‘The TUC must call strike action and show solidarity with Palestine’

Lobbyists meet delegates to discuss how the TUC can take action to support the Palestinian people

‘THE TUC must call strike action, show unity and solidarity with the people of Palestine and end the genocide,’ Maria Cass, Chartered Society of Physiotherapists (CSP) delegate told News Line yesterday.

Speaking outside the TUC Annual Congress in Brighton, she continued to condemn Israel.

‘There’s nothing more important at the moment.

‘It’s disgusting, it’s so racist, it’s a completely apartheid system.

‘Motion 78 on Wednesday calls for a ceasefire.

‘There’s a lot of pro-Palestinian feeling in there. The resolution will pass, but we need a full ban of weapons to Israel and a full trade boycott.

‘I support BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions). We’ve had some success, now the trade unions must take action.’

The Workers Revolutionary Party and Young Socialists lobby of the TUC on Monday began at 8am and got huge support with its constant demand: ‘TUC, Strike for Palestine NOW!’

Jenny Cooper, National Education Union (NEU)  Brent delegate, said: ‘General strike action for Palestine is necessary and urgent.

‘As NEU members we’ve got an interest in children all over the world.

‘The genocide in Gaza is intolerable and the TUC must act.’

NEU general secretary Daniel Kebede told News Line: ‘We have to continue to build the mass movement against the genocide.

‘I’m looking forward to all unions mobilising their members to participate in BDS.’

Steve Turner, a Unite delegate, said: ‘We must stop arms to Israel – all arms, there must be a ceasefire now, and we must stop the genocide now!’

Sarah Woolley from the Bakers Union said: ‘We need to stop all arms to Israel and we need to act on it now, no ifs no buts, there must be strike action now!’

Phillipa Browning, UCU (University and College Union) delegate, was wearing a Refugees Welcome t-shirt.

She said: ‘We should be welcoming asylum seekers rather than persecuting them.

‘We must establish safe routes for all refugees and asylum seekers.’

Faridah Gullam, Unison Essex delegate, said: ‘There must be strike action and the TUC must call it. So many people have been killed, it is compulsory, not an option.

‘The unions have the responsibility. We talk about it all the time, but now is the time.

‘All unions have to do something now. How long have we been talking about it? Now we must act!’

Denyze Harris, Unite south-west, said: ‘It’s unbearably harrowing. Israel is waging all-out war against the whole Palestinian people, they’re spreading it to the West Bank now and it is genocide!

‘It’s time for the TUC to act instead of just sitting on the fence.’

Maria McCaul, Unite North London delegate, said: ‘I’m Irish and I want a one state solution, like what we are going to have in Ireland.

‘The trade union movement, six and a half million members who predominantly support Palestine, are against the genocide.

‘We want our union leaders, especially Sharon Graham the leader of Unite, to stand up for humanity against all war.

‘There must be huge action, a general strike is needed. Enough is enough. We said never again. Let’s make these words real!’

Martin Cavanagh, President of the PCS union, said: ‘Our members are being very clear that they are not prepared to break international law. So we are actively working with our lawyers to see the legal route. We have a policy of 100% support.’

Saira Weiner, UCU NEC, said: ‘We’ve had workplace days of action, student encampments and huge marches.

‘There are TUC Motions this week calling for banning all military sales. But what we need now is strike action.’