Tag: election
Blair & Brown’s NHS cuts boost the Tories
ONLY those with short memories, or strong stomachs, did not have to stop themselves vomiting when hearing Tory leader David Cameron talk about his...
Palestinians Form Unity Government
Palestinian leaders unveiled a new unity government yesterday that they hope will stop months of deadly factional violence and end a crippling international aid...
Tories to prop up Blair over Trident, the shape of things...
LARGE numbers of Labour MPs are opposed to Blair’s programme to renew the Trident submarine based, nuclear weapons delivery system. The eventual cost...
Reid rants against foreigners ‘stealing our benefits’
YESTERDAY Home Secretary John Reid showed that patriotism is indeed the last refuge of a scoundrel when he attacked foreigners for ‘stealing our benefits’....
Sri Lanka: Crisis Of An Island
SRI LANKA is undergoing a turbulent period, with the introduction of an executive presidential system, along with an open economic policy (Laissez Faire) exposing...
CABINET REELING – from massive constituency health cuts
Public sector union, UNISON, yesterday published a new report showing that each of the 21 elected cabinet ministers in the government faces severe health...
Milburn makes his move for the Labour leadership
TWO former Cabinet ministers have e-mailed all Labour MPs, calling for an ‘open debate’ on the party’s future. The two are Charles Clarke, the ex-Home...
Venture Capitalists Are Targeting Sainsbury!
Venture capitalists Texas Pacific and Kohlberg Kravis Roberts are this week expected to bid for the supermarket group, J Sainsbury. Their take-over will mean sackings,...
International aid agency Oxfam said on Wednesday that conditions in the Occupied Palestinian Territories are close to melt-down. It called on members of the EU,...
Build The Greek Section Of The Fourth International!
TENS of thousands of students, teachers and trade unionists are expected to take to the streets of Athens and other major Greek cities on...
Hamas Political Bureau chief Khaled Mishaal in an extensive interview last Tuesday reflected on the Mecca agreement between the Hamas and Fatah movements. Mishaal said:...
Greek Student Occupations Take To The Streets
MORE than 15,000 students marched through Athens last Thursday demanding the withdrawal of the proposed revision of Article 16 of the Constitution, which would...
Canada Marches Against Tuition Fees!
The Canadian Federation of Students last Wednesday held a National Day of Action for affordable, high-quality, post-secondary education in Canada. ‘Education shouldn’t be a debt...
MATERNITY ‘REFORMS’ CRISIS – as Ministers oppose policy
The crisis over government plans to axe A&Es and maternity units deepened yesterday as it emerged that at least a dozen Labour ministers are...
US Employee Free Choice Act Becomes Law
US trade union leaders have hailed the adoption of the Employee Free Choice Act by the US House of Representatives yesterday as a...
US Union Leaders Speak Up In Favour Of Employee Free Choice...
JOHN SWEENEY the president of the AFL-CIO US trade union federation has spoken out in favour of the Employee Free Choice Act. He said...
US–UK organising Palestinian civil war
THERE is no doubt that the US and UK ruling classes are hard at work seeking to organise a Palestinian civil war. The object is...
Blair skating on the thinnest of thin ice
PRIME Minister Blair has been secretly questioned, for a second time, by police investigating allegations that honours were sold for cash by his government....
‘THIS IS MORE THAN ENOUGH!’ – Palestinian population being caged in...
‘ENOUGH is enough!’ The Palestinians must be treated with equity, with Israel ending its occupation of the Palestinian territories. That was the message from the...
‘OLMERT WILL EITHER RESIGN OR BE TOPPLED’ says Hezbollah leader Nasrallah
HEZBOLLAH Secretary-General Hasan Nasrallah said in an interview with Hezbollah’s Al-Manar TV broadcast on 19 January: ‘We will accept a transitional government that...
Billionaire steps in to bail out the Labour Party
LAKSHMI Mittal, the Indian-born billionaire has donated £2m to the Labour Party, it was revealed yesterday. The fifth richest man in the world, who owns...
FIGHT ‘RE-CONFIGURATION’ – Labour’s plans for hospital closures • PART ONE
THE ‘re-configuration’ of 60 District General Hospitals (DGHs) means a huge reduction in National Health Service (NHS) hospital capacity. This will result in the loss...
Labour Cabinet Minister Fears For Her Seat
THE Labour government’s policy to cut, close, reconfigure, and privatise the NHS has caught up with a number of senior government ministers, including leading...
Palestinian government rejects Blair’s plotting
THE leaders of the Palestine National Authority (PNA) government yesterday rejected the interference of British Prime Minister Tony Blair in Palestinian internal affairs. Dr Mousa...
HAMAS leader Khaled Mishaal has reiterated that all Palestinian factions agree on a state ‘within the 1967 borders’ and that Hamas agrees to the...
‘WE WANT A FREE GOVERNMENT’ – Beirut demonstrations continue
Demonstrators remained camped near central Beirut’s Martyrs’ Square and on streets leading to the government’s headquarters on Saturday following Friday’s million-strong opposition protest, led by...
Riga humiliation for Bush and NATO
WHILE President George Bush was condemning EU leaders for not sending more forces to Afghanistan to fight the Taleban, officials of the main central...
Hodge Spreads Subversion In The Fabian Society
THE Labour government is visibly collapsing day by day, with even ministers expressing opposition and saying that they had doubts about Blair’s foreign ...
UK Manufacturing Employment Less Than In 1841!
Confirmation that manufacturing employment levels are at their lowest since 1841 drew an angry and frustrated response from the Transport and General Workers Union. Tony...
Blair looks to the ‘Axis of Evil’ for rescue
THE killing of four British soldiers in Basra on Sunday with at least three seriously injured, and the killing of six US soldiers in...
Irish Privatisation Disaster!
FIANNA Fail has betrayed its working class supporters and Irish Government aviation policy is a complete disaster‚ said TEEU (Technical, Engineering and Electrical Trade...
US Civil Liberties Groups Seeking To Prosecute Rumsfeld For War...
Donald Rumsfeld, who was forced to resign as US defence secretary last Wednesday, may face criminal charges in Germany for alleged abuses in Guantanamo...
US TRADE union leaders’ were yesterday demanding that the Democrats take action on workers’ issues in the Houses of Congress, in return for the...
Sainsbury Gets Out While The Going Is Good
WITH the police closing in to interview him under caution about the cash for peerages scandal, and after his government has been stunned by...
Now is the time to form a Palestinian government of national...
‘YOU do not want peace at all. You have destroyed all chances of peace and you should bear all the responsibility,’ Palestinian President Abbas...
US workers deal Bush, Blair and Olmert a heavy blow
WHAT is being called in the US a ‘voter uprising’ has driven Bush’s Republicans out of their control of the House of Representatives, and...
‘We have to take action at Whipps Cross Hospital against cuts and closure,’ consultant surgeon Mrs Anna Athow told a packed public meeting in...
Blairites back-off and concede to Brown
OH how the mighty have fallen. It was not so long ago that Blairites were queuing up to challenge Gordon Brown for the premiership....
Millions of US workers to be barred from trade unions
THE Republican-dominated National Labour Relations Board (NLRB) voting along party lines to slash long-time federal labour laws protecting workers’ freedom to form unions has opened...
Sinn Fein Ready To Embrace The Psni
THE decision by Sinn Fein to accept the north of Ireland law courts and the police service wholeheartedly (including the special branch) completes the...
STOP DEPORTATIONS! – demands march for migrant workers
‘Stop deportations! Asylum rights are human rights! Equal rights for migrants!’ shouted over 500 people taking part in a March for Migrant Workers last...
Bigot Straw Stirs Up Division Amongst Workers
LABOUR MP Straw has been a Blackburn MP for 27 years and has long been aware that numbers of Muslim women in Blackburn wear...
Palestinian civil war aids Israel
THE Palestinian masses and their organisations must unite to fight their enemy which is the Zionist state of Israel, backed up and supported by...
We should have been the Thatcherites, Blair tells LP
IN his parting speech as Prime Minister to the Labour Party conference, Blair administered his kiss of death to Gordon Brown, telling his Chancellor...
Brown to give power over NHS away to independent committee
CHANCELLOR Brown yesterday, on the BBC Politics Show, sought to trump his rival, the outgoing Prime Minister Tony Blair, in the competition between them...