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Don’t implement contract urges BMA

DO NOT implement the new junior doctors contracts, the BMA urged NHS Trusts yesterday, the day the new contracts were due to be rolled...

May Peddles Tory Charade

YESTERDAY PM Theresa May set out her ‘vision for Britain after Brexit’ in a key note speech to their party conference in Birmingham in...
Junior doctors during a demonstration in February – they say ‘No!’ to the new contract

Hunt is driving doctors out! Restore strikes!

‘IT IS a very hollow gesture, to open up more spaces while simultaneously driving doctors out of the profession,’ said Dr Aislinn Macklin-Doherty. She was...

‘No end to austerity’ – Hammond

NEW Tory Chancellor Philip Hammond made it absolutely crystal clear yesterday that there would be no end to austerity under his watch. Speaking to the...

‘Call off strikes or be sacked!’ – Southern rail managers declare war on staff

IN AN unprecedented attack on the right to strike, Southern rail managers have given the RMT union the following ultimatum: call off all...

US Airstrikes Kill 9 Aleppo Civilians

US-led coalition airstrikes on Syria killed nine civilians in the east of the town of Mare, approximately 25 kilometres north of Aleppo yesterday. Meanwhile, the...
Disabled protest against private company Maximus taking over disability assessment testing

Disabled condemn ‘pre-conference spin’

‘THIS is just pre-conference spin to try to improve the Tories toxic reputation on their shabby treatment of disabled people,’ said Disabled People Against...
RCM midwives came out on strike in Belfast in April 2015 for the first time in their history – they will shortly be out again, fighting for a living wage increase

NHS unions demand pay rise!

THE RCN and other unions representing health service employees in the UK yesterday called on the NHS pay review body to recommend an above-inflation...
Mass picket of Ealing Hospital against the closure of the Charlie Chaplin children’s ward – the closures of the A&Es at Ealing and Charing Cross Hospitals are imminent

STPs preparing savage NHS cuts & hospital closures

‘TOP TIPS on making difficult decisions’ are being distributed to health bodies around the country to aid them in broaching the subject of hospital...

‘Get ready for a General Election’ says Corbyn

‘TODAY we put ourselves on notice. Labour is preparing for a general election in 2017,’ said Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn concluding his hour-long speech...
Junior Doctors march to the House of Commons to demand withdrawal of the imposed contract

Labour To Repeal Health And Social Care Act!

A LABOUR government will repeal the Health and Social Care Act,’ Dianne Abbott shadow health secretary said to cheers at the Labour Party...
Southern rail workers during their strike to keep the guard on the train picketing outside Brighton station earlier this month

Rail Strikes Spread

RAIL strikes are spreading with RMT announcing yesterday a 24 hour strike action on Virgin trains East Coast over the threat to nearly 200...
Junior doctors and supporters on the march – their struggle against an imposed contract is not over

Junior Doctors oppose suspension of strikes!

THE Junior Doctors’ Alliance has issued a statement opposing Saturday’s announcement by the BMA leadership of the ‘suspension’ of its planned five-day strike actions...

The return of the racketeer landlord! – over one million tenants are suffering says...

NEW research released today has revealed that in the last year alone over a million – or one in eight – private renters across...
Junior doctors are putting the case that Hunt is assuming dictatorial powers to which he has no right and which are illegal

Hunt ‘assumed powers’ he never had

TORY health secretary Jeremy Hunt’s decision to forcibly impose the new contract on the junior doctors was wrong because he does not have the...

North Carolina State Of Emergency!

THE GOVERNOR of North Carolina declared ‘a state of emergency’ yesterday after two nights of protests in Charlotte following the police shooting...

Nurseries Crisis!

NEW government funding proposals will force nursery schools to close, warns the National Association of Head Teachers (NAHT). Yesterday was the deadline for submissions to...
Nurses and junior doctors demonstrating against the attempt by Hunt to impose a contract. Both sections condemn Hunt’s thoughtless cuts

‘CUTS WITHOUT THOUGHT’ – condemned by RCN nurses

‘THIS report highlights yet another case of cuts without thought for the impact on staff and patients,’ said Stephanie Aiken, RCN Deputy Director of...

End All Zero-Hours Contracts At Barts

LONDON NHS workers have called a demonstration today outside The Old Town Hall in Stratford to protest about hospital workers being forced into abusive...

1,250 Manchester Firefighters To Be Sacked!

FIREFIGHTERS are furious at plans to sack the entire workforce of Greater Manchester. All 1,250 firefighters in the area are to be sacked. Only those...

RAF joins US in Syrian air strike – 62 Syrian army killed

THE BRITISH airforce has admitted its involvement in the US-led airstrikes which killed over 60 Syrian Army troops and injured over 100 more. It has...

2,500 refugees’ lifejackets placed outside parliament

OVER 2,500 lifejackets were placed on the lawn outside parliament, in Parliament Square yesterday, each representing the life of a refugee man, woman or...

US has lost all control in Syria says Churkin

THE UNITED States air strike on Deir Ez-zor on Saturday, which killed 62 Syrian soldiers, means the US has lost control over the situation...

‘Slippery Slope To NHS Privatisation’

‘THIS SORT of service is the slippery slope towards the privatisation of the NHS,’ Dr Applebee, chair of Tower Hamlets Local Medical Committee warned...
Junior doctors are determined to proceed with their five-day strikes

Bma Votes To Proceed With Five-Day Strikes!

DESPITE enormous pressure being piled onto the junior doctors to capitulate and either shorten their strikes or call them off altogether, the BMA has...
Junior doctors defending the NHS – all they have got from the TUC is warm words and absolutely no action

‘The Junior Doctors’ dispute is for all of us’ says TUC – however it...

‘THE junior doctors’ dispute is an issue for all of us,’ declared Unison delegate James Anthony moving Emergency Motion 5 Support for the BMA...

‘Full Public Inquiry Into Blacklisting’

‘WE demand a full public inquiry into blacklisting!’ Gail Cartmail, assistant general secretary of Unite said while addressing the TUC conference in Brighton yesterday. Speaking...

RMT CALL FOR GENERAL STRIKE – to confront Trade Union Act!

THERE was an RMT call for a general strike to confront the Trade Union Act and all anti-union laws at at the TUC Congress...
YS members and supporters lobby TUC delegates urging them to call a general strike to support Junior Doctors and steel workers

Ys Lobbies Tuc

THE Young Socialists lobbied the TUC Congress yesterday in Brighton to demand that it must call a general strike in support of the Junior...
Junior doctors in Norwich taking strike action – many are looking to the TUC to take action with them on October 5th

Tories Busting NHS!

NHS leaders in England say they have reached a ‘tipping point’ and cannot maintain standards for patients on the funding they are getting. Chris Hopson,...
Doctors and teachers march against Hunt’s attempts to impose a contract on the junior doctors – now the teachers are under heavy attack from the May government and its attempts to bring back the eleven plus

May Brings Back 11 Plus!

TORY PM Theresa May yesterday unveiled plans, despite all denials, to drive education back to the 1940s by allowing any school to become a...

National Post Strike!

‘THOUSANDS of our Post Office members will strike next Thursday, against attacks on their job security and pensions and in defence of the Crown...

Boris Johnson & UK Are ‘Delusional’–Syria

SYRIA says the UK is ‘detached from reality and delusional’ after the British Foreign Minister backed a proposal by President Bashar al-Assad’s opponents calling...
Southern Rail guards on the picket line at Brighton station yesterday morning

Big support for TUC lobby in Brighton

DAVE Russell, GMB rep for council infrastructure at the Brighton and Hove refuse collection depot yesterday told News Line: ‘We are going to join...

Syria rejects rebel ‘peace plan!’

THE Syrian government has dismissed a peace proposal from the umbrella group representing Syria’s US and UK backed political and armed opposition. The opposition’s High...
Young Socialists and WRP members lobbying the TUC last year demanding ‘No Zero-Hours Contracts’ and ‘End Slave Labour for Youth’

Apprentices used as cheap labour

THE Tories have no plan to stop youth on apprenticeships being ‘exploited as cheap labour by unscrupulous employers,’ Mark Serwotka, general secretary of public...
Teachers and doctors called a joint march at which PCS, RMT, FBU and ASLEF attended – all unions must strike together to defend the NHS

Junior Doctors must not fight alone – TUC call a general strike!

ALL day yesterday the junior doctors were under heavy attack with Tories demanding that their strike be made illegal and suggestions being made that...

Obama gives May dressing down!

OUTGOING US President Barack Obama yesterday warned PM May that Britain was wrong to vote to leave the EU and suggested it is still...
On the 102nd anniversary of the Burston strike over 1,000 marched to a rally that was addressed by Labour leader Corbyn

Burston marchers call for a general strike!

LABOUR Party leader Jeremy Corbyn welcomed the contribution of refugees and overseas workers in the NHS when he addressed a 1,500-strong Burston Strike...
Lively mass picket of Ealing Hospital gave its full support to the decisive strike actions called by the junior doctors


‘VICTORY to the junior doctors!’ shouted the 50-strong mass picket of Ealing Hospital yesterday morning, adding, ‘Call a general strike!’ The picket, called by the...

Southern bailout stinks!

‘THIS STINKS of another multi-million pound taxpayer subsidy to bail out the failing Southern rail part of the Govia Thameslink franchise,’ Mick Cash general...
Junior doctors are demanding further action to defeat Hunt’s contract imposition

5-day strike actions for Junior Doctors!

AN ESCALATING programme of five-day strikes, every month until the end of the year, has been authorised by the BMA, as junior doctors take...

Grampian NHS Huge Increases In Private Nurses

NHS Grampian in Scotland has spent vast amounts of taxpayers’ money on private nurses in the last five years – almost two million pounds...

Families Are Being Uprooted!

FAMILIES are being uprooted from their council flats or housing association flats and ‘decanted’ hundreds of miles from their homes as areas of London...