Tag: banks
Don’t Cut Public Services
Public-sector union Unison yesterday cautioned against panic cuts in public services in the wake of record government borrowing. UK public sector net borrowing, which takes...
Labour Is The Bankers Party!
THE New Labour Brown government has come out as the true representative of the biggest banks, as befits a government that has doubled the...
Defend every job, occupy to stop closures, and nationalise the major...
YESTERDAY the Office for National Statistics produced figures showing the record breaking numbers of unemployed and the record breaking growth of unemployment. UK unemployment...
Prentis Warns Labour
UNISON General Secretary Dave Prentis yesterday pledged ‘our union will bring together an alliance of all public service unions’ to defend jobs and public...
‘END BOTTOMLESS PFI PIT’ – demands the UNISON trade union
UNISON yesterday demanded ‘an end to this bottomless PFI pit’. The Treasury’s decision to pump an extra £2bn of taxpayers’ money into recession-hit PFI...
Nationalise Gm Now!
‘GM workers in Luton should intensify their calls for a mass meeting to demand an immediate occupation,’ ex-Vauxhall convenor Arthur Lynn told News Line...
‘Green Shoots’ – A Mirage Of Desperate Capitalists
THE European Central Bank is having nightmares about the state of the 25 banks that underpin the financial system of the Eurozone within the...
Defend the NHS budget Drive out the privateers Nationalise the drug...
THE voice of the NHS managers spoke up yesterday. The NHS Confederation reported ‘The health service in England won’t survive unchanged’. This is doublespeak, for...
Defend jobs, wages and basic rights – forward to a workers...
JOBS are now going in a huge avalanche. The Lloyds Banking Group, where the government has the major stake, is set to begin a...
Nationalise LDV and GM Vauxhall – no Royal Mail privatisation!
WITH even more right-wing forces seeking to bring down the Brown government from the right, trade unions now have an opportunity to show their...
A THOUSAND youth and workers marched through Enfield town centre on Saturday, shouting: ‘Stop the Closure! Defend Chase Farm!’ They were led by the North-East...
Labour Reshuffles Amidst The Resignations
JOHN Hutton, the fourth Labour Cabinet minister to quit in the past week, has left his post and will also quit as an MP,...
Gm And Capitalism Go Bust, As Parliament Is Discredited
LENIN’S definition of a revolutionary situation is one in which the ruling class is unable to rule in the old way – and has...
Workers Must Occupy Gm Luton And Ellesmere Port And Demand Their...
NEXT MONDAY June 1 GM will seek Section 11 Bankruptcy, cutting off GM Europe with less cash than is required to see the week...
Irish government ‘must prioritise services to children and families’
IMPACT trade union’s civil service conference has passed an emergency motion on the report of the Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse –...
OCCUPY TO DEFEND JOBS! says Vauxhall ex-convenor
‘I totally support the call to occupy GM Luton to defend jobs’, former Vauxhall Luton TGWU convenor, Arthur Lynn told News Line yesterday. He...
Trades unions must fight for jobs for youth!
NEARLY half of all employers (45 per cent) will not be offering jobs to 16-year-old school-leavers and graduates this year. The Chartered Institute of Personnel...
Occupy And Nationalise Vauxhall Plants
THREE companies have bid to take over GM Europe from the crisis-stricken US giant. They are Italian carmaker Fiat, Canadian parts maker Magna and...
Parliament can’t be reformed, sweep it away!
CORRUPTION and parliaments are inseparable. Oliver Cromwell made this clear when he shutdown the Rump Parliament, reciting as he did the vices of the...
Rajapakse And His Backers Will Not Defeat The Tamil People
YESTERDAY the imperialist-backed Rajapakse regime was claiming to have killed the LTTE leadership, including Velupillai Prabakaran, and that the struggle is now over. Its...
OVER 100 trade unionists, workers and youth attended the News Line – All Trades Unions Alliance meeting in Red Lion Square in Central London...
Simpson-Woodley and Lord Digby Jones are marching for a government subsidised...
WHILE workers today are marching in Birmingham to defend their jobs, their leaders are marching along with Lord Digby Jones, the Tory ex-CBI chief...
The Bank of E grapples with the contradictions of the capitalist...
IN its latest report the Bank of England monetary committee has rejected the line put forward in the budget by the Chancellor of the...
Teachers, parents and students taking action to defend education
OVER the past week, lecturers have been on strike against sackings, parents are occupying schools to stop their closure, and students, angry at high...
Brown’s gold sales lost the Bank of England £3.8bn
A DECADE ago, on May 7, 1999, Chancellor Gordon Brown announced plans to sell off a large part of Britain’s gold reserves. This was...
NO SACKINGS! NO COURSE CUTS! – demand London Met lecturers and...
‘We will stand firm and if necessary we will escalate the fight because we will not let this university go under!’ This was the message...
Darling’s forecasts ‘too optimistic’, says Treasury Committee
THE British capitalist economy and government finances are in a worse state than Chancellor Alistair Darling led everyone to believe when he delivered his...
Demoralised Labour has shot its bolt!
TWO ex-Labour government leaders Clarke and Blunkett have now spoken up, true to form, to stab Prime Minister Brown in the back, just as...
WORLD REVOLUTION – the only answer to the capitalist crisis
THE Editorial Board of the News Line sends its May Day greetings to the working people of the world. Under the conditions of the greatest...
Nationalise LDV and the motor car industry
LDV, the Birmingham van factory said yesterday it would continue to look for funding until 6 May when it is due to formally go...
Rajapakse, the UK and the US will never crush the Tigers...
CURRENTLY the UK and US supported Sri Lankan army is mounting an all-out assault on the besieged Tamil Tiger forces and the over 100,000...
Darling can’t look the capitalist crisis in the face
CHANCELLOR Darling began his budget speech yesterday on a note of contrived optimism saying that ‘today’s budget will take Britain through the most serious...
£250 A SECOND – £1 million more unemployed will cost taxpayers...
ON THE eve of today’s Budget, TUC General Secretary Brendan Barber warned that if the number of Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA) claimants increases...
O’Connor Looks For ‘social Dividend’ From The Crisis
SIPTU General President Jack O’Connor has called for a Social Dividend to tackle the lack of adequate occupational pension coverage in return for trade...
A bankers budget from a bankers government
DESPITE all the government statements against leaking government information before it is to go before the House of Commons, the Treasury was at it...
Prentis appeals to Brown in vain
‘OUR time and patience is running out. The country is in a mess and we look to the Government to come up with serious...
Irish Teachers Strikes Loom
Research carried out by the Association of Secondary Teachers Ireland (ASTI) indicates that second-level schools will lose an average of 2.6 temporary and part-time...
Tuc Forms A Common Front With The Bosses
The TUC has joined forces with the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC), EEF the manufacturers’ organisation, the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) and The...
Brown boasts that he has assured the future of the banks
THE Prime Minister revealed once again on BBC Radio 2 just what his priorities are and just what he is working night, noon and...
Cowen making workers pay for capitalism’s crisis in Ireland
IN A third attempt within six months to save bankrupt Irish capitalism, Taoiseach Brian Cowen’s Fianna Fail government unveiled a draconian budget on Tuesday,...
HUNGRY KIDS IN UK – Save the Children takes action
Save the Children has declared a ‘crisis for families’ in the UK, as today it partners UK charity Family Action to distribute cash grants...
60,000 March In Athens
TENS of thousands of Greek workers from all industries and services took part last Thursday in the rallies and demonstrations staged in the capital...
One Demonstrator Dead – Girls Taken Away In Handcuffs
Around 200 G20 protesters yesterday lunchtime mounted a vigil-assembly at the Bank of England demanding an independent public inquiry into the death of a...
Visteon Workers Show The Way – Occupy To Defend Jobs!
THE Visteon plants in Belfast, Enfield, and Basildon, formerly owned by the Ford Motor Company, but now supplying parts to the motor car industry,...
BANK OF ENGLAND BLOCKADED! – by tens of thousands of youth
TENS of thousands of people demonstrated from mid-day yesterday outside the Bank of England against bankers,capitalism and the G20 summit. They...