POA urges TUC–‘Consider General Strike’


THE TUC General Council is meeting in Brighton at 9.00am today to discuss a resolution calling for it to consider the practicalities of a general strike to combat austerity, after being split down the middle over the resolution at its eve of Congress meeting on Thursday 6th September.

The General Council debated motion P05 ‘Resisting austerity measures’ on the Congress Preliminary Agenda, from the prison officers’ POA union, calling on it to consider a general strike against austerity.

When the vote was taken on Thursday, there were 16 votes in favour and 16 against.

It is understood that TUC general secretary Brendan Barber opposed the POA resolution, and that when the General Council vote was tied, GMB leader Paul Kenny declined to use his chairman’s casting vote to decide the question.

P05 ‘Resisting austerity measures’ states: ‘Congress welcomes the Future that Works demonstration on 20 October 2012 and recognises this as being an effective platform and foundation to resist the damaging austerity measures that are damaging the very fabric of our society in Great Britain.

‘Further, Congress recognises that after the demonstration there needs to be a strong voice from all TUC affiliated unions to protect public and private sector workers, the unemployed, our children, the elderly and all those in our society who are vulnerable.

‘Congress accepts that the trade union movement must continue leading from the front against this uncaring government with a coalition of resistance taking coordinated action where possible with far reaching campaigns including the consideration and practicalities of a general strike.’