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15,000 Greek Workers March Against Syriza Coalition!

OVER 15,000 workers and youth marched last Saturday in Thessaloniki, northern Greece, on the opening of a trade fair, demanding an end to the...

TUC must call a general strike in support of Junior Doctors...

A 45 strong delegation of Tata steel workers from Port Talbot were at the Trade Union Congress in Brighton yesterday. They had come...

Junior Doctors must not fight alone – TUC call a general...

ALL day yesterday the junior doctors were under heavy attack with Tories demanding that their strike be made illegal and suggestions being made that...

Obama gives May dressing down!

OUTGOING US President Barack Obama yesterday warned PM May that Britain was wrong to vote to leave the EU and suggested it is still...

G20 talks dominated by world crisis, and the fear of world...

THE initial stages of the G20 talks in China were yesterday dominated by the world crisis of capitalism, the sharpening antagonisms that this crisis...

Dannatt would not use Lariam, but permitted it to be used...

FORMER Army chief of staff Lord Dannatt has apologised on the BBC’s Victoria Derbyshire programme for allowing British troops to take an anti-malaria drug...

Wrack Condemns Backstabber Khan

FIRE Brigades Union general secretary Matt Wrack yesterday responded to London mayor Sadiq Khan’s decision to backstab Corbyn and urge Labour voters to ditch...

Msf Evacuating Staff From Hospitals In Saada And Hajjah Provinces

FOLLOWING the 15th August aerial bombing of Abs Hospital in Yemen’s Hajjah Governorate, which killed 19 people and injured 24, Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without...

Support RMT Southern strikers, defend rail safety and jobs with them,...

EVERY worker in the country, not just every commuter, must support the five-day RMT strike action on Southern. It is a fight for jobs, and...

‘Strike action rock solid’

‘I CAN report that the strike action this morning is rock solid across the Southern Rail network as we fight to put rail safety...

Housing crisis can only be solved through socialist revolution!

TWO reports this week have driven home the message that in the 21st century a bankrupt British capitalist system can no longer provide even...

Australian unions outraged at abuse of youth prisoners

SECRETARY of the Australian Council of Trade Unions, Dave Oliver, has written a letter speaking out about the abuse of youth in a detention...

Syria’s victory over the imperialist powers will transform Middle East

SYRIAN President Bashar al-Assad confirmed yesterday that his government will pardon all ‘militants’ who turn in their weapons, stressing that the policy has been...

Trades Unions Condemn Turkish Repressions

BELOW is a declaration issued on Tuesday by the international commission of the central council of Russia’s University Solidarity trade union, on the repression...

Academy Expenses Scandal!

AN INVESTIGATION into academy schools has revealed that huge sums of public money are being spent on expenses claims for academy bosses. The investigation, which...

Labour Right Wing Ready For Breakaway!

150 LABOUR MPs are plotting to form a breakaway party codenamed ‘Continuity Labour’ when Jeremy Corbyn wins the leadership battle. Pontypridd Labour MP Stephen Kinnock...

May Refuses To Sack Hunt And Commits Herself To Class War...

PM MAY, under the guise of adopting a ‘one nation’ policy which treasures the poor and the needy much more than the rich, has...

Corbyn On The Ballot Paper – Another Defeat For Labour Right...

THE decision of the Labour Party NEC in a secret vote, by 18-14, for Labour leader Corbyn to go forward onto the leadership ballot...

Corbyn will fight any bid to keep him off ballot paper!

LABOUR leader Jeremy Corbyn told the BBC yesterday that he was ‘disappointed’ Angela Eagle had chosen to run against him and would fight any...

‘No education cuts’ chant 11,000 striking Teachers! – as NUT takes...

‘NO education cuts!’ chanted over 11,000 striking teachers, parents and supporters from London and the south east as they marched through central London to...

END ISRAELI OCCUPATION – demands 2,000-strong al-Quds Day London march

TWO THOUSAND people marched through the centre of London on Sunday demanding an end to the Israeli occupation of Palestine as part of the...

TUC prepares for treacherous deal with Labour’s coup leaders

YESTERDAY morning Angela Eagle, one of the main conspirators behind the right-wing plot to oust Jeremy Corbyn from the leadership, announced publicly for the...

Teachers strike today – worst funding cuts since 1970s

‘SCHOOLS are facing the worst cuts in funding since the 1970s,’ the NUT warned as teachers at every school in the country walked out...

McCluskey slams Blairite coupists – but calls on unions to broker...

Unite leader Len McCluskey said yesterday that Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn has been the victim of a ‘political lynching’ orchestrated by ‘sinister forces’,...

‘Don’t blame me’–if ‘Remain’ loses says Corbyn!

ASKED if he would take the blame if Britain votes to leave the EU tomorrow, Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn replied: ‘I’m not going...

Vote Leave – bring down the Tories. For a workers government...

THE UK Prime Minister, Cameron, has delivered a thinly disguised deadly threat to the UK working class. This is that if it has the...

Inquiry Into Mi5 Death Squads In North Of Ireland

AN INVESTIGATION is being launched which will examine the activities of an MI5 agent known as ‘Stakeknife’ who has been linked to 50 murders...

‘UK Too Like The US – Gender Inequality And Student Debt’

‘I WANTED to pick the flowers not the weeds,’ says Michael Moore of his new film ‘Where to Invade Next’. The producers point out: ‘Michael...

BHS workers’ jobs and pensions destroyed as firm is looted!

THE decision on Thursday by the administrators to close all 163 BHS stores and throw 11,000 workers out of a job with immediate effect...

‘We demand a Palestinian state’ says President Abbas

PALESTINIAN President Mahmoud Abbas announced during a meeting in Cairo on Saturday that the focus of the Paris International Peace Conference would be centred...

Blair the man who helped create IS warns of the dangers...

IT would be a ‘very dangerous experiment’ for the UK to give Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn power, Tony Blair has told the BBC’s This...

Royal Navy warship sent to the Med to force refugee boats...

YESTERDAY, David Cameron formally announced that the Tory government would be sending a Royal Navy warship to the coast of Libya as part of...

Steel workers & student nurses rally while university lecturers and Rio...

‘SAVE Our Steel!’ shouted over one thousand steel workers as they marched through central London from the Embankment to Parliament yesterday afternoon. They were joined...

Forward to the Socialist United States of Europe

THE EU IS IN DESPERATE CRISIS with the established political order breaking apart in country after country, from Ireland and the UK to Austria, Greece...

Vote ‘Leave’ on June 23 to get rid of Cameron and...

IT is rapidly becoming crystal clear how important it is to vote ‘Leave’ in the June 23rd referendum on the EU. A ‘Leave’ vote will...

Stevens intervention slammed!

NHS England Chief Executive Simon Stevens has intervened in the referendum debate to declare that leaving the EU could damage the NHS. Citing Bank of...

TURNING THE TIDE: the 1966 seamen’s strike

Turning the Tide – The 1966 seamen’s strike and the making of modern maritime trade unionism. An RMT pamphlet, available free from RMT head...

No sackings! Pay the London living wage!

‘PAY all at least he London Living Wage! No sackings! No cuts to hours! Affordable cinema tickets for working class families! Save our community...

Teachers Condemn Tory Sats Tests Debacle

TEACHERS’ unions united together this week in condemning the Tory SATs tests ‘debacle’, vividly reporting the harm they are doing to children and insisting...

‘Close Down Child Jails!’

THE Howard League for Penal Reform yesterday responded to a written statement by the Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice, Michael Gove,...

ALL IN A DAY’S WORK – Working Lives & Trade Unions...

All in a Day’s Work Working Lives and Trade Unions in West London 1945-1995 Published by the Britain at Work Project £12.80 with p&p ALL in a Day’s...

UK at the back of the queue for at least 10...

THE UK could take up to 10 years to negotiate trade deals with the US if it leaves the EU, Barack Obama has said. In...

Greek journalists 48hr strike

GREEK journalists employed in newspapers are on a national 48-hour strike this Thursday and Friday, while journalists on radio and television are staging their...

‘Cameron ‘wouldn’t last 30 seconds’ if voters back leaving EU

PM Cameron earlier last week insisted he would remain Prime Minister even if he lost the June 23 referendum. This position has been challenged in...

Visual effects (VFX) workers exploited

BARE necessities are missing for visual effects (VFX) workers at MPC, says BECTU. ‘The Moving Picture Company appears to encapsulate everything that is wrong with...