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CUTS FOR THE DISABLED AND THE JOBLESS – but there’s billions...

PRIME Minister Gordon Brown yesterday pledged to a gathering of businessmen in London to ‘intensify’ the government’s attacks on the Welfare State, whilst continuing...

‘The system in place is responsible for the deaths of our...

OVER 300 United Families and Friends campaigners marched from Trafalgar Square to Downing Street to demand justice for their loved ones, who have died...

NHS Hit List!

The British Medical Association (BMA) yesterday slammed the government for ‘treating health care like a business opportunity’. It was responding to news that the government...

British Capitalism At The Centre Of The Capitalist Crisis

THE worldwide capitalist crisis drove the pound down on Friday into an unprecedented collapse. The pound slumped 9.6 US cents to $1.52 at...

The Trade Unions Must Defend Every Job!

THE London and New York stock markets were in free fall yesterday, losing hundreds of points, with tens of billions of dollars and pounds...

Shares And £ Collapse

Share prices and the pound were battered yesterday after the publication of official figures showed that the UK economy shrank for...

Stark Portrait Of Revolutionary Resistance To British Imperialism In Ireland

Hunger Directed by Steve McQueen Starring Michael Fassbender, Stuart Graham and Liam Cunningham Specially reviewed at the London Film Festival and on general release later this month ‘HUNGER’...


OVER 150 Chagos Islanders and their supporters – including a delegation of Chagossians who had flown from Mauritius – were at the House of...

POINTS INCORRECTLY SET UP – were the cause of Grayrigg disaster

Rail union RMT yesterday renewed its call for a joint public inquiry into the Grayrigg and Potters Bar rail crashes and a reversal of...

SA hunger can only be ended by a socialist revolution

ONE in four South Africans are unemployed, and poverty is rife eighteen years after the release of Nelson Mandela and 14 years after he...

Law lords rule for US imperialism to keep the Chagossians in...

THE House of Lords appeal court yesterday reversed the three decisions taken by seven senior judges, in previous court hearings, that the Chagos Islanders...


‘WE WILL return to the Chagos Islands – it’s our right!’, ‘We will return to Diego Garcia – it’s our right!’ shouted more than...

MANUFACTURING COLLAPSE – Nissan cuts production

Nissan announced a halt to production at its Sunderland plant for a fortnight and shorter working days for three weeks during October and November...

Labour is going to bring a co-payment system into the NHS

AS the economic crisis deepens, the drive to privatise the NHS is being stepped up on a number of fronts. One is the growing...

Brown’s Record Deficit!

The UK government borrowed a record amount in September, in a bid to boost its finances, Office for National Statistics (ONS) figures published yesterday...

Labour Becomes The Anti-Immigrants Party

THE number of immigrants allowed into the UK under the current ‘points system’ will have to be reduced because of the economic crisis, and...

Civil Servants Vote To Strike Against 2 Per Cent Pay Cap

Hundreds of thousands of civil servants, members of the Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS), have voted overwhelmingly for strike action over pay. A PCS...

Iraqi Masses To March Against Deal To Extend US Mandate

US defence chief Robert Gates has been briefing US politicians on the proposal to extend the US mandate in Iraq. This expires this December...

US Steps Up Missile Attacks On Pakistan

WITH the world’s attention focussed on the capitalist crisis, the US military have unleashed a series of massive attacks on the Afghan and Pakistani...

Gmb Fights Victimisations

The GMB on Wednesday welcomed the reinstatement at Heathrow Airport’s Arora Hotel of ‘a father sacked for fulfiling family commitments’. GMB said the hotel management...

COUNCILS CRISIS – government refuses to guarantee funds

The Brown government has pledged to do all it can to help recover public money held in failed Icelandic banks but has refused to...

HUGE JOBLESS RISE! – warning of 3 million unemployed

The number of unemployed people in the UK rose by another 164,000 between June and August, to 1.79 million, according to the latest government...

To fight mass unemployment bring down Brown government

The number of UK unemployed rose by 164,000 between June and August, to 1.79 million, taking the official unemployment rate to 5.7% from...

British Troops Must Quit Iraq

BRITISH troops are no longer necessary for the security of Iraq and should go home, Prime Minister Maliki has declared. In his view the British...

DEBT CRISIS! – UNISON writes to all local councils

UNISON has written to all local councils demanding to know what steps they are taking to recover cash invested in Iceland banks and how...

42 Writers Oppose 42 Days Detention

FORTY TWO leading writers will join Liberty in opposing government plans to hold suspects for 42 days without charge. The 42 ‘Writers for Liberty’...

BANKS FACE WIPEOUT! – Labour hints at state takeover

The first banks to get money under the UK government’s £500bn bank rescue plan are expected to do so this morning. Over the weekend, the...

The Capitalist System Deserves To Perish

THE run on shares last Friday, particularly bank shares, devastated capitalists and capitalism. The Royal Bank of Scotland saw its shares crash by 25 per...

Northern Ireland – Massive NHS Cuts On The Agenda

MORE THAN 700 nursing posts are under threat in Northern Ireland as part of wider plans to cut almost 2,500 health service jobs over...

Get rid of bankrupt capitalism – forward to socialism!

CHANCELLOR Darling flew to the US yesterday to meet with fellow finance ministers, and Federal Treasury Secretary Paulson, for the IMF-World Bank Annual Meeting. Yesterday...


Brown and Darling yesterday announced a £500bn package of measures aimed at rescuing the banking system. The equivalent of $880bn, it means they are handing...

brown proposes to rob the workers to rescue the bankers

YESTERDAY saw the big international push get under way to try to rescue the bankers of the world from the crisis of their capitalist...

Free The Miami Five Now Demands Rally Of 500 Trade Unionists

Over 500 trade unionists, youth and supporters rallied outside the US Embassy in central London on Wednesday evening to demand the release of the...

Afghan Fall Out – Gates Attacks UK Defeatists

US Defence Secretary Gates has condemned as ‘defeatist’ a comment by the British commander in Afghanistan that the war there cannot be won. Speaking...

RAJAPAKSE WAR CRIMINAL – declare 6,000 Tamil Eelam demonstrators

WE WANT Tamil Eelam!’, ‘Don’t kill Tamil people!’, ‘Let us live in peace!’, ‘Rajapakse – war criminal!’ and ‘Sri Lanka – terror government!’ shouted...

BANK SHARES COLLAPSE! – Brown and bankers meet at 10 Downing...

Billions more pounds were wiped off UK bank shares, yesterday, in the wake of Monday’s falls which saw £93bn wiped off the London Stock...

Eu Shares And Banks Crash

UK share prices crashed yesterday, wiping over £85bn off the London Stock Exchange, with the FTSE 100 index crashing 391 points or 7.85% to...

CAPITALISM IS SICK – admits Mandelson

NEW Business Secretary Peter Mandelson admitted yesterday that he had checked in with his old boss Tony Blair before he agreed to take up...

Brown’s National Economic Council ‘war cabinet’ will be making war on...

‘WE have agreed to make a solemn engagement as heads of state and government to support banking and financial institutions faced with the crisis,’...

DEFEND HINCHINBROOKE HOSPITAL – 1,300 doctors, nurses, and health workers’ jobs...

Doctors, nurses and health workers will take to the streets with local people today, Saturday 4 October, to defend the future of Hinchingbrooke Hospital,...

BROWN – ‘We’re going to change the way we govern’

Prime Minister Brown, flanked by Chancellor Darling, told a press conference yesterday that, ‘the changes I have announced in the cabinet and in the...

US–UK demands war while Karzai calls for peace with Taleban

US Defence Secretary Gates, and the new US military commander in Afghanistan, General Petraeus have recently been canvassing in London for a doubling of...

Brown, Cameron & Clegg unite to rescue bankrupt capitalism

THE manufacturing sector of the British economy shrank last month at the fastest rate for 17 years, that is since 1992, according to figures...

NATIONALISE! – to save jobs says ATUA national secretary

‘Industries must be nationalised under workers control and with no compensation to the failed former owners,’ said All Trades Unions Alliance national secretary Dave...


President Bush yesterday warned Americans that the economic damage to the US will be ‘painful and lasting’ if Congress fails to pass his $700...