Tag: election
UAE & Israel ‘normalise’ relations!
ISRAEL and the United Arab Emirates reached a deal yesterday that will lead to a full normalisation of diplomatic relations between the two, in...
There will be no ‘Maidan-style counter-revolution’ in Belarus declares President Lukashenko
CONGRATULATIONS to President Alexander Lukashenko of Belarus. He received over 80 per cent of the vote in the Belarus presidential election and saw off...
US economy shrinks by 32.9% as Trump tries to call off...
THE US GROSS domestic product (GDP) in the biggest economy in the capitalist world, has plunged by a titanic 32.9% in the second quarter,...
Sack Starmer Not Corbyn – No National Government!
FORMER LABOUR PARTY leader Jeremy Corbyn has condemned the Labour Party’s ‘political’ decision to apologise and pay damages of over £500,000 to so-called party...
CORBYN CONDEMNS LABOUR APOLOGY! – and payment of 6-figure damages
EX-LABOUR PARTY leader Jeremy Corbyn has hit out at Labour’s ‘political’ decision to apologise and award damages to party whistleblowers who took part in...
Trump Is Organising A US Coup Not A Presidential Election Campaign!
IN HIS FOURTH of July speech US president Donald Trump attacked the ‘angry mob’ that opposes him and which he claims are out to...
Canadian trade unions fighting new anti-union legislation
Last week, Alberta’s United Conservative Party Government of Jason Kenney introduced Bill 32, the Restoring Balance in Alberta’s Workplaces Act, which constitutes ‘an attack...
Sinn Fein – Waiting For UK To Hand Back The North!
By Jim Graham FOR Marxists, Irish liberation and Irish Freedom have always been a burning issue, since the period of the industrial revolution when the...
UK & US whipping up anti-Russia and anti-China hysteria – It...
A ‘RED SCARE’ is well under way, with the US and UK governments launching hourly attacks on both Russia and China in a frenzy...
Is the Irish Political Duopoly like Partition coming to an end?
IN BELFAST IRELAND has been partitioned North from South for nearly 100 years. 2021 will mark the centenary of the formation of...
Chinese fury over Tory plan to kick Huawei out of UK!
‘WHETHER the UK can provide an open, fair and non-discriminatory business environment for Chinese companies is a litmus test for British markets after Brexit,...
Debt will bring ‘nasty surprises!’ – Chancellor Sunak gets a warning
WITH MILLIONS of new Universal Credit claimants expected when the Tory ‘job retention’, or ‘furlough’, scheme ends over the next three months, the government...
Johnson’s ‘New Deal’ to rescue capitalism means war against working class
YESTERDAY Boris Johnson set out his policy to rescue British capitalism through spending limitless billions of pounds on investing in everything and anything: ‘infrastructure,...
Starmer clears out Corbynite Long-Bailey to clear the way for a...
LABOUR leader Sir Keir Starmer has unceremoniously sacked shadow education secretary Rebecca Long-Bailey. This is the MP who was the main contender standing against...
Postal workers, bus drivers and students in US support ‘Black Lives...
AMERICAN postal workers in Minneapolis are saying Black Lives Matter as over 400 local trade unionists signed a petition calling on workers to resist...
Police surround the Mexican Embassy in Bolivia to try & seize...
Last Sunday night in Bolivia around 10pm, 220 police, armed and accompanied by trained dogs, surrounded Mexico’s Embassy in La Paz. According to a statement...
SAFTU honours memory of Soweto youth 1976
AS SAFTU (the South African Federation of Trade Unions) honours the memory of the youth of Soweto 1976 – and as the Black Lives...
3 Years After Grenfell Fire!
'IT'S been an absolute outrage that three years later and the Grenfell families still have no justice, and homes are still unsafe,’ Joe Delaney,...
Anti-racist protesters who deface statues could get 10 years under Tory...
ANTI-RACISM protesters who tear down, ‘deface’ or graffiti statues and monuments to imperialism face jail sentences of up to 10 years under a forthcoming...
US heading for revolution!
THE US coronavirus epidemic surpassed two million infections on Wednesday while health officials said that many new infections are likely as a result of...
‘We are fighting for our brother in the US George Floyd...
IN THE WAKE of last week’s mass Black Lives Matter protests against police racism and brutality in France, the Macron government has announced a...
Working Class In UK Requires A New And Revolutionary Leadership!
TORY chancellor Rishi Sunak dropped any pretence that British capitalism would stage a miraculous ‘bounce back’ when he confessed that the country faces ‘a...
‘US jobs haemorrhaging’ 26m now unemployed
‘THE US economy is haemorrhaging jobs at a pace and scale never before recorded,’ Scott Anderson, chief economist at the Bank of the West...
McCluskey denounces Labour’s right wing who worked for a Tory victory!
THE general secretary of the Unite union, Len McCluskey, has reacted with fury over the revelations contained in the leaked internal report by the...
Sanders concedes – Forward to the American socialist revolution
LAST WEDNESDAY, the US ‘democratic socialist’ Senator Bernie Sanders announced to his supporters that he was quitting the race to become the Democratic candidate...
PM Johnson In ‘Intensive Care’ And Labour Is Ready For A...
PRIME Minister Boris Johnson is now in intensive care at St Thomas’ hospital, laid low by the coronovirus, perfectly reflecting the state of British...
US commander dismissed after requesting help –137 sailors aboard aircraft carrier...
DEMOCRATIC lawmakers have formally protested against the Navy’s dismissal of the commander of the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt, who requested urgent aid to...
Starmer Congratulated By Union Leaders, Now Awaits His National Service Government...
THE election of Starmer as Labour leader has been cheered to the rooftops by both the trade union bureaucracy and the Tory Party-supporting media. His...
Tories considering a national government – they must be overthrown! Forward...
THE COLLAPSE of the US economy with 10 million US workers losing their jobs in the last two weeks, allied to the already collapsed...
‘Thousands upon thousands of people are living in dangerous homes’ says...
ON JUNE 14th 2017, almost three years ago, fire broke out in the 24-storey Grenfell Tower block in North Kensington. It caused the deaths...
Tories Have Just Borrowed Billions While Doctors Say That They Are...
PM JOHNSON has put the blame for the coronavirus firmly on the people, when he warned on the TV that the NHS could be...
Chancellor warns of ‘significant disruption!’
TORY Chancellor Rishi Sunak has unveiled a £30bn Budget package to try to keep UK capitalism from being bankrupted and broken apart by the...
In US elections Sanders must defy Democrat campaign to stop him...
THE RACE to become the Democratic Party candidate to face Trump in November’s presidential election has come down to a fight between the democratic...
Israeli Election Preceded By Massive Attack On Gaza
‘JUST days away from its third General Election in less than a year, Israel launched another attack on the Gaza Strip which began with...
Coronavirus sparks biggest crash since 2007/8 threatening to derail Trump and...
CORONAVIRUS is spreading around the world, sparking a global economic collapse. For seven days in a row financial markets have fallen. The crisis has...
Sixth Forms strike: ‘urgent funds now!’
A LONDON march and rally marking the fifth day of strike action in over 30 Sixth Form Colleges took place yesterday, with union leaders...
CUPE campaigns for ‘outside’ municipal workers
THE City of Moncton management hides a dirty secret. It has been exploiting employment contract language loopholes to penny- pinch workers. Over 20% of all...
Sanders wins union endorsement for presidential campaign
THE UNIVERSITY of California’s largest employee union, AFSCME Local 3299, has voted to endorse Senator Bernie Sanders’ bid for President ahead of California’s March...
Syrian Army Advances Are Dealing A Massive Blow At Trump’s Deal...
THE ISRAELI DAILY newspaper Hayom has reported that the US ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, is to lead the joint committee that the US...
Sanders takes lead as US workers and youth rise up against...
THE US independent ‘democratic socialist’ Senator Bernie Sanders has become front-runner for the Democratic Party nomination to stand against Trump in the presidential election...
Sinn Féin win 37 seats in Irish election!
SINN Féin was celebrating the results of the Irish elections yesterday which saw them as the second biggest party, winning 37 seats – an...
ANNEXATION! – Israeli plan to carve up Palestine
‘WE ARE already at the height of the process of mapping the area that, according to the Trump plan, will become part of the...
Trump gambles on his inflationary boom lasting till presidential election...
US PRESIDENT Donald Trump delivered his formal State of the Union address on Tuesday night with the usual boast that under the three years...
Zimbabwe Trade Unions Are To Call A General Strike Against...
THE MOTHER of all strikes is imminent – as Zimbabwe’s massive union, ZCTU (the Zimbabwe Confederation of Trade Unions), mobilises other unions to avert...
Workers forced Brexit through! Now bring down Johnson to bring in...
AT ELEVEN pm last night, Britain officially left the European Union. After a long, hard and determined struggle Brexit has actually happened and the...