‘We Are Fighting For Reinstatement’


WHILST maintaining their daily picket near Heathrow Airport Terminal 4, Gate Gourmet locked-out workers are campaigning for their march through Hounslow on Saturday March 25.

TGWU member, Devinder Dahalivall said: ‘We have heard that the company wants 80 more people and is inviting workers that they have sacked for interviews.

‘We will not accept re-engagement under their slave labour survival plan.

‘We are all together, fighting for reinstatement on our original terms and conditions, plus payment for all of the months that we have been locked out.

She added, ‘We are all looking forward to our march through Hounslow. Many people support us and they should all come and join us on the day.’

Manjit Randhawa added: ‘If they offer re-engagement I won’t accept their conditions. I will not sign the compromise agreement.

‘We are fighting and are all determined to win, and we expect a good result.’

Barry Murphy, West London branch organiser for the PCS civil servants union told News Line: ‘I will definitely be on the march.

‘And I will try and get the trades council on it as well.

‘I will also talk to my colleagues at work.

‘I admire these workers greatly. They have stood firm and have stood up against a ruthless employer. They have also been betrayed by their union leaders.

‘Why should they sign the compromise agreement? Victory will be a struggle. That is what is required.

‘I was at the mass picket last Sunday. Their picket is very important because it demonstrates that the workers are fighting against an employer who has treated them very badly.

‘Their resolve should be admired by all trade unionists. The trade union movement was built by those workers who pay the subs, and not the leaders who are well paid.

‘I refer here in particular to Tony Woodley and the leaders of the TGWU who are not supporting their members properly.

‘Woodley has some questions to answer.’