Nursing Staff Levels Dangerously Low!

Unison healthworkers from St Georges Hospital on a TUC demonstration – they demand more staff or patients will die
Unison healthworkers from St Georges Hospital on a TUC demonstration – they demand more staff or patients will die

‘My department is running at VERY UNSAFE levels due to inadequate staffing,’ said one of almost 3,000 nurses from across the UK who took part in a major new Unison survey.

The survey released yesterday reveal 65% of staff saying that they do not have enough time with patients.

The survey report – Running on Empty – highlights research that demonstrates the clear link between appropriate patient staff ratios and patient mortality.

The survey points to independent evidence showing that nursing cutbacks are directly linked to higher patient death rates in hospitals and that when a nurse or healthcare assistant is responsible for eight or more patients, harm is occurring.

The survey found that 45% of nurses are caring for eight or more patients!

Key Findings include:

* Three quarters of all midwives and 71% of all nurses (general and mental health) said they did not have adequate time with each patient.

* 59% of all nurses on a night shift said there were elements of care they were unable to give.

* 92% supported minimum staffing levels, with 65% supporting a legally enforceable minimum.

* 45% of staff were looking after eight or more patients during their shift, this increased to 53% on night duty.

Gail Adams, Unison Head of Nursing, said: ‘It’s clear that despite nurses working through breaks and beyond their hours, they simply do not have enough time to give patients the care and attention they need. That is distressing for patients and for the staff trying to care for them.’

Some typical comments taken from the survey findings were:

• ‘I have been pressured to take admissions when due to lack of staff it has not been safe to do it.’

• ‘On occasions, staffing levels are bordering on dangerous. We are in a Mid Staffs situation and I don’t believe we are the only ones.’

• ‘Both my staff and I frequently have to work alone which is very unsafe.’

• ‘I did not feel able to provide the type of care I would have liked to the patients.  It felt more like a conveyor belt. No compassion, little dignity, I left at the end of my shift feeling distraught and that perhaps I have made a huge mistake training as a registered nurse.’

• ‘My department is running at VERY UNSAFE levels due to inadequate staffing.’

• ‘I am the only qualified nurse on a 13-hour shift, so I don’t get a break during these shifts. You get tired. It’s unsafe. Some shifts are now 100% bank staff.’

• ‘We have patients that need to be monitored closely following procedures or during therapy, with many needing to be checked on an hourly basis. That cannot be done when there is a ratio of one nurse to 11 patients.’

• ‘I felt I was being bullied to take extra patients from A&E.’