NATO striking schools, hospitals, homes


MUSA IBRAHIM, the spokesman for Colonel Gadaffi, has accused NATO of carrying out air strikes against ‘schools, hospitals and residential areas in Sirte and Bani Walid’.

Speaking on Saturday to Al Ray TV, Musa said, ‘Yesterday and today the mujahidin in the brave city of Sirte killed and captured many in the ranks of the enemy.’

He also spoke of the resistance of the Warfallah tribe in Bani Walid.

He urged the Libyan people to back the ‘mujahidin’ and to engage in ‘passive resistance and civilian disobedience’ by refusing to cooperate with the ‘agents’.

He said that pro-Al-Gadaffi forces had enough heavy weapons, bombs and explosives and were ‘ready for a long war’.

Ibrahim urged the ‘Arabs to stage marches, write in newspapers and speak on your radios and televisions against what the NATO forces and the gangs are doing now.

‘How can the brothers in the United Arab Emirates accept to see their government fighting alongside Britain and France against Libya?

‘How can noble Qataris see their government providing logistic support to agents fighting alongside France and Britain against Libyans?’

Ibrahim attacked the world media for not reporting about the ‘victims’ of air strikes in pro-Al-Gadaffi cities.

‘I want to expose the whole world media. I personally asked all world reporters, I contacted news agencies and satellite televisions and I asked them to come to Bani Walid, Sirte, Al-Jufrah and Sabha in order to take pictures of children who have been killed at night, to photograph women whose bodies have been crushed in daylight and to photograph families who have disappeared completely as a result of NATO air strikes.

‘They all refused to come because they are party to this conspiracy.’

He accused the NATO coalition of overlooking their differences in order to ‘share the Libyan oil’.

He said: ‘France has colonial designs not only in Libya, but also in Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco. It wants to use Libya as a bridge to establish an Amazigh (Berber) and Ibadi state in North Africa in order to divide brothers by making this an Arab, that an Amazigh, this a Sunni and that an Ibadi and to divide the country and people as they did in Sudan and as they want to do in Egypt and Syria.’
