterday promoted a £1.6bn housing rescue package. This...
Amnesty International has called on the British government to hand over to Guantanamo Bay prisoner Binyam Mohammed’s lawyers, vital information it holds on him. Binyam...
Britain hardest hit by world capitalist crisis
YESTERDAY’S reports on the state of the economy reveal more about the catastrophe gripping British capitalism, part of the world crisis. • The Bank of...
1.300 Sacked At Northern Rock
Northern Rock bosses yesterday confirmed that the nationalised bank has sacked 1,300 workers. Eight hundred of the redundancies were compulsory, with the remaining 500 being...
Tamil Students Demand Release Of Colleague
Sri Lanka Army (SLA) soldiers in their sentry post along Jaffna lagoon found a male corpse with gun shot wounds washed ashore on...
Bankers gripped by fear are relying on ‘hope’!
THE new Deputy Governor of the Bank of England (BoE), Charles Bean said yesterday that when the so-called ‘credit crunch’ began last August central...
‘TSKHINVALI WAS STALINGRAD’ – Valery Gergiev condemns invasion by Georgia
Russian conductor Valery Gergiev has said he hopes a concert in Tskhinvali will help the world to see the ‘truth’ of what happened in...
‘Bailiffs and Bulldozers, is the only way Lewisham Council are going to remove us’, is the motto of the Worried Tenants Group who are...
UK Economy Gripped By Slump And Inflation
UK economic growth ground to a halt between April and June, according to the latest official data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS)...
BIG BANK SET TO FAIL – warns IMF former chief
SPEAKING at a finance conference in Singapore yesterday, former IMF chief economist Ken Rogoff woke up slumbering listeners when he predicted: ...