Tag: benefits
On a special trip to New Orleans on Tuesday, August 29, one year after Hurricane Katrina, Canadian Auto Workers President Buzz Hargrove said Canadian...
New Orleans and Baghdad, twin cities destroyed by US capitalism
NEW ORLEANS was allowed to be destroyed by Hurricane Katrina. US capitalism and its Bush administration had on the top of their agendas massive tax...
There must be ‘non-negotiable rules’ Kelly tells minorities
COMMUNITIES Secretary Ruth Kelly, launching a Commission on Integration and Cohesion yesterday, declared: ‘I believe that we should celebrate and clearly articulate the benefits...
Whipps Cross 3-Day Strike!
Nearly 300 porters, cleaners and switchboard staff employed by Rentokil Initial, based at Whipps Cross Hospital in East London, will be on strike again...
Renationalise the electricity and gas monopolies!
POWERGEN, the energy monopoly, is putting up the prices of its gas and electricity services by 18.4 per cent and 9.7 per cent, next...
£1,000 A Year Energy Bills!
Consumer and pensioners organisations yesterday slammed massive inflation-busting gas and electricity price rises announced by energy giant Powergen. Watchdog Energywatch warned that consumers face...
Teamsters Mobilising Against ‘Flawed Pensions Bill’
The US Senate could take up the so-called Pension Protection Act, H.R. 4, by today, warns the Teamsters union. A Teamsters statement said: ‘This bad...
Answer the capitalist crisis with a socialist programme
THE deepening capitalist crisis has seen the breakdown of the decisive Doha Round of World Trade Organisation talks, with the United States refusing and...
‘The US has lost 240,100 automotive jobs since 2000’
THE UAW President Ron Gettelfinger has made a submission to the Congressional Roundtable on the Crisis in the US Auto Industry. He told the Commission:...
‘ISRAEL OUT OF THE LEBANON’ say Gate Gate Gourmet locked-out workers
‘BLAIR says let Israel get on with its attacks and Woodley our TGWU general secretary says nothing’, Gate Gourmet locked out worker...
US WORKERS MARCH FOR UNION RIGHTS – as productivity is driven...
ACROSS the US, thousands of workers marched to Labour Board Offices and Worksites, demanding Freedom to have a Trade Union, on Monday July 10. Workers...
‘This Government Wants To Take Ms Nurses Away’
‘This despicable government wants to take Multiple Sclerosis nurses away,’ wheelchair-bound retiree George Goodger told News Line yesterday after handing in a petition to...
BBC STRIKE BALLOT – over job cuts, pensions and pay
THE BBC is set to face strike action over job cuts, pensions and pay as unions declared a series of actions in the wake...
Labour To Slash The Benefits Of The Sick And The ‘Suspect’
The Labour government is absolutely determined to impress its big business backers and show them that it is ready to take action against ‘slackers’...
CALL A DAY OF ACTION – to defend the NHS says...
‘A National Day of Action by all trade unions would be a good starting point’, a PCS spokesman told News Line yesterday. He was responding...
Communication Workers’ Union (CWU) South Eastern Divisional Committee is calling on all CWU members to ‘Vote yes and vote for negotiation’ in the union’s...
Labour to let multi-nationals take over NHS Primary Care Trusts
THE government is set to turn the screws of further NHS privatisation on the NHS with its plans to invite private health insurance...
World crisis spurring on world revolution
THE Governor of the Bank of England, Mervyn King has forecast that there is a bumpy road ahead for both the national and the...
Brown supports lifting £3,000 cap off top-up fees
YESTERDAY Chancellor Gordon Brown joined hands with two of the leaders of the capitalist class to signal his willingness to raise the £3,000 cap...
Johnson moves to put the skids under Prescott
THE Blairite cabinet, faced with the working class rejecting Blair, his war on Iraq, his onslaught on the Welfare State, and with popular revulsion...
Wal-Mart Plans To Slash Health Benefits
America’s campaign to change supermarket giant Wal-Mart, WakeUpWalMart.com, has released copies of Wal-Mart’s new health care benefits plan for current part-time employees and full-time...
Public sector union UNISON yesterday condemned the government’s extension of Patient Choice as a policy that will lead to the closure of good local...
Prescott-Blair Fate Linked
Pressure mounted on deputy prime minister Prescott to quit yesterday, with Labour MPs queueing up to say he should go despite warnings that if...
New Labour full of sleaze, hatred for claimants and arrogance
THE real anti-working class face of the Blair, Labour government is becoming clearer and clearer every day, as the crisis of capitalism deepens. ...
US and South African workers unite against paper conglomerate
America’s United Steelworkers union (USW) and the South African Chemical, Energy, Paper, Printing, Wood & Allied Workers Union (CEPPWAWU) have pledged mutual support in...
Blair Refuses To Name Day!
Prime Minister Blair yesterday refused once again to name the day when he will begin the transfer of office to his successor, who is...
Gate Gourmet Struggle A Major Issue On London May Day March
OVER 12,000 trade unionists and numbers of youth joined the TUC May Day demonstration through central London on Monday, at which locked-out Gate Gourmet...
‘WE’RE SUFFERING BUT WE WILL WIN’ say Gate Gourmet workers
THE Gate Gourmet locked-out workers May Day campaign team got great support from fellow Transport and General Workers Union members in west London bus...
Thirty Day Countdown To Attack 0N Iran
DOWNING STREET denials that there is a meeting today of top military, state and government officials to discuss the implications of a US attack...
Labour Adds 10% To NHS Deficits
From today, NHS organisations are to be charged ten per cent interest on money they borrow when they run up deficits. The NHS Bank, run...
1.5 Million Take Strike Action
YESTERDAY’s massive one-day strike stopped whole regions of the UK, but is only the start of the campaign, local government workers warned. Striking local government...
Blair an imperialist from head to foot
YESTERDAY in Australia, Blair, for all he was worth, was pushing the George Bush imperialist line that ‘we’ have a duty to liberate the...
FRANCE has risen. After the brutal attack by the forces of the French capitalist state, led by the CRS, on demonstrators at the Place de...
COLLUSION! – Britain and US condemned over Jericho raid
The Arab league yesterday condemned British and United States collusion with Israel, after Israel attacked a Jericho prison containing six Palestinian militants, 20 minutes...
Police Halt Beacon Hill Picket
HEATHROW Airport police dismantled the Gate Gourmet locked-out workers’ picket tent on the hill at the Beacon Roundabout yesterday, threatening the workers’ TGWU Branch...
‘Nearly three years after United States (US) and allied forces invaded Iraq and toppled the government of Saddam Hussein, the human rights situation in...
‘our March Must Be A Big Success’
GATE Gourmet locked-out workers are calling on all trade unionists to join them on their march through Hounslow on Saturday the 25th of March. Speaking...
98 deaths in US custody in Iraq and Afghanistan
ON the brink of the third anniversary of the Anglo-US invasion of Iraq, the US based Human Rights First organisation has released a report...
Labour’s plan to demolish the public sector
LABOUR’S Minister for Communities and Local Government, David Milliband, yesterday addressed the National Council of Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) Annual Conference called ‘Empowerment not abandonment’. He...
SADDAM DEFIANT – as witness refuses to testify
The ‘trial’ of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein collapsed into into chaos minutes after it was resumed again yesterday. After boycotting the ‘trial’, Saddam arrived saying...
Bush attacks the sick, the elderly and the workers
‘PRESIDENT George W Bush wants to make sure his tax cuts for the wealthy become permanent, at a cost of about $3...
A Record £65.5 Billion Trade Deficit For 2005
THE UK trade deficit with the rest of the world for 2005 was a catastrophic £65.5 billion. The deficit on goods and services...
Delphi workers rally against cuts in jobs, pay and healthcare!
UAW members in Flint, Michigan, announced last Tuesday they will be marching through the town against Delphi autoparts maker’s attack on their pay, healthcare...
Blair’s plans remain a ‘Trojan Horse’ for an education market
A political storm of the highest order has broken out in Greece over mass phone-tapping. This follows revelations, at a special press-conference last Thursday in...
Gate Gourmet Workers Determined To Win
Locked out Gate Gourmet workers, trade unionists and youth, held a successful over 150-strong mass picket on the mound near the Beacon roundabout at...