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STOP THE AIRPORTS! – smash the strikebreaking bosses

YESTERDAY the Gate Gourmet picket lines were buzzing with the latest revelations concerning the way that the bosses had provoked a strike in order...

‘SERIOUS ATTACK ON HUMAN RIGHTS’ – Ammesty condemns Blair’s measures

Amnesty International has expressed considerable alarm over the onslaught on basic rights announced by Prime Minister Blair on Friday 5th August to deal with...

MAKE THE DISPUTE OFFICIAL!– call out the airport! – Locked out...

Locked out workers at British Airways caterer Gate Gourmet demanded their dispute be made official as talks between the company and the Transport and...

After Iraq Debacle – Bush Plans To Attack Iran

THE US President, George W Bush said on Friday: ‘All options are on the table,’ adding that he had not ruled out the option...

CAFTA – a disaster for US workers’ jobs

Backers of the Dominican Republic-Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) claimed the bill would increase US textile jobs – but a new study by...

800 sacked – Given 3 minutes notice at Gate Gourmet

‘Eight hundred workers at the gate gourmet airline catering company have been sacked,’ Tony Woodley told a press conference at the TGWU offices in...

US-UK officially warn Iran about interfering in Iraq

BRITAIN and the United States had the gall to officially protest, last Wednesday, to the Iranian government about Iranian interference into the internal affairs...

THE WORLD’S LARGEST PRISON – what Israel has in mind for...

Vindicating Palestinian fears of transforming the Gaza Strip into the world’s largest prison, Israel on Monday ruled out giving the Palestinians their own gate...

ROYAL FREE BED CUTS! – 100 beds and a number of...

London UNISON health convenor Geoff Martin yesterday slammed plans by the Royal Free Hospital NHS Trust to slash up to 100 beds and close...

TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE – Corbyn slams pre-trial no jury courts

Government plans for secret no-jury ‘pre-trial’ trials before ‘security cleared’ judges are ‘totally unacceptable’ Labour MP Jeremy Corbyn told News Line yesterday. He added: ‘All...

Innocent Until Proven Guilty To Be Binned!

DRACONIAN repressive measures are now being proposed, off the cuff, thick and fast, as the Blair government races to put an end to the...

‘Treason’ law threat is to the whole working class

SCOTLAND YARD and the Crown Prosecution Service are meeting to discuss bringing charges against three men under the Treason Act, for which the death...

US releases frozen aid to Colombia – Rights groups slam ‘blatantly...

Three days before Colombian President Uribe was scheduled to meet with President Bush on August 4th at his Crawford, Texas ranch, the State Department...

FOUR CHARGED WITH TERROR ATTACKS – As Saudi scare sends oil...

Four men were yesterday remanded in custody to appear on criminal charges at the Old Bailey on November 14th, in connection with the July...

US Puppets Can’t Agree On Iraq Constitution!

IRAQ’S puppet leaders are unable to agree on a constitution for the country despite all of the urgings from the US Secretary of Defence,...

ONSLAUGHT ON BASIC RIGHTS – Human Rights Act to be ammended

Prime Minister Blair yesterday outlined new draconian measures to deport or jail people judged to be ‘glorifying terrorism’. He said ‘intensive meetings across government’ had...

TORTURE AND SECRET DETENTION – Testimony of the ‘disappeared’ in war...

America is ‘complicit in torture’ carried out in secret detention centres around the world, accuses Amnesty International in its latest report. Torture and secret detention:...

BANKS QUARTER PER CENT RATE CUT – Bosses warn ‘economic climate...

Yesterday’s Bank of England Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) decision to cut interest rates from 4.75 per cent to 4.5 per cent, provoked worried reactions. The...


Palestinian National Authority (PNA) Minister of Civil Affairs, Mohammad Dahlan has revealed a plan regarding the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza. Dahlan, who also heads the...

Seven US Soldiers Killed Near Haditha

Seven US marines have been killed in western Iraq, the US military said yesterday. The soldiers were killed on Monday near Haditha, a town...

Blears Speaks With Forked Tongue

HOME Office minister Blears has had a strenuous week. On the one hand she has been working to support British Transport Police Chief Johnston....

£50,000 A Day To Strike Break

Firefighters in Suffolk were angry yesterday as the Ministry of Defence and the Armed Forces set out to break their strike actions against plans...

Defend Iran Againstfrench And US Threats

THE French government is threatening Iran with retribution if it does not give up its nuclear energy programme. The French Prime Minister, De Villepin, one...

Blair on holiday – Commissioner Blair is in charge

HOME Secretary Clarke is currently on holiday, after the Prime Minister insisted that he should not bow to public pressure and cancel it, as...

BLOOD MONEY! – Police offer £600,000 to Menezes family

The Metropolitan Police confirmed yesterday that Deputy Assistant Commissioner John Yates arrived in Brazil on Sunday for talks with the family of young electrician...

Stop NHS privatisation to end the bed cuts

HEALTH Secretary Hewitt warned over a month ago that if NHS trusts failed to resolve their growing debt crisis, hospital departments would be closed...

Bush, Blair And Ahern Welcome Ira Statement

The IRA announced the end of the armed struggle against British imperialism in a statement issued on Thursday. The statement said: ‘The leadership of...

‘Demilitarisation’ in the north and Shoot to Kill in Britain!

JUST minutes after the IRA issued a statement that it was giving up its historic armed struggle, the British army began demolishing a watch...

POLICE RAID ON NOTTING HILL – stun grenades used by armed...

Yesterday, police said that two more of the alleged 21 July would-be London bombers were now in custody after a series of armed raids...

Ira End Armed Struggle!

The IRA yesterday announced the end of its armed struggle against British imperialism. The IRA statement said: ‘The leadership of Oglaigh na hEireann has formally...

APOLOGISE! – demands GMB union after sick worker’s sacking ends in...

The GMB trade union Tuesday called upon DHL management to publicly apologise to the family of one of its employees, whom it ‘callously sacked...

The PM’s wife can speak out on rights – but the...

THE scale of the crisis that has hit capitalist Britain is now so great that it has forced the Prime Minister’s wife, Cherie...

Police Use Taser Gun In Midlands Raid

A MAN, claimed by the police to be Yasin Omar, was stunned with a high voltage taser during an armed police raid carried...

‘WHATEVER MEASURES NECESSARY’ – Blair backs shoot-to-kill

‘The police say they have a “shoot-to-kill-to-protect policy”. Were you made aware of that policy and is it something that parliament should have been...

Removing the Blair gang is a matter of vital public safety

PRIME Minister Tony Blair announced yesterday at his monthly press conference that he would not ‘give an inch to terrorism’, and vowed to combat...

SEIU and Teamsters quit AFL-CIO

American trade unions, SEIU and the Teamsters have disaffiliated from the national AFL-CIO confederation, and four major unions – the Teamsters, Food and Commercial Workers, UNITE...

ISRAELIS PLAN WEST BANK GRAB – as Rice gives Sharon the...

The Palestinian National Authority (PNA) says it got no answers about Israel’s intentions from the American Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, during Rice’s latest...


‘Did you ever discuss or approve a change in the rules of engagement for British police to shoot to kill, shoot in the head...

PNA will be the sole Gaza administrator– after Israeli pull-out, says...

THE Palestine National Authority will be the sole administrator of the Gaza Strip after the Israeli withdrawal in August, the Palestine Liberation Organisation Executive...

State Defends Its Right To Execute Innocents!

YESTERDAY, Lord Stevens, the ex-Metropolitan Police commissioner, urged that there should be no change in the policy of the state, after a completely innocent...

To defeat terrorism– withdraw from Iraq and smash imperialism

THURSDAY’S ‘bomb attacks’ – which did not cause a single serious injury but caused widespread alarm and panic – not least amongst the security...

MURDER AT STOCKWELL – Police shoot to death unarmed Asian youth

YESTERDAY plain clothes police shot dead an unarmed Asian youth with five bullets to the head at Stockwell Underground station. He was shot at close...

Rice calls for US-Africa open markets deal

THE US Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, is currently touring Africa, putting forward the US plan to establish free trade and open markets with...

7 UK soldiers charged with war crimes

The family of Baha Mousa who was tortured to death and eight other torture victims yesterday welcomed the announcement that three British soldiers from...

Chancellor Brown prudently bends his ‘golden rule’

CHANCELLOR Brown, in testimony to the Treasury Select Committee, has announced that he is bending his much vaunted ‘golden rule’ – that the government...