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Tag: disabled

Arrogant Osborne refuses to apologise – McDonnell calls for him to...

‘LET me say to him (Tory chancellor Osborne) I certainly think for the sake of this country that it is time for him to...

Cameron and Osborne on the way out as Tory Party tears...

LAST Wednesday Chancellor Osborne, with all the arrogance of a Tory millionaire born to rule, stood up in parliament and announced that he was...

‘Osborne & Cameron must quit’

TORY Chancellor Osborne refused to appear in parliament yesterday to answer an urgent question on the crisis surrounding last Wednesday’s budget, which cut disabled...

Tory Split Deepens!

THE Tory government risks dividing society, Iain Duncan Smith warned yesterday in his first interview since resigning as Work and Pensions Secretary. He attacked the...

‘Open The Doors! Let The Refugees In!’

‘OPEN the doors, let them in!’ shouted trade unionists and youth and their families taking part in Saturday’s 8,000-strong Refugees Welcome, Anti-Racism national demonstration...

Tory Civil War – Now Is The Time To Bring Them...

IT is an expression of the depth of the crisis of British capitalism, that Duncan Smith, the ex-Tory leader, the would-be Puritan...

£1.9bn black hole pensions raid –as Corbyn ready to force vote...

A PENSIONS black hole has been identified in the Tory Chancellor’s budget plan with figures emerging yesterday showing that the...

Benefit Cuts Revolt!

A TORY disability campaigner has handed in his party membership and sabotaged a Tory Party website in protest over brutal disability benefit cuts. Graeme Ellis,...

Rebellion erupts against Osborne’s budget attack on disabled!

CHANCELLOR Osborne’s just-declared Budget has touched off such anger that he is already being counselled to abandon his masterplan to make savage cuts on...

Bma & Teachers Unions Lead Condemnation Of The Tory Budget

TEACHERS’ unions and the BMA led the condemnation of Tory Chancellor Osborne’s Budget on Wednesday, in which he announced the forced academisation of every...

British capitalism is on its knees – forward to the socialist...

CHANCELLOR Osborne made it clear in his Budget statement yesterday that he is not the master of the situation, and is completely dominated by...

Boycott Wendy’s – demands fair food campaign

‘JOIN us in Palm Beach today as the Workers’ Voice Tour wraps up in Nelson Peltz’s hometown,’ said the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW)...

Rich 1% ‘Hoovering up’ all the wealth!

IN advance of the Tory budget on Wednesday, where chancellor Osborne is due to announce even more savage austerity cuts, the charity Oxfam has...

Crisis Forces Osborne To Re-Write His Budget!

LAST November 25th in his Autumn Statement Chancellor Osborne was full of praise for the way that allegedly the UK was now full set...

Savage cut in ESA to claw back £1.4bn from the disabled!

THE peers of the House of Lords on Monday night capitulated to the Tory government over cuts to disabled people’s benefits to ‘encourage them...

ANC dances to tune of ‘white monopoly capital’ – NUMSA on...

THE trajectory of the 2016 Budget delivered by Pravin Gordhan continued to sing to the tune of international and local finance capital, white monopoly...

Canadian Unions Demand Jail For Asbestos Polluters

AN asbestos-removal company is in court in Canada in a case which started on Monday facing accusations that it repeatedly exposed its workers to...

Government appeal against Bedroom Tax ruling is condemned

LAST week, after the Court of Appeal ruled that the Bedroom Tax is discriminatory and unlawful, Paul Rutherford, one of the appellants, described himself...

Verdict A ‘massive Blow’ At Bedroom Tax!

THE Tory government’s flagship Bedroom Tax was delivered a ‘massive blow’ yesterday when Court of Appeal judges declared it to be ‘discriminatory’. The judges’...

Trade Unions Must Take Action Alongside The Junior Doctors!

TODAY’S strike by junior doctors has the support of 100% of workers across the country. They are not fooled by all the Tory propaganda that...

Disabled ‘fit for work’ assessments failure!

THE privatised assessment tests which find sick and disabled people ‘fit for work’ are ‘failing claimants and taxpayers’ and must be ‘brought back in-house’,...

Smash The Bedroom Tax – Bring Down The Tories!

AN explosive report into the effect of the ‘Bedroom Tax’ on families throughout the country was published on Thursday – sneaked out on the...

2,018 babies taken into care

A HUGE rise has taken place in the number of babies taken by social services from ‘Troubled Families’. Figures compiled by the University of Lancaster...

SOCIAL CARE ‘COLLAPSE’! – warning to Chancellor Osborne and Hunt

NURSING homes will close and support for elderly and disabled people will be withdrawn due to the massive social care funding crisis, leaders in...

Elderly Care Is Disintegrating – The Only Remedy Is To ...

A LETTER to Chancellor Osborne and Health Secretary Hunt signed by the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services, the Care Provider Alliance, which...

Ex-soldiers disgusted by Syria war

OUTSIDE Downing Street yesterday, special forces veteran Ben Griffin read out a message on behalf of disabled veteran Dave Smith. Griffin said: ‘Dave Smith can...

Third Intifada Is Erupting!

RAMALLAH, October 6 2015 – Dozens of Palestinians were injured with live ammunition on Monday night and Tuesday and suffocated by inhaling tear gas...

Make sure you attend the ‘Save Ealing Hospital, Save the...

THE conference called tomorrow by the West London Council of Action and the All Trades Unions Alliance has come at a critical time. This week...

Tories ‘declaring war on Organised Labour’

THE TORIES ‘are declaring war on organised Labour in this country’ Jeremy Corbyn, newly elected leader of the Labour Party, told delegates at the...

TORY ATTACK ON DISABLED – UN to launch inquiry

The United Nations is to launch an inquiry into whether Tory attacks on the disabled have led to ‘grave or systematic violations’ of their...

Tuc Calls For Inquiry Into ‘Back To Work’ Regime

THE Department for Work and Pensions yesterday released shocking mortality figures in response to a number of Freedom of Information requests concerning ‘the number...

The great Labour democrats launch a purge so that they can...

THE leader of one of the UK’s biggest trade unions has had his vote in the Labour leadership election rejected. His voting paper has...

Join The Political Revolution–Sanders Urges US Workers!

US Democratic presidential candidate, Bernie Sanders called on US trade unions to rise up and join his political revolution to defeat the Koch brothers...

Disabled Must Not Be Penalised!

CHARITIES expressed concerns yesterday after Tory plans to force a million more sick and disabled people into work were floated by Work and Pensions...

Bring Private Care Homes Back In-House

‘I STRONGLY believe that care homes should be taken back under local council control,’ GMB rep Dianne Wragg said yesterday. Wragg is the lead steward...

Social Care in ruins after £4.6bn cuts over 5 years

THE Chief Inspector of Adult Social Care, Andrea Sutcliffe, has warned that huge cuts in funding in recent years have left the social care...

‘Give deaf young people a fair chance!’

THE National Deaf Children’s Society (NDCS) is urging the government to halt the rollout of Personal Independence Payment (PIP – which replaces Disability Living...

Canadian Students Fight 30% Tuition Fees Hike!

THE Canadian Federation of Students, its member unions and allies will step up the fight for accessible education in Newfoundland and Labrador against a...

Osborne hammers poor!

CHANCELLOR Osborne launched his vicious class war budget yesterday, signalling massive Tory attacks on the working class, with the young and the poor his...

Savage attack on disabled planned!

THE PCS union, which represents JobCentre workers, yesterday denounced as ‘appalling’ planned savage cuts to social security for sick and disabled people. It was commenting...

Disabled Occupy Parliament

Disabled people occupied the Central Lobby of Parliament yesterday against the abolition of their Independent Living Fund (ILP). They attempted to storm parliament itself,...

Hundreds of thousands march against austerity! – WHILE LEADERS LIMIT DEMANDS...

OVER 250,000 people took part in a huge anti-austerity demonstration in London on Saturday, organised by the People’s Assembly. They took part in a rally...

Ealing meeting votes for maternity occupation

‘CLOSING Ealing Hospital maternity is a real attack on the NHS and a real attack on the people of Southall, Ealing and surrounding areas,’...

95,000 children detained on West Bank since 1967 – says Military...

SOME 95,000 Palestinian children have been detained in the West Bank since it was occupied by Israel in 1967, most of whom were exposed...

Publish austerity death rates!

A PETITION launched by campaign group Change.org has called on the Courts and Tribunal Service to force the release of data on the number...