Uni Strike Suspension Condemned!

Striking UCU lecturers on the picket line at University College London on February 9th

THE SUSPENSION of national strike action across 150 universities by the UCU lecturers union was condemned by a leading London member of the union yesterday.

The University and College Union (UCU) announced on Saturday that it had called off seven days of strikes planned to take place this week and next, on 21, 22, 23, 27 and 28 February and 1 and 2 March.

But Chris Anglin, Chairman of UCU CONEL (College of North East London), insisted: ‘The strike should be restored immediately and indefinitely until the union’s demands are met positively.’

Describing the ‘suspension’ of the strike action by 70,000 members as a ‘win/win’, UCU General Secretary Jo Grady, said on Saturday: ‘We have reached a point in discussions with our employers where we have made significant progress across a range of issues.

‘To allow our ongoing negotiations to continue in a constructive environment we have agreed to pause action across our pay and working conditions and USS pensions disputes for the next two weeks and create a period of calm.

‘This means the strikes on Tuesday 21, Wednesday 22 and Thursday 23 February next week and Monday 27 and Tuesday 28 February and Wednesday 1 and Thursday 2 March will not go ahead.

‘All the action scheduled after these dates remains in place – this will put pressure on the employers.

‘Before going into details of the progress we have made, we want to make it absolutely clear that this is simply a pause.

‘And alongside this, we will be continuing with the campaign to deliver another massive YES vote in the re-ballot.

‘Like us, we know for many members there will be an issue about whether we can trust the employer or not.

‘Let us be clear – they will fear us extending our mandate by another six months far more than they will the next two weeks of strike action.

‘This, alongside the progress we have made, is why this is a win/win for the UCU and our members.

‘We get a genuine chance at the resolving the dispute as well as giving our branches and representatives the time needed to deliver the YES vote.

However, Chris Anglin, Chairman of UCU CONEL (College of North East London), said: ‘The suspension of the strike for negotiations weakens the national action by 150 universities.

‘Promises of talks is a ploy to give an escape route to the union leadership to suspend action after members have voted overwhelmingly for mass action over several weeks.

‘The universities have threatened lecturers with making up for lost lectures during strike action, thus increasing workload and stress.

‘Employers have not put anything concrete on the table over casualisation, pay or pensions.

‘The strike should be restored immediately and indefinitely until the union’s demands are met positively.

‘A general strike should be called by the UCU and all the trade unions to bring down this Tory government and stop the destruction of the public sector.’