Tag: banks
Obama revamps US imperialism’s war cabinet
BARACK OBAMA, United States President-elect, announced the latest appointments to his White House cabinet on Monday. He made Hillary Clinton Secretary of State, confirmed that...
House Prices ‘a Long Way To Fall’
UK Mortgage approvals fell sharply again in October, the Bank of England reported yesterday, confirming fears that house sales and prices have a lot...
Brown & Mandelson are not talking down the pound, they are...
THE EU Commission’s President Barroso has been told by the ‘people who matter’, ie by members of the Labour government, that they now...
THE Labour leaders are terrified the whole capitalist system is going to go, News Line Editor Paddy O’Regan told an audience of 200 youth...
Build Revolutionary Leadershp
‘As ordinary trade union members are fighting for their jobs they must have a leadership with a policy of “not one job sold, not...
Nationalise Bankrupt Companies – Under Workers’ Control And Management
THE Labour government, after handing tens of billions of pounds to the Northern Rock and the other major banks, in an attempt to save...
Resolve Crisis Of Leadership In Working Class
THERE is nothing like the crisis of the capitalist system to bring out the essence of the Labour and trade union leaders, as labour...
Labour stands by crumbling capitalism to the end
ON Monday Chancellor Darling opened his pre-budget report with a piece of cheerful idiocy, saying that he was ‘confident that the UK, as an...
BILLIONS FOR BOSSES AND BANKERS – while its the sack and...
Chancellor Darling yesterday handed more billions to business in his pre-budget report, while making it clear the working class will be expected to pay...
Brown and Darling saving the bosses by savaging the workers
AS is his way, the Prime Minister addressed the CBI bosses organisation yesterday, just hours before his Chancellor was due to declare to the...
Brown Trying To Buy Time For Capitalism
LAST week a Tory MP had to apologise to the House of Commons because he had said that the government should ‘let the recession...
BROWN’S 2.5% VAT CUT – borrowing to be increased by £150bn
Chancellor Darling is set to announce a 2.5 per cent cut in Value Added Tax (VAT) from 17.5 per cent to 15 per cent...
Capitalism is a broken system – nationalise the banks and the...
British Banks have been recapitalised by the working class, who were not consulted by the government before the Prime Minister took the decision...
PLYMOUTH HOUSING TRANSFER – ‘fraught with dangers’ warns Unite
‘We continue to believe that stock transfer is fraught with financial hazards,’ Unite said yesterday after it was announced that Plymouth council tenants have...
Nationalise The Motor Car Industry
US and European car employers yesterday warned that ‘their’ industry faced wipeout, ‘victims’ of the slump in the motor car industry and the financial...
Obama allies with Clinton and McCain, and ignores the unions
US WORKERS will be asking themselves what the recent presidential election campaign was all about when Obama was fighting for change and saying that...
Take action to defend jobs. Occupy and organise a general strike!
FACED with the crash of the pound and the enormous 182,000 leap in the number of unemployed in the three months to October, the...
MERVYN KING, the Governor of the Bank of England (BoE), said on Wednesday that Britain was already in a recession. He added that he expected...
Eurozone In Recession!
The economy of the 15-nations eurozone has slumped into recession for the first time ever, EU data released yesterday revealed, with GDP falling 0.2%...
Nationalise the major industries to defend jobs
GERMANY, the world’s biggest exporter of commodities, and the strong man of the EU, has begun to slump with government figures showing that its...
10,000 Bt Job Cuts!
The Communication Workers’ Union (CWU) yesterday said that job cuts in BT ‘must not be met through compulsion’ and pledged it will ‘oppose any...
1.82 MILLION OUT OF WORK – while Brown fawns on the...
Official figures out yesterday showed that UK unemployment has hit an 11-year high, with the number of people out of work in the three...
The Bank of England governor Mervyn King yesterday admitted that the UK entered a recession in the middle of 2008. Stunned by the...
Nationalise car industry and the banks to defend all jobs
GLOBAL action to save the motor industry from crisis, and above all to stave off bankruptcy at General Motors, has been urged by Unite...
MARCH TO DEFEND MAIL CENTRE! – through Milton Keynes
CWU postal workers and their families are marching through Bletchley, Milton Keynes on Saturday, against the planned closure of the Mail Centre. Paul Moffat,...
Defend Council Housing – Bring Down The Brown Government
FOR SOME time Labour has been promoting the theme that the very idea of a job for life is reactionary, and has been glorifying...
British Military Opposes Any Petraeus Surge In Afghanistan
GENERAL Petraeus is now the commander of all NATO forces in Afghanistan, and has declared that he intends to organise a NATO ‘surge’ in...
‘STOP evictions from Heygate estate!’ demanded a picket by Heygate tenants and the South-East London Council of Action, outside Southwark Town Hall last Wednesday...
Jobs And War Crisis Piles Up For Obama
YESTERDAY afternoon Barack Obama was in discussion with his economic advisers and with his allies as the crisis of US imperialism intensified on the...
Bank Of England Panic Rate Cut
A realisation of the depth of the slump, yesterday drove the Bank of England to make a panic 1.5% cut in interest rates...
BARACK OBAMA: ‘Change has come to America!’
BARACK Obama, the Democratic Party candidate, was elected the 44th President of the United States of America on Tuesday, with an overwhelming vote giving...
Defend every job, bring down the Brown government, forward to socialism
LLOYDS stated yesterday that its takeover of HBOS would save it at least £1.5bn a year, more than it had been expecting, which all...
LLOYDS HBOS MASS SACKINGS – as banks go for £17bn more...
The Unite trade union yesterday urged Lloyds TSB and HBOS ‘to start thinking about the human consequences of this takeover’. It was responding to...
Renault Workers Battle For Their Jobs
Forty-six Renault workers from the sackings-hit Sandouville plant were before a court in Le Havre last Thursday, October 30. They were taken to court by...
Brown Loves Bankers But Attacks Single Parents
AT the same time as the Brown government continues to spend hundreds of billions to ‘preserve’ the bankers and the capitalist system, his government...
Oligarchs Go Bust As World Crisis Hits Home
Russia’s super-rich oligarchs, who made their fortunes by stealing or purchasing for a pittance chunks of the Soviet nationalised and planned economy under the...
Labour launches army provocation in the north
THE ‘Home Coming’ British Army ‘welcome home’ parade being mounted in the centre of Belfast this Sunday, in which a number of British army...
The Bank Of England Drops Its Debt Bombshell
THE world’s banks have now lost £1.8 trillion the Bank of England has reported in its Financial Stability Report. This is as a result of...
Occupy To Stop Chase Farm Closure
‘WE’RE having a good picket today, with plenty of support for an occupation of Chase Farm Hospital,’ said Bill Rogers, North-East London Council of...
Stop this wholesale closure of NHS hospitals and GP surgeries
THE government is activating a mass hospital closure programme. 30 to 40 ‘failing’ NHS trusts could be handed over to new management, which could...
CUTS FOR THE DISABLED AND THE JOBLESS – but there’s billions...
PRIME Minister Gordon Brown yesterday pledged to a gathering of businessmen in London to ‘intensify’ the government’s attacks on the Welfare State, whilst continuing...
British Capitalism At The Centre Of The Capitalist Crisis
THE worldwide capitalist crisis drove the pound down on Friday into an unprecedented collapse. The pound slumped 9.6 US cents to $1.52 at...
The Trade Unions Must Defend Every Job!
THE London and New York stock markets were in free fall yesterday, losing hundreds of points, with tens of billions of dollars and pounds...
Shares And £ Collapse
Share prices and the pound were battered yesterday after the publication of official figures showed that the UK economy shrank for...
SA hunger can only be ended by a socialist revolution
ONE in four South Africans are unemployed, and poverty is rife eighteen years after the release of Nelson Mandela and 14 years after he...