Poa Backing Corbyn

POA leader STEVE GILLAN (second from right) leads a march of his members

The POA (Prison Officers Association) is backing labour leader Jeremy Corbyn and his Shadow Cabinet ‘to come through the setback of the EU elections as Labour are the only party that can provide a Brexit that protects and enhances workers’ rights.’

In a statement yesterday, the POA said: ‘Insecurity at work, employer abuses of open labour markets and bad jobs, a failed industrial strategy, lack of investment and austerity driven cuts in prisons, schools, hospitals and transport to name a few should shame this government.

‘A General Election is needed and for this to occur there needs to be a united Labour Party with no sideshows.

‘The POA are not affiliated to the Labour Party and we recognise that our members may support other parties but there can be no doubt that a Labour Government under Jeremy Corbyn will get rid of the draconian legislation that prevents the POA from taking legitimate industrial action and treat our members with respect at work.

‘That is why the POA leadership endorsed Mr Corbyn in the first place, not once but twice.

‘We are also delighted to have two Honorary Life Members in the Shadow Cabinet John McDonnell and Ian Lavery.

‘We want to see them in government as soon as possible.’

Steve Gillan, General Secretary of the POA, stated: ‘The POA have long recognised that a Jeremy Corbyn-led government will be a victory for workers and give them a stronger voice in the workplace where they will be treated with respect and dignity, but this can only be achieved by a united Labour Party as the electorate do not elect parties that are split.

‘The last Labour manifesto was refreshing and caught the imagination of the general public.’