Tag: election
‘WE WILL WIN’ – insist striking CWU members
‘We’re fighting for our jobs, terms and conditions, pensions, the future of the union and the future of the business,’ Communication Workers Union (CWU)...
Reports that another large employer has labelled the Howard government’s Industrial Relations laws as ‘farcical’ and ‘pointless’ is further evidence that the government’s IR...
Greek Crisis General Election Next Sunday
VOTING takes place this Sunday in Greece for the snap general election the current right-wing government of the New Democracy party called to avoid...
Birri Proposes Solution To Lebanese Political Crisis
ON Friday August 31, the Speaker of the Lebanese Parliament, Nabih Birri, delivered a speech outlining his proposals for the current political crisis...
Occupy to stop Labour’s hospital closure programme
FOUR Greater Manchester hospitals are to have their maternity units closed in drastic cuts after the Labour government’s health secretary, ex-postman, Alan Johnson frantically...
Lift the ban from the Gaza Under-19 team!
THE banning of the Under-19 Gaza football team from coming to play in Britain after they had been invited to play against Chester...
Bush Gives Go-Ahead F0R Iraqi Regime Change
US President George W Bush on Tuesday gave the go-ahead to the US occupation army in Iraq and all those who support the...
What peace if they cut off the electric power to our...
THE Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniya has told the Italian daily, Corriere della Sera on August 20 – ‘How can anyone talk of...
‘AAMERICA UNDERSTANDS IT MUST KEEP IRAN HAPPY’ –Rafsanjani calls for unconditional...
TEHRAN’S Friday prayer leader, Chairman of the Expediency Council, and ex-President of Iran Ayatollah Ali Akbar Hashemi-Rafsanjani, told worshippers ‘Wherever America goes, it finally...
Ezzet Al-Resheq, political bureau member of the Hamas Movement, on Monday castigated Palestinian National Authority (PNA) president Mahmud Abbas for insisting on meeting with...
Labour Struggles – T0Ries Collapse!
ALL talk of a Brown ‘electoral bounce’ is sheer drivel or plain self deception after Labour got the votes of just 45 per cent...
Woodley Refuses To Call For Nati0Nalisation
TONY WOODLEY the TGWU leader and co-leader of the new UNITE trade union has already presided over the closure of a large chunk of...
Form Public Sector Alliance to defeat the Brown government
THE Brown government is showing clearly and conclusively that it stands with the bosses, the bankers, and the employers against the workers and their...
Last Thursday’s pay rise for minimum award wage workers, the lowest in ten years, is below the rate of inflation and means the living...
Sarkozy flops – gets less votes than Chirac
THE landslide vote for Sarkozy that was to get him off on a flying start as the ‘Saviour of France’ for his war against...
Fatah Must Change Its Leadership
THE victory of the Hamas movement in the fighting in the Gaza Strip is a huge setback for the imperialist diplomacy of the US...
Fatah Suspends Participation In Unity Government!
THE Fatah movement said on Tuesday night that it is suspending participation in the three-month old unity government with Hamas until the...
Australian Unions Fight For Workers’ Rights
The UNI Communicators Forum, attended by union communicators from across the globe, has received a report on Australia’s unions’ battle for the rights of...
Brown Going Further Than Blair & Reid On ‘Security’
PREMIER to be, Brown, yesterday told the world, five days before the outgoing Home Secretary Reid is to introduce his counter terrorism measures...
Get out of Iraq – British troops get a last warning
THE raid on Iraq’s Finance Ministry compound on Tuesday, by a column of up to 50 heavily armed police officers, in pick-up vehicles, which...
THE WAY OUT! – Negotiate with the Resistance, Punish the criminals!
The Brussels Tribunal and the International Anti-Occupation Network have issued the following statement on Iraq entitled ‘The Way Out’: ‘If the US military declare...
Ukraine On The Brink Of Civil War
THE sacking of the Ukrainian prosecutor-general, Svyatoslav Piskun by President Yushchenko has brought the Ukraine to the brink of a civil war...
‘SAVE OUR SCHOOLS!’ – demand Lewisham parents, teachers and children
OVER 500 angry parents, teachers and children have marched on Lewisham Town Hall in south London, shouting: ‘No cuts or privatisation! Join the march...
Hodge, Blears and Blair say foreigners to the back of the...
LABOUR Industry Minister Margaret Hodge has won the support of Hazel Blears (Chairman of the Labour Party and a candidate for the deputy leadership...
Tensions rise in the Baltics and the Balkans!
LAST WEEK the US Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice visited Moscow to meet with the Russian president Vladimir Putin. She insisted that although Russia...
Israel attacks Gaza and Abbas cancels visit
YESTERDAY an Israeli aircraft bombed a building of the Hamas-run Executive Force in Gaza, killing at least one person and injuring about 45 others....
Unions & party members kept out of Labour leadership election
TWO of the largest trade unions affiliated to the Labour Party, unions that pay millions into its funds, said they were ‘looking to the...
LABOUR SAVAGED! – Party pays the price for Blair-Brown policies
LABOUR was savaged by voters in England, Scotland and Wales, in the regional and council elections as the party paid the price for the...
Keep out the Tories – bring down the Blair-Brown government! Forward...
LABOUR was routed in Thursday’s regional and council elections losing by late yesterday afternoon 454 councillors and eight councils in England, while it lost...
PROSECUTE ISRAEl! – says family of James Miller killed by an...
The family of James Miller, the Devon film-maker killed in Gaza, yesterday urged Attorney General Lord Goldsmith to take a decision on his case...
REVOLUTIONARY MAY DAY! – News Line Editorial Board Statement
THE News Line editorial board sends its revolutionary greetings on this May Day to the insurgent workers of Iraq, Lebanon and Palestine. The Iraqi insurgency...
Walk-Out At Unison Health Conference
The UNISON Health Conference in Brighton yesterday gave environment secretary Hilary Benn a heated reception. He was booed and heckled when he tried to defend...
‘JIHAD ONLY WAY OF LIBERATING PALESTINE’ – Hamas marks 3rd anniversary...
The Hamas Movement on Tuesday affirmed that blood of Palestinian martyrs has mapped out the route of liberation for the next Palestinian generations to follow...
SCOTTISH TUC BOMBSHELL – General Council supports Labour in election by...
Labour has only very narrowly retained the formal endorsement of Scotland’s trades unions for May’s Holyrood and council elections. The General Council of the STUC...
Trade unions must break with Blair and Brown to keep the...
THE right wing of the Labour Party was shaken to its core yesterday after Monday’s meeting of the General Council of the Scottish...
Iraqi puppet government splits after Maliki refuses to order US withdrawal
THE political bloc of anti-occupation Shia cleric, Moqtada al-Sadr, yesterday quit the Iraqi puppet government with its six ministers quitting the cabinet. They walked out...
THE GMB has called on the government to delay the private equity take-over of Boots in the wake of the IMF warning of the...
Never mind the claimants – use lie detectors on the politicians
WORK and Pensions Minister John Hutton said yesterday that lie detectors will be used to help root out benefit cheats in job centres later...
Forward to the political revolution in the Ukraine
UKRAINIAN President Viktor Yushchenko has mounted a coup attempt in the Ukraine, dissolving parliament and calling a snap general election on May 27th. The parliament...
25 years since the Malvinas war
THE 1982 Malvinas (Falklands War) was a decisive event not just for Britain’s Foreign Policy but for its home policy. The islands off the Argentinian...
Wembley Park Sports Ground Occupied! – To Stop City Academy
THE proposed site of a new City Academy, next to the new Wembley Stadium, is being occupied to stop the privatisation project from going...
State ownership brings MG Rover back from the dead!
THE state-owned Nanjing Automobile company, which bought MG Rover for a knock down price of £53 million and then transferred and reassembled 10,000 tonnes...
BROWN SEES NO CRISIS! – while Cameron demands election
A tense Chancellor Brown yesterday announced a £36bn increase in the sale of public assets (including Student Loans) and a two per cent Corporation...
THE Association of Muslim Scholars (AMS) has addressed an open message to the Iraqi people on the fourth anniversary of the occupation of Iraq,...
Brown In Blinkers Ignores The Economic Crisis
BROWN’S ‘big’ budget speech yesterday was an anti-climax, since it was an obvious attempt to ignore the worldwide capitalist economic crisis, and the completely...