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The Gate Gourmet pickets at Heathrow Airport yesterday had a Transport and General Workers Union shop stewards report back on a meeting held with...

Rafah crossing shut for 6 months

Palestinian and Israeli officials said on Wednesday that the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) will close the international Rafah border crossing between the Gaza Strip...

Petrol price rises leading to new fuel blockade

UK petrol and diesel prices are still rising in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, with the average cost of petrol now at 95.1 pence...

Gate Gourmet has to be central question for TUC Crow tells...

THE Gate Gourmet mass picket at Heathrow airport was visited yesterday by RMT general secretary Bob Crow, along with a number of RMT executive...

DEFEND JOBS AND WAGES – Smash Blair’s privatisation drive says CWU...

‘I BELIEVE we can win this,’ Communication Workers Union General Secretary Bill Hayes told a mass rally against privatisation by over 600 postal workers...

‘WE NEED PLAN FOR VICTORY’ say Gate Gourmet strikers

GATE GOURMET strikers were sacked four weeks ago today and were very angry yesterday morning that they have been out so long withtheir union...


PRIOR to the deregulation of the buses in 1985-86 many important decisions concerning our bus services were decided by the Traffic Commissioners and local...

Blair To Deport People To Face Torture

CIVIL rights group Liberty yesterday warned that Prime Minister Blair is seeking to cross a ‘fundamental line in the sand’ by sending people to...

‘MAKE TUC ACT TO WIN OUR STRUGGLE’ say Gate Gourmet strikers

AN EMERGENCY resolution on the Gate Gourmet dispute is to be heard at the TUC conference in Brighton next week, TGWU full-time officer, Oliver...

Emergency Action needed to win Gate Gourmet dispute

THE Gate Gourmet strikers are fighting in the most determined fashion to win back their jobs in the face of a hostile union busting...

Immigrant workers face ‘an epidemic of workplace injury and death’ says...

‘TODAY immigrant workers in this country face an epidemic of workplace injury and death,’ stated the Afl-Cio trade union federation yesterday. In fact, immigrant...

BUSH TOLD ‘STOP TAX CUTS’ – as over 200,000 refugees...

LOUISIANA authorities say they now have control over the capital New Orleans and have restored law and order, almost a week after the chaos...

Build Revolutionary Leadership In The Usa

THE New Orleans disaster stands as a testament – with its over 10,000 dead and over 200,000 refugees – to the bankruptcy of the...

AIRPORT MUST COME OUT! – to win the struggle say Gate...

‘TELL the BA workers and every worker on the airport, we need their help again,’ Gate Gourmet striker Mrs P Samara told News Line...

Iraq war veterans sent into New Orleans

YESTERDAY 300 Arkansas national guards were sent into the hurricane hit city of New Orleans, after having just returned from Iraq. The Governor of Louisiana,...

Extra Troops Sent To New Orleans

THE New Orleans river front was hit by a massive blast yesterday morning, with fires raging in the area. The blast at a chemical plant...

‘WORSE THAN THE VICTORIAN ERA’ –T UC exposes conditions of up...

‘UP to 11 million UK workers could face serious health problems from prolonged standing at work, and they are offered less protection than employees...

New Orleans war zone – 20,000 National Guards, and US army...

THE United States ruling class, running the world’s number one super-power and presiding over the richest nation on Earth, was yesterday shown to be...

‘FIGHT FOR EVERY JOB!’ say Gate Gourmet pickets

ANGRY Gate Gourmet strikers told News Line yesterday that Transport and General Workers’ Union head of civil aviation, Brendan Gold, had visited them on...

MASSACRE! – US bombers kill 47 near to Syrian Border

FORTY-SEVEN people were massacred in two bombing raids by American warplanes in occupied Iraq early yesterday morning, close to the Syrian border. The air strikes...

‘WE MUST WIN’ – say Gate Gourmet strikers

‘WE’RE coming back!’ Gate Gourmet strikers shouted defiantly at the scab lorries accompanied by video surveillance vans as they drove past the mass picket...

West Bank settlement expansion ‘undermines Gaza gains’

PLO Executive Committee member Yasser Abed Rabbo has called on the European Union to take a firm stand against moving the Zionist settlers evacuated...

Clarke’s New Security Measures . . . ‘Violate Human Rights’ Says...

‘The new measures, proposed today by the UK government, targeting non-nationals considered to be threatening public order, national security and the rule of law,...

GOURMET CRISIS! – Siegel flies back to the USA

THERE WERE no talks yesterday between the TGWU and Gate Gourmet bosses after its chairman David Siegel flew back to the US for crisis...

Robertson’s call to murder Chavez is US policy

EX-US presidential candidate Pat Robertson, an ultra religious leader of the US’ ‘moral majority’ has just called for the US state to murder...

Gadaffi – Swinging To The Right

THE swing to the right by the Libyan regime, led by Colonel Gadaffi, is now taking place at breakneck speed. The man who once...

Gate Gourmet Locked Out Workers Reject Woodley’s Rotten Compromise

TGWU leader Tony Woodley’s speech at Southall on Monday, and his remarks to journalists both before and after the meeting, were a dereliction of...

‘WE ARE ALL GOING BACK TOGETHER’ – Gate Gourmet workers vow...

THE GATE GOURMET pickets were in a lively mood yesterday, full of determination that they were all going to get their jobs back in...

NHS A&E departmentsto be shut in scores

THE policy of the Labour government, as far as the NHS is concerned, is to hand over more and more of the NHS budget...

‘LONG LIVE PALESTINE’ – says Saddam Hussein in a letter from...

Imprisoned Iraqi President Saddam Hussein has vowed in a letter to sacrifice himself for the cause of Palestine and Iraq. He urged Arabs to...

‘WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO PICKET’ – now TGWU must make...

GATE Gourmet strikers, at Heathrow, were jubilant yesterday after the High Court verdict that they had the right to picket the company which sacked...

Gate Gourmet workers defend the right to picket – now TGWU...

YESTERDAY, the determination and militancy of the 670 Gate Gourmet locked-out workers forced the High Court judiciary to acknowledge that they did indeed have...

The issue is the shoot to kill policy says de Menezes...

THE family of Jean Charles de Menezes, murdered by police on the Tube on July 22, have called for the Metropolitan Police Commissioner, Sir...

PROSECUTE THE POLICE DEATH SQUAD – say Jean Charles de Menezes...

A cousin of Jean Charles de Menezes, the young Brazilian electrician murdered by Metropolitan Police CO 19 firearms officers, yesterday demanded those responsible ‘must face...

‘WE WANT THE TRUTH’ – say Menezes family lawyers

Lawyers for the family of Jean Charles de Menezes yesterday said they wanted the truth, and answers to ‘lies that have been told’ about...

‘I want to meet bush face to face’ says Cindy Sheehan

‘I want to meet with Bush face-to-face’, says Cindy Sheehan, the mother of a US soldier killed in Iraq. She vows to camp outside the...

Put police death squad chiefs on trial for murder

DOCUMENTS leaked from the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) show that on July 21, a young Brazilian, Jean Charles de Menezes, was shot seven...

Gaza Withdrawal Begins

The Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) officially began a historic evacuation of the Jewish settlers from the Gaza Strip at midnight Sunday, reported the Palestine...

AS TALKS BREAK DOWN – Call out the airport say Gate...

‘Talks have, indeed, broken down as a consequence of Gate Gourmet wanting to selectively re-employ those who had been sacked, even though there is...

GET US TROOPS OUT – says mother of dead soldier, as...

Several hundred people joined an anti-Iraq war protest outside President George W Bush’s holiday ranch in Crawford, Texas, on Sunday, as the American...

Stop The Airports, Call Out The Tgwu And The Tuc!

It has just been confirmed what we already knew – that the Gate Gourmet bosses, in a well planned action, provoked a walk-out by...

STOP THE AIRPORTS! – smash the strikebreaking bosses

YESTERDAY the Gate Gourmet picket lines were buzzing with the latest revelations concerning the way that the bosses had provoked a strike in order...

‘SERIOUS ATTACK ON HUMAN RIGHTS’ – Ammesty condemns Blair’s measures

Amnesty International has expressed considerable alarm over the onslaught on basic rights announced by Prime Minister Blair on Friday 5th August to deal with...

MAKE THE DISPUTE OFFICIAL!– call out the airport! – Locked out...

Locked out workers at British Airways caterer Gate Gourmet demanded their dispute be made official as talks between the company and the Transport and...

After Iraq Debacle – Bush Plans To Attack Iran

THE US President, George W Bush said on Friday: ‘All options are on the table,’ adding that he had not ruled out the option...