Stop hospital closures!

Save Charing Cross campaigners at the Unite lobby of parliament against Clause 119 of the Care Bill which gives the government sweeping powers to close hospitals without consultation
Save Charing Cross campaigners at the Unite lobby of parliament against Clause 119 of the Care Bill which gives the government sweeping powers to close hospitals without consultation

OVER 100 workers and youth lobbied parliament yesterday afternoon ahead of a vote on the government’s Care Bill which includes the hated ‘Clause 119’ which will give Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt sweeping powers to close hospitals.

The lobbyists, who included members from Unite, GMB, a large contingent from the Save Lewisham Hospital Campaign and contingents from Save Charing Cross and Hammersmith, shouted: ‘Stop Clause 119, Save the NHS’ and ‘Who’s NHS? Our NHS!’ as passing motorists and members of the public honked their horns and cheered in support.

Rachael Maskell, Unite Head of Health, addressed the lobby saying: ‘No hospital is safe under this government.

‘This latest assault by the government is breathtaking, attacking not just the NHS but people’s right to protest as well.

‘The government is driving the transfer of our greatest public asset to the private sector. They are willing to trample over people and communities to do so.

‘Yesterday, Unite revealed that people are being appointed to high positions in the NHS who stand to make a lot of money out of privatising healthcare.

‘People like the ex-M&S boss Sir Stuart Rose, who holds shares in Care UK one of the two private companies bidding to take over the threatened George Eliot hospital in Nuneaton.

‘People need to know that under clause 119 their hospital could close in a matter of days and there is not a single thing this government will let them do to stop it, your views are not wanted.

‘This government wants to gag us. Well the strength of this lobby today shows people will not be gagged. Don’t let them silence us – keep on fighting.’

Toyin Adeyinka from Lewisham spoke to News Line saying: ‘It’s an outrage what this government is trying to do. It is a direct attack on local NHS campaigns like we have in Lewisham.

‘I’m here as a mother and I am very concerned for myself and my family. This is why I am defending hospitals.

‘The campaign in Lewisham has brought people in the borough together to legally challenge the closure of the A&E and Maternity. The government’s bill will make it illegal to fight for the NHS.

‘As a member of the public you will be a criminal now when you campaign for your hospital – well, ok then, I’m a criminal, that’s not going to stop me.’

Ann Brandon from Lewisham also spoke to News Line about the dangers of closing hospitals saying, ‘Closing hospitals is very dangerous. Look at what happened at Chase Farm in Enfield after they shut the A&E. People are dying. You had a state of emergency with ambulences queuing outside Barnet and North-Middlesex hospitals.

‘It’s bonkers to close Lewisham A&E and Maternity, when the population is rising all the time. It’s a recipe for disaster.’